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2. https://www.semiovox.com/articles/2020/05/04/doctor-vs-counselor/
3. https://www.semiovox.com/articles/2020/05/24/nurturer-vs-visionary/
4. https://www.semiovox.com/articles/2020/06/06/scientist-vs-life-coach/
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmiOt94WIVU


Homework 1: Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Quoting 
1. Write a one-sentence summary in your own words of Semiovox’s thesis on COVID 

2. A fuller summary (~150 words) of how the authors develop that argument and what 
evidence they provide. Focus especially on the “Pharmacist vs. Guru” paradigm since they 
say it is the most central. Be sure to explain why they focus on pairs of opposites or 
oppositions in the way that they do. 

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3. Quote one sentence from the article, with the proper APA in-line citation, and explain what 
this quote demonstrates. 

Homework 2: The Introduction 
This assignment works with the accompanying document, “They Say, I Say:

Please complete Exercise 2 on p. 14 (sorry for the “X” on this page in the free PDF). Go
ahead and type out the two short paragraphs, filling in the paraphrases, quotes, and
your own view in the appropriate spaces.

Pharmacist vs. Guru

Doctor vs. Counselor

Nurturer vs. Visionary

Scientist vs. Life Coach

Homework 3: Thesis and Purpose Statements 
1. Here is a weak thesis: “Harry Potter is the greatest young adult book series of all time.” 
Here is a strong thesis. “Harry Potter did not become popular by chance. To create a 
modern classic, J.K. Rowling modeled the series on elements of classical myth: an unlikely 
protagonist of enchanted origins with mystical guides and a universal message.” Why is the 
first thesis weak and the second thesis strong? 

2. Imagine that you will write an essay about COVID-19 based on the materials from either 
week 1 or week 2: either write about A. the lesser-known medical and public health aspects, 
and what you think needs more attention, or B. cultural responses to the pandemic 
including advertising and/or social media. Write out a provisional, working thesis for this 
essay of one or two sentences. Think about what you would argue “against,” and try to 
incorporate “They Say, I Say” principles from the PDF this week. 


Homework 4 
Find something online relating to the COVID situation, post the link here, and give your 
commentary on it. There are many possibilities: 

1. An informational source such as a journalism article (such as the materials for Week 1, or 
news about a specific location, a specific medical topic, etc.) 

2. A brand or product advertisement (image or video, such as the ones that Semiovox talks 

3. A political ad or other argumentative piece 

4. A social media post of something else of “questionable” information or validity (such as 
the conspiracies discussed in the Vice video) 5. Something else! 

After linking to your source, give an account of it. You want to A. describe what kind of 
source it is, B. summarize what it is saying–what is the specific information or argument (or 
otherwise) that it presents, and C. give your own commentary on why this is useful or not 
useful, or what you think is relevant or interesting about it. Your write-up should be 150 
words. For full credit, please comment on two classmates’ posts. Do you agree with their 
evaluation of the source they posted? Do you notice anything else about the source? If a 
post already has two responses, choose a different one. 


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