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Literature review

Previous studies have revolved around the relationship between immigration and access to quality and sustainable healthcare in the United States. From these studies, the common topics have been aimed at establishing the factors that contribute to disparities. Among them include; the cultural diversity and the experiences of communication barriers, poor adherence to medication, illiteracy, and inadequate funds and resources to afford quality medical care in the United States. Political factors and the application of existing policies that hinder the immigrants from accessing medical insurance also contribute to the poor access to health among the immigrants. This literature review analyzes the discussed themes and seeks to develop an elaborate explanation of the previous studies’ background information.

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The existing laws in the United States present a hindrance to access to medical insurance covers for the immigrants. The lack of proper documentation and the inability to access medical insurance cover impedes access to medical care and services in the health sector (Ayón, 2020). A study conducted revealed that over half of all the immigrants residing in the country lack medical insurance coverage by any health insurance system. The number represented the number with the lowest insurance rate in the country (Hatzenbuehler, 2017). Most insurance systems like the Medicare program require that candidates for the program be American citizens or have a permanent residence in the United States. However, most settlers and immigrants lack to meet the standard criteria, as most are illegally residing in the United States. The factor, therefore, makes health services to be very expensive for them to afford. However, most immigrants live in poverty since even acquiring formal employment is strenuous. They are, therefore, unable to access quality health care.

The majority of immigrants in the United States are unauthorized settlers or temporary visa holders. Acquiring a means of living is, therefore, difficult. It often drives them to work in jobs that cause physical strain or those characterized by high and severe incidences of injuries from tasks within the occupation (Mohanty, 2005). Another cause of the factor is the unresolved health issues that limit immigrants’ ability to maintain formal and productive employment. Due to the lack of insurance protection for the immigrants, many of them are driven into huge debt ratios and financial issues. “According to the Institute of Medicine, the inability to have medical insurance in the country costs approximately $65 and $130 billion annually and loss of productive years, not only by the uninsured but by the immigrants as well” (Hatzenbuehler, 2017). These mostly result from

Uninsured men with difficulties in English language proficiency, among most immigrants raise an issue of communication barriers. The factor affects the treatment and quality of service that is accorded to the immigrants. A report by Hatzenbuehler revealed that there was a low degree of satisfaction concerning medical care.

Similarly, there was a poor understanding of their health issues as well as the current medical situations. Severe cases are more intense in situations where there are no interpreters, succeeded by those who have an interpreter, and those who have a language-concordant or speak English well enough to communicate with the provider (Hsueh, 2018). The other element in the factor included interpretation. In most cases, experiences and well-trained professional interpreters are rarely employed. Therefore, inconsistencies and inaccuracies tend to be common hindering efficacy in communication.

Political factors and policies also play a significant role in influencing access to healthcare for immigrants. The policies were established to limit the ability of immigrants to resolve medical insurance issues. The policies also influence immigrants’ residential location through statutes that mostly label them as illegal people in the country. “The residence is therefore dependent on whether it is traditional or new destination. The traditional destinations are more likely to have established and solid safety nets, advocacy and even relations with destinations organizations. For instance, Latinos in areas with relatively low Latino low populations rely more on Latinos’ emergency departments than the Latinos in areas with Latino large Latino population. On the other hand, new destinations probably have different set of social needs than Latino in traditional destinations” (Hsueh, 2018). New immigrants are unfamiliar with other agencies like the immigrant’s advocacy and community-based organization that may help them access quality health. “This may cause newer immigrants to delay care until the problem becomes unbearable, orb they and their providers might encounter frustrations when they do not attempt to seek care” (Moyles, 2018). The ability to provide healthcare for new immigrants seems to have a relation with a particular locality’s safety net.

Stigmatization and marginalization can result from a variety of factors. Among them are language barriers, cultural diversities, and varying religious practices. Also, skin color and accents promote stigmatization (Mohanty, 2005). However, the most influential factor is the expense of the health system. The healthcare system of the United States is rated as being among the most expensive in the world. However, most immigrant communities are characterized by high poverty levels and, therefore, cannot afford treatments and healthcare services. Their inability to afford health care makes them feel alienated and foreign (Moyles, 2018). Stigmatization makes individuals feel reluctant to seek medical care due to their concerns about poor treatment.

Some policies would help to reduce poor access to healthcare among immigrants living in the US. They include expanding health insurance coverage and enforcing measures to mitigate low proficiency in English (Philbin, 2018). Similarly, advocating for measures that develop safety nets is crucial. The most significant measure would be the promotion of medical insurance covers and insurance programs that cater to immigrants’ medical needs.

However, studies done have shown that immigrants in the US offer unlimited efforts to fight for their rights towards better medical health. Immigrants feels disowned and neglected when unable to access good health due to the barriers. Therefore, the US should use the mitigation measures highlighted in different studies to address the issue of poor access to health among immigrants.

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