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Argumentative Essay (Phase 5)

Your final essay will be compiled and submitted this week.

Part 1: The Abstract

An abstract is a short, descriptive or informative statement that describes a larger writing. Writers generally provide abstracts to help readers decide whether they want to read the longer work. Abstracts are routinely used for indexing purposes. Databases use abstracts to catalog larger works.

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  • Key words and phrases
  • simplify searching.

    Write a 150–250-word informative abstract that represents the spirit of your essay. Download

    this essay template

    to help you with the correct layout for your paper. Download and use the template to help construct the Abstract, as well as all of the other components of your Unit 10 Submission.

    NOTE: You may submit either the fully completed template or use it as a guide, and submit only what you have included in the template.

    Be sure to include the following:

      Key words and phrases

    Part 2: The Essay

    Submit the final, complete version of your essay according to the following:

    1. It should be 4–5 pages (1,000–1,200 words) in length (not including Title, Abstract, and References pages)/ 
    2. Incorporate feedback from others with revised writing. 
    3. Assemble your essay in the following format: 

      Title page 
      Abstract page 
      The opening paragraph that includes your claim (thesis statement) 
      3 body paragraphs that include the following (with properly formatted APA in-text citations): 

      1 quote 
      1 summarization 
      1 paraphrase 

      Multimedia (cited as needed) 
      The counter-argument paragraph 
      The conclusion 
      Properly formatted APA References page

    4.Make sure you incorporate credible information sources (a minimum of 3; 1 of them a multimedia piece), and that they are cited in APA format.

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