English essay


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Assignment Sheet: Final Paper 

APA Format

Length: 7-8 pages 

Sources: 7 

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Your final paper is the culmination of all your research on your selected social problem. It is also where you need to take a definitive stance on your issue and recommend a solution. As discussed in class you can pull material from your previous papers. However, I will be looking for a completed, polished, and cohesive essay that stands on its own merits. Specific elements I will be looking for are: clear reasoning, thesis statement, research integration, clear phrasing and essay structure. 

Typically this paper is organized in the following way:

I. Introduction ending with a clearly stated thesis statement

II. An exploration of the complexities or root causes of the problem (what many of you did in your multiple perspectives paper)

III. Your recommendation for a solution to the problem

While it is fine to use sources to develop your recommended solution, avoid merely reporting what others have proposed. If you have conducted sound research, you have the merits to make such a recommendation. 

Lastly, be sure to include a references page. 

this assignments includes all papers written and annotated bibliography

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