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Guidelines for writing the paper

-You can choose between 2 topics (below each topic I included a sample essay covering the subject):

1. Why certain terrorism acts should be defined as “political violence” instead.

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2. Or why terrorist are not only Muslim people.

3. If you want you can come up with a better topic regarding terrorism that must be related to the films listed below. Must me an argumentative topic.

-The paper should include a thesis statement that must be arguable: you are stating an opinion that will be proven in the course of your paper with the help of sources (The films and 3 others sources you find)

-The thesis should have the possibility of some alternative view of the matter.

-Format is 5 pages double-spaced, 12-point font.

-Must make a large portion of the essay referencing the following films:

1. Made in France (2015)

2. In the Fade (2017)

-Reference both movies and find 3 other sources to cite in the paper other than Wikipedia.

-A works cited should be in MLA format at the end of the paper effectively being the 6th page.

-Do not retell the entirety of the films as it is assumed the audience of the paper have already viewed the films.

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