
Overview: As you complete each section of your final project, remember that you are assuming the role of hospital administrator, so you will identify the important elements of healthcare insurance plans and the overall impact of financial management principles. Financial principles to focus on include the elements of the revenue cycle, types of reporting, and the financial data that is needed for hospital administrators to evaluate the cost and quality of processes.

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Prompt: Submit a draft of the Financial Principles and Reimbursement portion of your research and analysis.

. Financial Principles and Reimbursement: 

a) Reimbursement Strategies: What is the impact of case rates and management utilization data on pay-for-performance incentives? Be sure to provide support for your response. 

b) Reimbursement Methods: Analyze reimbursement methods, describing the advantages and disadvantages of each method in terms of strategic planning for operational performance. For example, why might one method be more advantageous than another at a hospital or at a physician’s office? 

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c) Financial Management Principles: Compare and contrast financial management principles such as financial data that describe financial performance of revenue reimbursement, benchmarking of industry standards, payer-mix breakdown of payers, and case rate and utilization rate data used to evaluate operational performance.

 d) Accounts Receivable: What are the challenges associated with collecting payments for the accounts receivable or collections department, and what is the significance of monitoring cash flow and days in accounts receivable in terms of reimbursement?

 e) Teamwork Principles: Compare and contrast collaborative teamwork principles to most effectively develop strategic planning that involves crossdisciplinary teams. In other words, what principles work best for teams where individuals are from both clinical and non-clinical departments? What are some of the challenges this might present for cohesive collaboration? Be sure to provide support for your response.

 f) Maximizing Reimbursement: Generally speaking, to what extent do you feel healthcare organizations utilize case rates and management utilization to maximize reimbursement from both government and third-party payer payment systems? Be sure to provide support for your response.

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft of the Financial Principles and Reimbursement portion of the research and analysis should be 2–3 pages in length and should be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. All citations and references should be formatted according to current APA guidelines. Include at least two references.

Rubric for assignment attached as well as rubric for final project. 

IHP 630 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: As you complete each section of your final project, remember that you are assuming the role of hospital administrator, so you will identify the
important elements of healthcare insurance plans and the overall impact of financial management principles. Financial principles to focus on include the
elements of the revenue cycle, types of reporting, and the financial data that is needed for hospital administrators to evaluate the cost and quality of processes.

Prompt: Submit a draft of the Financial Principles and Reimbursement portion of your research and analysis.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

II. Financial Principles and Reimbursement:
a) Reimbursement Strategies: What is the impact of case rates and management utilization data on pay-for-performance incentives? Be sure to

provide support for your response.
b) Reimbursement Methods: Analyze reimbursement methods, describing the advantages and disadvantages of each method in terms of strategic

planning for operational performance. For example, why might one method be more advantageous than another at a hospital or at a physician’s

c) Financial Management Principles: Compare and contrast financial management principles such as financial data that describe financial performance
of revenue reimbursement, benchmarking of industry standards, payer-mix breakdown of payers, and case rate and utilization rate data used to
evaluate operational performance.

d) Accounts Receivable: What are the challenges associated with collecting payments for the accounts receivable or collections department, and what
is the significance of monitoring cash flow and days in accounts receivable in terms of reimbursement?

e) Teamwork Principles: Compare and contrast collaborative teamwork principles to most effectively develop strategic planning that involves cross-
disciplinary teams. In other words, what principles work best for teams where individuals are from both clinical and non-clinical departments? What
are some of the challenges this might present for cohesive collaboration? Be sure to provide support for your response.

f) Maximizing Reimbursement: Generally speaking, to what extent do you feel healthcare organizations utilize case rates and management utilization
to maximize reimbursement from both government and third-party payer payment systems? Be sure to provide support for your response.

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft of the Financial Principles and Reimbursement portion of the research and analysis should be 2–3 pages in length and
should be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. All citations and references should be formatted according to current APA
guidelines. Include at least two references.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Financial Principles and


Logically assesses the impact of
case rates and management
utilization data on pay-for-
performance incentives,
supporting response

Assesses the impact of case rates
and management utilization data
on pay-for-performance
incentives, supporting response,
but with gaps in logic, detail, or
relevant support

Does not assess the impact of
case rates and management
utilization data on pay-for-
performance incentives


Financial Principles and


Accurately analyzes
reimbursement methods,
describing the advantages and
disadvantages of each method in
terms of strategic planning for
operational performance

Analyzes reimbursement
methods, describing the
advantages and disadvantages of
each method, but with gaps in
accuracy, detail, or relevancy to
strategic planning for operational

Does not analyze reimbursement
methods, describing the
advantages and disadvantages of
each method in terms of strategic
planning for operational


Financial Principles and


Accurately compares and
contrasts financial management
principles used to evaluate
operational performance

Compares and contrasts financial
management principles used to
evaluate operational
performance but with gaps in
accuracy, relevancy, or detail

Does not compare and contrast
financial management principles
used to evaluate operational


Financial Principles and


Logically assesses the challenges
associated with collecting
payments and explains the
significance of monitoring cash
flow and days in accounts
receivable in terms of

Assesses the challenges
associated with collecting
payments and explains the
significance of monitoring cash
flow and days in accounts
receivable, but response has gaps
in logic or detail or is irrelevant to

Does not assess the challenges
associated with collecting
payments, and does not explain
the significance of monitoring
cash flow and days in accounts


Financial Principles and


Logically compares and contrasts
collaborative teamwork principles
for most effectively developing
strategic planning that involves
cross-disciplinary teams,
supporting response

Compares and contrasts
collaborative teamwork principles
for most effectively developing
strategic planning that involves
cross-disciplinary teams,
supporting response, but with
gaps in logic, detail, or relevant

Does not compare and contrast
collaborative teamwork principles
for developing strategic planning
that involves cross-disciplinary

Financial Principles and


Logically assesses the extent to
which healthcare organizations
utilize case rates and
management utilization data to
maximize reimbursement from
both government and third-party
payer payment systems,
supporting response

Assesses the extent to which
healthcare organizations utilize
case rates and management
utilization data to maximize
reimbursement from both
government and third-party
payer payment systems,
supporting response, but with
gaps in logic, detail, or relevant

Does not assess the extent to
which healthcare organizations
utilize case rates and
management utilization data to
maximize reimbursement from
both government and third-party
payer payment systems


Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact readability
and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of


Total 100%

IHP 630 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

The final project for this course is the creation of a payment system and reimbursement method analysis and a report to management.

The healthcare industry is impacted by government payer types as administrators prepare strategies and implement internal procedures designed to maximize
reimbursement. You are reminded that the primary focal point between healthcare firms and other business operations is the payment method. Healthcare
administrators implement strategies designed to meet key performance payment requirements critical for government compliance and reimbursement
guidelines. One way administrators accomplish this is to analyze deficiency errors based on quality measures performed by providers, nursing staff, and front
desk operations. The Affordable Care Act and other changes in legislation are of continual concern for healthcare organizations as administrators review changes
to ensure organizational processes and internal policies are implemented.

Your final project for this course is an analysis with recommendations. The project will require you to prepare an analysis of payment systems and reimbursement
methods. You will compare and contrast your findings and offer subsequent recommendations. You will consider compliance and government regulations along
with financial principles associated with reimbursement. You will also identify collaborative teamwork strategies that can be incorporated into various healthcare

The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final
submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Three, Five, and Seven. The final submission is due in Module Nine.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Assess the extent to which healthcare organizations utilize financial management principles for guiding strategic planning

 Analyze federal, state, and third-party payer regulations and reporting guidelines for ensuring compliance with healthcare reimbursement requirements

 Recommend collaborative teamwork principles for improving strategic planning processes involving healthcare reimbursement

 Suggest financial approaches for improving cash flow, days in accounts receivable, and timeliness of reimbursements from various healthcare payer

 Recommend strategies for maximizing healthcare reimbursement by reviewing the impact of case rates and management utilization data on pay-for-
performance incentives

Your analysis with recommendations should answer the following big-picture questions: What reimbursement payment methods and strategies are associated
with the healthcare industry? How do financial management principles relate to reimbursement in evaluating operational performance? And, how does the
revenue cycle affect various departments within the healthcare organization?

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: What is the purpose, scope, and subject of your analysis and management report? Your introduction must describe the aim of your paper,
what you are assessing, and the analysis you expect to perform.

II. Financial Principles and Reimbursement:

a) Reimbursement Strategies: What is the impact of case rates and management utilization data on pay-for-performance incentives? Be sure to
provide support for your response.

b) Reimbursement Methods: Analyze reimbursement methods, describing the advantages and disadvantages of each method in terms of strategic
planning for operational performance. For example, why might one method be more advantageous than another at a hospital or at a physician’s

c) Financial Management Principles: Compare and contrast financial management principles such as financial data that describe financial performance
of revenue reimbursement, benchmarking of industry standards, payer-mix breakdown of payers, and case rate and utilization rate data used to
evaluate operational performance.

d) Accounts Receivable: What are the challenges associated with collecting payments for the accounts receivable or collections department, and what
is the significance of monitoring cash flow and days in accounts receivable in terms of reimbursement?

e) Teamwork Principles: Compare and contrast collaborative teamwork principles to most effectively develop strategic planning that involves cross-
disciplinary teams. In other words, what principles work best for teams where individuals are from both clinical and non-clinical departments? What
are some of the challenges this might present for cohesive collaboration? Be sure to provide support for your response.

f) Maximizing Reimbursement: Generally speaking, to what extent do you feel healthcare organizations utilize case rates and management utilization
to maximize reimbursement from both government and third-party payer payment systems? Be sure to provide support for your response.

III. Federal and State Payment Systems:

a) Federal and State Regulations: Considering the recent changes in economic policy at the federal and state levels, what changes in federal and state
regulations present the most concern for healthcare leaders? Be sure to provide support for your response.

b) Reporting Requirements: Analyze the reporting guidelines required by Medicaid and Medicare and other government payment systems. What are
the opportunities and challenges for healthcare leaders in meeting reporting requirements?

c) Compliance Standards and Financial Principles: Analyze how healthcare organizations in general utilize financial principles to ensure compliance
with government standards.

d) Government Payer Types: Considering Medicaid, Medicare, and other government payer systems, what strategies would you recommend
organizations implement in order to receive full reimbursement on claims as well as to improve timeliness of this reimbursement? Be sure to justify
your recommendations.

IV. Third-Party Payment Systems:

a) Healthcare System Reimbursement: Evaluate third-party payer models for the impacts they present on healthcare system reimbursement.

b) Reporting Requirements: Analyze the reporting guidelines of third-party payer payment systems. What opportunities and challenges do they
present for healthcare leaders in meeting reporting requirements?

c) Compliance Standards and Financial Principles: Analyze how healthcare organizations in general utilize financial principles to guide strategic
planning to ensure the meeting of third-party submission requirements.

d) Reimbursement Methods: Considering third-party payer systems, what strategies would you recommend organizations implement in order to
receive full reimbursement on claims as well as to improve timeliness of this reimbursement? Be sure to justify your recommendations.

V. Operational and Strategic Planning in Healthcare:

a) Pay-For-Performance Incentives: Based on your prior analysis of the impact of case rates and management utilization data on pay-for-performance
incentives, recommend appropriate operational strategies to improve performance measures that will maximize reimbursement. Be sure to provide
support for your recommendations

b) Operational Performance Measures: Considering benchmarking data, recommend performance measures that should be monitored for the purpose
of maximizing reimbursement.

c) Teamwork and Strategic Planning: Recommend collaborative teamwork principles that would be beneficial for healthcare strategic planning in terms
of reimbursement. Be sure to provide support for your recommendations.

d) Communicating Strategic Planning Across Teams: What types of tools or strategies would you recommend for communicating strategic planning
conclusions to key stakeholders, members of cross-disciplinary teams, and the rest of the organization? In other words, how would you
communicate strategic planning information to clinical vs. non-clinical staff? To administrative staff? Be sure to provide support for your

e) Financial and Reimbursement Strategies: Considering cash flow and days in accounts receivable of hospital and health systems, recommend
reimbursement strategies that would be appropriate for low- and high-performing health systems. Provide evidence to support your conclusion.

Milestone One: Draft of Financial Principles
In Module Three, you will submit a 2–3-page draft of the Financial Principles and Reimbursement portion of your research and analysis. This milestone will be
graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Draft of Federal and State Payment Systems
In Module Five, you will submit a 2–3-page draft of the Federal and State Payment Systems portion of your research and analysis. This milestone will be graded
with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Milestone Three: Draft of Third-Party Payment Systems and Planning in Healthcare
In Module Seven, you will submit a 2–3-page draft of the Third-Party Payment Systems and the Operational and Strategic Planning in Healthcare portions of your
research and analysis. Submit both sections together as a single document. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.

Final Submission: Analysis and Report
In Module Nine, you will submit your analysis and report in its final form addressing all critical elements in this document. In addition to applying the feedback
you have received on each section throughout the term, you will develop your introduction for your final submission of the analysis and report. This submission
will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.


Milestone Deliverable Module Due Grading

One Draft of Financial Principles Three Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric

Two Draft of Federal and State Payment Systems Five Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric

Three Draft of Third-Party Payment Systems and
Planning in Healthcare

Seven Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric

Final Submission: Analysis and Report Nine Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Your payment system and reimbursement method analysis with report to management should be 10 to 12 pages in length and should
be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. All citations and references should be formatted according to current APA
guidelines. Include at least five references.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Introduction Meets “Proficient” criteria and
utilizes industry-specific
language to establish expertise
and clearly articulate purpose,
scope, and subject

Comprehensively introduces
purpose, scope, and subject of
analysis and report

Introduces purpose, scope, and
subject of analysis and report
but with gaps in detail

Does not introduce purpose,
scope, and subject of analysis
and report


Financial Principles
and Reimbursement:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates exceptional
insight into the impact of case
rates and management
utilization data on

Logically assesses the impact of
case rates and management
utilization data on pay-for-
performance incentives,
supporting response

Assesses the impact of case
rates and management
utilization data on pay-for-
performance incentives,
supporting response, but with
gaps in logic, detail, or relevant

Does not assess the impact of
case rates and management
utilization data on pay-for-
performance incentives


Financial Principles
and Reimbursement:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates advanced
knowledge of reimbursement
methods with regard to
strategic planning

Accurately analyzes
reimbursement methods,
describing the advantages and
disadvantages of each method
in terms of strategic planning
for operational performance

Analyzes reimbursement
methods, describing the
advantages and disadvantages
of each method, but with gaps
in accuracy, detail, or relevancy
to strategic planning for
operational performance

Does not analyze
reimbursement methods,
describing the advantages and
disadvantages of each method
in terms of strategic planning
for operational performance


Financial Principles
and Reimbursement:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates exceptional
insight into the use of financial
management principles for
evaluating operational

Accurately compares and
contrasts financial
management principles used to
evaluate operational

Compares and contrasts
financial management
principles used to evaluate
operational performance but
with gaps in accuracy,
relevancy, or detail

Does not compare and contrast
financial management
principles used to evaluate
operational performance


Financial Principles
and Reimbursement:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws nuanced connections
between cash flow, days in
accounts receivable, and

Logically assesses the
challenges associated with
collecting payments and
explains the significance of
monitoring cash flow and days
in accounts receivable in terms
of reimbursement

Assesses the challenges
associated with collecting
payments and explains the
significance of monitoring cash
flow and days in accounts
receivable, but response has
gaps in logic or detail or is
irrelevant to reimbursement

Does not assess the challenges
associated with collecting
payments, and does not explain
the significance of monitoring
cash flow and days in accounts


Financial Principles
and Reimbursement:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates advanced insight
into using teamwork principles
for developing strategic plans

Logically compares and
contrasts collaborative
teamwork principles for most
effectively developing strategic
planning that involves cross-
disciplinary teams, supporting

Compares and contrasts
collaborative teamwork
principles for most effectively
developing strategic planning
that involves cross-disciplinary
teams, supporting response,
but with gaps in logic, detail, or
relevant support

Does not compare and contrast
collaborative teamwork
principles for developing
strategic planning that involves
cross-disciplinary teams

Financial Principles
and Reimbursement:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates exceptional
insight into the use of case
rates and management
utilization data to maximize

Logically assesses the extent to
which healthcare organizations
utilize case rates and
management utilization data to
maximize reimbursement from
both government and third-
party payer payment systems,
supporting response

Assesses the extent to which
healthcare organizations utilize
case rates and management
utilization data to maximize
reimbursement from both
government and third-party
payer payment systems,
supporting response, but with
gaps in logic, detail, or relevant

Does not assess the extent to
which healthcare organizations
utilize case rates and
management utilization data to
maximize reimbursement from
both government and third-
party payer payment systems


Federal and State:

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates superior insight
into the impact of changes in
federal and state regulations on
healthcare providers

Logically assesses the changes
in federal and state regulations
that present the most concern
for healthcare leaders,
supporting response

Assesses the changes in federal
and state regulations that
present the most concern for
healthcare leaders, supporting
response, but with gaps in logic,
detail, or relevant support

Does not assess the changes in
federal and state regulations
that present the most concern
for healthcare leaders


Federal and State:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates advanced
knowledge of government
payment systems’ reporting
guidelines and requirements

Accurately analyzes reporting
guidelines required by
government payment systems
for the opportunities and
challenges facing healthcare
leaders in meeting reporting

Analyzes reporting guidelines
required by government
payment systems for the
opportunities and challenges
facing healthcare leaders in
meeting reporting
requirements but with gaps in
accuracy or detail

Does not analyze reporting
guidelines required by
government payment systems
for the opportunities and
challenges facing healthcare
leaders in meeting reporting


Federal and State:

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the use of financial principles
for ensuring compliance with
government standards

Accurately analyzes how
healthcare organizations utilize
financial principles for ensuring
compliance with government

Analyzes how healthcare
organizations utilize financial
principles for ensuring
compliance with government
standards but with gaps in
accuracy or detail

Does not analyze how
healthcare organizations utilize
financial principles for ensuring
compliance with government


Federal and State:
Government Payer


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
recommended strategies are
exceptionally relevant and
appropriate for the intended

Recommends appropriate
strategies for organizations to
receive full reimbursement on
claims and improve timeliness
of reimbursement from
government payers, justifying

Recommends strategies, but
they are not appropriate for
organizations to receive full
reimbursement on claims and
improve timeliness of
reimbursement from
government payers or response
has gaps in detail or relevant

Does not recommend strategies
for organizations to receive full
reimbursement on claims and
improve timeliness of
reimbursement from
government payers


Third-Party Payment:

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
draws nuanced connections
between third-party payer
models and reimbursement

Accurately evaluates third-
party payer models for the
impact they present on
healthcare system

Evaluates third-party payer
models for the impact they
present on healthcare system
reimbursement but with gaps
in accuracy or detail

Does not evaluate third-party
payer models for the impact
they present on healthcare
system reimbursement


Third-Party Payment:


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates advanced
knowledge of third-party payer
payment systems’ reporting
guidelines and requirements

Accurately analyzes reporting
guidelines required by third-
party payer payment systems
for the opportunities and
challenges facing healthcare
leaders in meeting reporting

Analyzes reporting guidelines
required by third-party payer
payment systems for the
opportunities and challenges
facing healthcare leaders in
meeting reporting
requirements but with gaps in
accuracy or detail

Does not analyze reporting
guidelines required by third-
party payer payment systems
for the opportunities and
challenges facing healthcare
leaders in meeting reporting


Third-Party Payment:

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates keen insight into
the use of financial principles
for ensuring compliance with
third-party payer submission

Accurately analyzes how
healthcare organizations utilize
financial principles for guiding
strategic planning in ensuring
compliance with third-party
payer submission requirements

Analyzes how healthcare
organizations utilize financial
principles for guiding strategic
planning in ensuring
compliance with third-party
payer submission requirements
but with gaps in accuracy or

Does not analyze how
healthcare organizations utilize
financial principles for guiding
strategic planning in ensuring
compliance with third-party
payer submission requirements

Third-Party Payment:

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
recommended strategies are
exceptionally relevant and
appropriate for the intended

Recommends appropriate
strategies for organizations to
receive full reimbursement on
claims and improve timeliness
of reimbursement from third-
party payer systems, justifying

Recommends strategies, but
they are not appropriate for
organizations to receive full
reimbursement on claims and
improve timeliness of
reimbursement from third-
party payer systems or
response has gaps in detail or
relevant justification

Does not recommend strategies
for organizations to receive full
reimbursement on claims and
improve timeliness of
reimbursement from third-
party payer systems


Planning: Pay-for-

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates exceptional
insight into the use of
improving performance
measures to maximize

Makes appropriate
recommendations for
operational strategies to
improve performance
measures that will maximize
reimbursement based on prior
analysis of impact of case rates
and management utilization
data, providing support for

Makes recommendations, but
they are not appropriate for
operational strategies to
improve performance
measures that will maximize
recommendations are not
based on prior analysis of
impact of case rates and
management utilization data,
or response has gaps in detail
or relevant support

Does not make
recommendations for
operational strategies to
improve performance
measures that will maximize


Planning: Operational

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates exceptional
insight into the use of
benchmarking for maximizing
reimbursement through
improved operational

Recommends appropriate
performance measures that
should be monitored for the
purpose of maximizing
reimbursement, considering
benchmarking data

Recommends performance
measures that should be
monitored for the purpose of
maximizing reimbursement, but
measures are not appropriate
for the intended purpose or
recommendations are not
based on benchmarking data

Does not recommend
performance measures that
should be monitored for the
purpose of maximizing
reimbursement, considering
benchmarking data


Planning: Teamwork

Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates advanced insight
into using teamwork principles
for developing strategic plans
surrounding reimbursement

Recommends appropriate
collaborative teamwork
principles that would be
beneficial for healthcare
strategic planning in terms of
reimbursement, providing
support for recommendations

Recommends teamwork
principles, but they are not
appropriate or adequate for the
intended purpose or response
has gaps in detail or relevant

Does not recommend
collaborative teamwork
principles that would be
beneficial for healthcare
strategic planning in terms of



Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates exceptional
insight into communication
tools and strategies for
targeted audiences

Recommends appropriate tools
or strategies for communicating
strategic planning conclusions
to various audiences, providing
support for recommendations

Recommends tools or
strategies, but they are not
appropriate for communicating
strategic planning conclusions
to various audiences or
response has gaps in detail or
relevant support

Does not recommend tools or
strategies for communicating
strategic planning conclusions
to various audiences


Planning: Financial
and Reimbursement


Meets “Proficient” criteria and
recommended strategies are
exceptionally relevant and well-
suited for the intended purpose

Recommends appropriate
reimbursement strategies for
low- and high-performing
health systems, considering
cash flow and days in accounts
receivable, supporting
conclusion with evidence

Recommends strategies for
low- and high-performing
health systems, but
recommendations are not
appropriate for the intended
purpose or do not consider
cash flow and days in accounts
receivable, or response has
gaps in detail or relevant

Does not recommend
reimbursement strategies for
low- and high-performing
health systems


Articulation of

Submission is free of errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, and
organization and is presented in
a professional and easy-to-read

Submission has no major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that negatively impact
readability and articulation of
main ideas

Submission has critical errors
related to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
that prevent understanding of


Total 100%

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