enterprise system


73 Enterprise Systems Assessment-2 Marking














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Description Needs improvement (0 or 0.25) Adequate (0.5) Good (0.75) Excellent (1.0) Sub-Total
Argument for Cloud based ERP (6 marks) • Arguments are well structured.
• Arguments and recommendations are convincing and supported with evidence.
• Considers the reason for organisational change, the alignment of an ERP with the organisation’s strategy, the benefits and limitations of ERPs in the context of this organisation, and the organisational commitment.
Argument for feasibility (6 marks) • Arguments are well structured.
• Arguments and recommendations are convincing and supported with evidence.
• Considers the organisation’s ability to manage the implementation of an ERP and recommends strategies to improve/manage the project.
• Budget considers costs for hardware, software, development, deployment, and training.
Risk Identification (6 marks) • Insightful identification of risks associated with incomplete elicitation of requirements, Business Process Reengineering (misalignment between the business processes and organisational strategy) and ERP customisation.
BPR As-Is (6 marks) Accurately models the key existing business processes.
BPR To-Be (6 marks) Insightful analysis of business processes in the context of the process goals.
Organisation and mechanics (5 marks) • Title page and Table of Contents (auto-generated).
• Executive summary, Introduction, Conclusion and Recommendations.
• Sentence structure, punctuation and capitalisation are correct. (Note: If this is poor marks will be lost across other areas of the marking criteria).
Referencing Mechanics (5 marks) • Source material is smoothly integrated into the text.
• All sources are accurately documented in Harvard format both in the text and in the reference list.
• Sources published 2013 or later.
Total (/40)
Late (no. of days) Penalty (%) Marks deducted
Overall Comments Final marks



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