
Application Essay (3-page minimum, ≈ 700 words, MLA 8 Format): 15 pts. This essay parallels an application to an academic program. Write a true self-descriptive story for an audience of professors on an admissions committee or employees on a hiring committee. Choose one question from this list, based on UT’s McCombs School of Business application:

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  • At Lone Star College, you will be part of an active and diverse community. Describe a unique experience you have had that will enrich the Lone Star discussions.
  • Narrate a defining experience in your leadership development. What did you learn from this experience about your strengths and weaknesses as a leader?
  • If your standardized test scores are low or if you have not had traditional college-track course work, describe how a specific experience shows you are prepared for the demands of college credit courses.
  • What was one your biggest mistakes and what specific experience shows you learned from that mistake?

This type of story can establish the writer’s interest and authority on an issue. Examples from past students include moments when: they lead a project; they connect with a culture; they survive a crisis; or they change an outlook. Consider the audience, purpose, and situation. Think of plot expectations of introduction, conflict, climax, and resolution. Use memory to incorporate sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures to emphasize images of you thriving in your field. Submit a file copy to Class Login / Lone Star College Online / Course Activities / Assignments. The essay could establish an area of interest for later papers.

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