
For the third essay we are writing on film.  I remember when I was a young kid, I’d sneak out of bed and turn on the TV to the late movie (at that time we only had maybe 10 channels… cable….no computers/dvds….etc.).  They would always play great films from the 1930s through the 1960s.  I continued to study these films in graduate school….and have taught Film History here and at other schools.  So now you get to experience the wonder of some old films.

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You will choose a film that was made before 1970.

Ok–have you recovered from shock?  Keep reading.

You will write basically an updated review of the film and quote from two sources (at least one should be an earlier review of the film).  Follow these directions:

Interesting Title, of course

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Intro:  Hook section gets my interest….then name the film after that;  give general info on the film such as the director, major actors, and year it was made.  End the paragraph with the judgment of the film.

First body paragraph:  Discuss the ‘style’ of the director.  Figure out what sort of films he directed and what they have in common.  No biography needed in this paper.  Discuss a scene or two in the film that is interesting and that tells you something just by viewing it.

Second body paragraph:  Discuss the first major star….no bio here.  What sort of persona do they usually present in the films they made?  (In any of these paragraphs, you will quote from other critics/historians.)  Discuss a scene or two in which they do a good job.

Third body paragraph:  Discuss the second major star in the film…..much like the previous paragraph.

Fourth body paragraph:  Discuss what genre the film belongs in –a genre means ‘type’, so is it a western? gangster? science fiction?  what?  Discuss how this particular film fits into the history of this film genre.

Fifth body paragraph:  Discuss the theme or messages in the film.  In other words, if this were a Biblical parable, what is it teaching?  Usually the main character and the villain (or opposite) represent two sides of an idea, so you might think about that.

Conclusion:  Restate main idea/judgment;  review some of the points;  end with an interesting idea.

I can help you choose a good film….but you have to find and watch it yourself.

FYI–a film that I think is super great is ‘On the Waterfront’ from 1954 starring Marlon Brando.

To find earlier reviews of your film, look here:……to find info on your film look here:

To help you choose the film, look here:


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