English W7

Academic Paper First Draft

Choose a topic of interest to research, and write about it! You must include an introduction, thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Work on creating your draft paying close attention to the use of adverbs and adjectives. Utilize your text, Pocket Keys for Writers Pages 209-211 to evaluate your use of those descriptive words. Bold four adjectives and use the yellow highlight to distinguish three adverbs.

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For an academic paper, it is advisable to find at least one source of reference, but not required. Use the following link to find a source if interested


, or use Grantham’s online library (linked on the top of Blackboard).

Please see the

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APA Sample Paper


APA Template

to format your rough draft and final paper and references.

There are a few topics that you will not be allowed to write about:  anti-gay marriage, anti-gay adoption, abortion, gun control/gun rights, partisan politics, drinking age, and legalizing marijuana.


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Password: MoneyoverPower23 the book is called Pocket keys for writers.


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