English writing
My title is Industry will destroy the environment
English 306 Essay Two
Your assignment for Essay Two is to write an essay that analyzes/responds to one
idea/ issue from the first section (Industrial: Corn—Chapters 1-7) of Michael Pollan’s’
The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. In your analysis, you must
use one, but no more than two, additional sources from any of the library databases.
When choosing your topic, you need to choose a particular issue related to
industrial food—this might be focusing on a chapter, or on an idea that shows up in
multiple chapters. Overall, your essay should make clear how your perspective on
your chosen issue connects to Pollan’s overall message in Part I.
Questions to think about when developing your topic (just for brainstorming—
your essay doesn’t need to address any of these):
• Overall, what is Pollan pointing out about how our food is made?
• In what different ways does Pollan look at how our food production and consumption has
changed? What are the implications of those changes?
• What is particularly interesting or important about the particular issue you’ve chosen?
• Does Pollan prove his points convincingly or not?
• What is your reaction to his arguments and why?
• How might this book lead us to act/think differently as a society?
Remember, you are the essayist here, so your job is to analyze what the most
interesting and relevant aspects of your topics are, and clearly present connections to
Pollan’s (and your other source(s)’ ideas (see your “They Say/I Say” book and the “Four
Rules” handout for details). You also need to make sure to use MLA-style citations and
a Works Cited page.
This essay should be four to five pages long, double-spaced, with one-inch margins,
and it should be formatted according to MLA style.
Good luck, and I look forward to reading your essays. 🙂