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  • Provide a one-paragraph history about Sandra’s life to this point.
  • Using your textbook, define Erikson’s stage of Integrity and Despair in the Theory of Psychosocial Development.     

    Identify whether Sandra is in Integrity or Despair.
    Explain how this transition crisis may be resolved by a HSP conducting a life review with Sandra.

  • Using  Sandra’s ecomap that you created in the Unit 8 Assignment,  select at  least two systems (influences) in her environment that are  causing the  most stress and negative influence on Sandra’s behavior and   decision-making.
  • Using  the textbook, define Stress Theory and explain at least two   recommendations a HSP could make to Sandra to help her cope with her   trauma/stress that may help her meet her goal of a long life  expectancy.
  • If  Sandra provided consent to contact her family, do you believe  that  involving her adult children would positively impact her family  system?  Explain why or why not, using specific support from the case  study.
  • What role could Sandra’s adult children play in helping Sandra cope with her trauma/stress?
  • Identify  the name and contact information for one human services  agency that  serves older adults, which may provide assistance to Sandra  and her  family.     

    Provide  specific detail on how this agency would help Sandra  and her family  with their current stressors, including describing the  specific services  that the agency provides.

  • Considering  all you have learned in HN144, what are some best  practice approaches  that a human service professional could use to help  a multigenerational  family experiencing a negative environment? 

Assignment Guidelines 

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Your Assignment should be 2–3 pages, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements: 

  • Title page
  • : Provide your name, section number, and date

  • Body
  • : Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs     

    Your  responses should reflect professional writing standards  using proper  tone and language, and be free of spelling and grammatical  errors. The  writing and writing style should be correct, accurate, and  reflect  knowledge of human service theories.

  • Reference page: Sources in APA format     

    You must use your text as a source in this paper.

  • Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced
  • , and left aligned

  • Use standard 1″ margins on all sides
  • Use 6th Edition APA formatting and citation style throughout your paper     

    If you need assistance with APA style, please visit the Writing Center. 

Please  remember that your Assignment must be your original work;  plagiarism  will not be tolerated. It is always important to attribute  credit to the  proper sources when relying on the text, articles,  websites, or other  sources. 

As a reminder, you must credit your work when you: 

  • Summarize concepts and theories that you learned in the text, articles, or Internet sources.
  • Use others’ ideas, theories, and concepts in constructing discussion question responses or completing projects.
  • Use direct quotes in the context of your project (when quoting directly, you must use quotation marks). 

You can also refer to the Writing with Integrity guide found under Academic Tools for additional help and resources for proper citation strategies. 

  • Communication unit 8 


Your employer has asked to prepare a presentation on intercultural   communication and the importance of considering diversity in   communication. You must prepare a PowerPoint presentation, creating one   slide for each of the topics below. Be sure to include your speaker   notes in the Notes section below each slide. Include a minimum of two   relevant citations throughout your presentation.

Using the

Unit 8 Assignment Template

, please respond to the following:

Slide 1: Title Slide

Slide 2: Explain how diverse contexts impact and intercultural communication.

Slide 3: Provide three reasons to consider intercultural communication.

Slide 4: Identify two examples of intercultural communication that should be considered.

Slide 5: Identify a diverse context issue that can be addressed using intercultural communication strategies.

Slide 6: Provide two intercultural guidelines for   how to address the issues identified in Slide 5, while still   demonstrating respect for those differences.

Slide 7: References

Writing Requirements and Assignment Guidelines

Your Assignment should be at least five slides, not including the   Title and Reference slides, and should include the following elements:

  • Title slide
  • Body

  • Reference slide: Include at least two sources listed in APA format
  • Use Arial or Times New Roman 24-point font
  • Use APA Formatting and Citation style 

    If you need assistance with APA style, please visit the Academic Writer.

The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate   superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and   purpose. Your notes below each slide in the body of your presentation   should be written in complete sentences and paragraphs, supporting the   content on each slide. Presentations are visual; therefore, use clear,   concise bullet points and avoid crowded slides. Additionally, images  and  diagrams are wonderful presentation tools, but be sure to include  all  required citations.

This Assignment assesses the following Course Outcomes:

communication unit 6 


  • Define listening.
  • Explain the listening types (informational, critical, and empathic) and stages of listening.
  • Discuss the key differences between hearing and listening. Be sure   to provide an example of how hearing and listening impact  interpersonal  communication.
  • Discuss at least two barriers to listening. Be sure to include how these barriers impact interpersonal communication.
  • Identify three verbal cues and three nonverbal cues that demonstrate to others that you are listening.

Writing Requirements and Assignment Guidelines

Your Assignment should be a 2-3-page expository essay, not including   the Title and Reference pages, and should include the following   elements:

    Title page

  • Reference Page: Sources in APA format
  • Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced
    Use APA Formatting and Citation style 

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