
i have 3 essays due tomorrow. i need help with one can anybody assist me?

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here are the instructions.

Choose one of the following readings to analyze or argue:

  1. Rafael Castillo’s “Corporal Punishment: Discipline or Abuse”
  2. Stacey Patton’s “Understanding Black America and the Spanking Debate”
  3. Judith Ortiz Cofer’s “The Myth of the Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria”
  4. Maxine Hong Kingston’s “No Name Woman”


  1. Use Google Docs and provide share link with editor access. If you use PCC Google, make sure to use “Anyone with the Link” to allow for outside collaboration. (Please see tab Googles Doc Share Editor and follow the instructions).
  2. Write a minimum of 750 words (3-4 pages). 
  3. Follow MLA documentation style
  4. Proofread and edit

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