Essay 1


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The purpose of this assignment is to respond to the reading, “2030—Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions or Bill Joy’s Fears?” in which Carolyn Mathas presents two opposing views about the future of technology and the impact of artificial intelligence on humans. Your essay will make it clear whether you are more inclined to agree with Kurzweil’s position or Joy’s position.


The assignment will support your skills that are critical in writing an academic essay, using source material (from our textbook only—no outside sources allowed).  Refer to the Essay Rubric for specific grading criteria.

  • Writing a clear, well-organized 1,000-word document
  • Crafting an effective thesis
  • Integrating sources and using MLA documentation
  • Using critical thinking skills
  • Editing and proofreading final copy


The assignment will also help you to consider the future of technology and the impact of artificial intelligence on humans.


Follow these steps to complete this assignment.

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  1. Read Carolyn Mathas’s “2030—Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions or Bill Joy’s Fears?” (374-376 in our textbook).
  2. Decide whether you are more inclined to agree with Kurzweil or Joy.
  3. Write a 1,000-word essay that makes your opinion clear. Your thesis should present your opinion, using the language of an academic paper (no “in my opinion” or “I believe”). The essay should discuss why you agree with Kurzweil or Joy.
  4. Use MLA documentation – four in-text citations and a Works Cited page.

    In-text citations: These must come from “2030–Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions or Bill Joy’s Fears.” Use #1 or #2, p. 385 in our handbook.

    The Works Cited page: There will be only one entry on the Works Cited page, for “2030—Ray Kurzweil’s Predictions or Bill Joy’s Fears.”

    Use #32, p. 409, in our handbook.

  5. Edit/proofread. Be sure you follow these general instructions.

    Use Word or Rich Text Format to type your essay.

    Essay should be 1,000 words, not counting the Works Cited page.

  6. Submit your essay to the Assignment Dropbox (due by 11:59 p.m. on the Sunday at end of Week 3.)

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