
There are two parts to this discussion.Part 1:

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Here is the argumentation paper to read.

For this discussion board, you must choose one of the five sample Research Project Papers from the “Argumentation” section of the FYC eReader, on pages 153 to 191. (If you have not downloaded it yet, the FYC eReader is available from the TWU bookstore website. Simply search by this class and section number.)Please read your chosen paper and answer the following questions about it. You can also reply to your classmates and “like” posts you find particularly insightful or interesting. 

  • What is the author’s argument about the issue they are discussing? Is it clearly expressed? If they are proposing a solution to a problem, does this solution seem clear?
  • What kinds of information does the paper help you to learn about the discussion of this issue in the past?
  • How does the author respond to other authors who discuss this issue? Can you tell why the author agrees or disagrees with them?
  • Does the argument seem persuasive? How does it appeal to the reader’s values (things they care about)? What kind(s) of compelling evidence is provided?

Part 2:

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DRAFT THESIS STATEMENT DISCUSSION BOARDFor this week, you need to show some progress on your topic and argument. So, as a reply to this discussion board please paste a draft of your Thesis Statement. Aim for about one to three sentences. Then, respond to at least one classmate with some helpful advice on the things you like about their writing and how they might make their thesis stronger. This discussion is graded as complete/incomplete and will not be considered complete until you have both made your own post and responded to a classmate.Please choose a classmate that has not yet received feedback on their writing to respond to.In general, look for the following elements in the thesis statement you are reading today.

  • Is the topic of the paper clear, detailed, and specific?
  • Is the writer’s position on the issue clear? Does the thesis sound like it is making a definite argument about something that matters?
  • Is the thesis actually arguable? (This means: the thesis should not be arguing something that absolutely everybody would already know, or agree with, at first glance.)

“Below is a description of one’sstruggle with depression and thoughts of suicide.TWU
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS): (940) 898-3801or the National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline: (800)273-8255.Andrea CampbellRachel ReynoldsEnglish 102329
August 2020

A Shattered Mind

Depression is a lot like drowning. You are drowning but you cannot die, all you can do is
watch everyone around you breathing as you struggle just to stay afloat. As I sat on the
floor of my room watching red streams flow down my arms,I asked myself “How did I get
here?”; the real question was “How did I let myself get here?”When you are beginning to
drown, they say your chest tightens as you gasp for air, your lungs feel like they are on
fire and panic sets in with the realization of nearing death. That is how I felt that
morning as I sat on the cold hardwood and felt the panic set in. Red pools were
surrounding me and all I could think about was the pain in my chest, not knowing if I
actually wanted to die or if I was complacent with feeling the pain in my arm and not in
my heart. Yet my chest was still tight, my emotions were still rabid, and I was still
broken. Many people wonder how someone gets to the point of contemplating suicide
and how depression manifests itself in the mind. Having a chemical imbalance is a
strong leader of why depression occurs, but it is not the overall cause. Based on a study
done by Harvard Medical School, “there are many possible causes of depression,
including faulty mood regulation by the brain, genetic vulnerability, stressful life events,
medications, and medical problems” (Harvard Health Publishing) These are all concepts
that factor into why someone may become depressed”
“According to Mayo Clinic, the defining attributes of depression are, “a mood disorder
that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major
depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and
can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems … and sometimes you may
feel as if life isn’t worth living” (Depression). Everyone gets sad, but depression brings a
darkness. Depression is not something that will come and go but rather it lingers for
weeks, months and often years. Depression and anxiety are highly misunderstood
mental disorders that should not only be defined by the way it manipulates your
behavior but by the way it changes the life and the quality of life of the sufferer.
Depression can always be present,””but when a tragic event occurs the depression
deepens. Growing up as an athlete, the court was all I knew. I was determined to do
well in school because I had the motivation of athletics, not because I enjoyed
education. I wanted to play, I wanted to take out my aggressions, be the best at
something and make it all the way. While playing in college on a full athletic scholarship,
I tore everything in my knee and was unable to play for at least a year. I had already
been on medication to help balance the depression, but this was too much to control. A
sports injury may not seem drastic to many but for the athlete it is life altering. With a
history of depression, my emotions took over and, in my mind, my life had””begun to
spiral out of control. What was the point in keeping up my grades? It is not like I could
play anymore. Why hangout with my team? I did not feel like a teammate anymore. The
impact of an injury from a psychological perspective is significant. Ask any great
competitive athlete: at the top of their list of fears, you’ll find “sports-related injury.” The

sad reality, however, is that many young athletes have already undergone or will
undergo, at some point, a serious, possibly life-altering injury. In 2010, a related
study””brought to light that not only do coaches and athletic trainers (ATs) need to be
taking into concern the physical nature of the injured athlete, but the mental state as
well. Both are pivotal to the athlete’s return to competitive play. An AT is in a position to
help injured athletes in psychological recovery as well as their physical rehabilitation
(Gardiner-Shires & Heinerichs; Kamphoff et al.).Glazer stated, “when it comes to injury
rehabilitation, it’s really impossible to separate what’s going on in the athlete’s brain
from what happens in the rest of the body” (188). While an athlete may pass every
physical test required for returning, this does not mean the athlete’s psychological state
is healthy (Glazer). It is very likely that the athlete will undergo emotional distress during
their recovery period. Potential psychological disturbances that might be experienced by
the injured athlete could include anger, depression, anxiety, tension, fear, and lowered
self-esteem which will typically result in an immediate imbalance in the athlete’s life and
recovery process. This may eventually lead to loss of health and a decline in athletic
potential (Barton; Crust; Schwab Reese, Pittsinger, & Yang).””Psychological
consequences of sport injury can uproot several major issues. This can include issues
with how the athletes perceive themselves after the initial injury, how they go about
coping, emotional reactions towards the injury, possible psychological factors that could
affect the rehabilitation outcomes, social support during rehabilitation, and the
interaction between the athlete and the AT (Brewer; Glazer; Granito, Hogan, &
Varnum).Anxiety and negative stressors can be counted as widely regarded examples
of issues psychologically in relation with athletic injury (Hamson-Utley).Typically, when
an athletic injury occurs, athletes will go through a five-step process, commonly known
as the Kübler-Ross model, or the five stages of grief: 1) denial, 2) anger, 3) bargaining,
4) depression, and 5) acceptance (Crust). Once the initial shock of the injury has””died
down, the athlete will try to lessen the actual severity of the injury, refusing to accept the
actual extensive nature of the injury. However, once the seriousness finally seeps in,
this denial is replaced with anger, which can be directed at themselves as well as
everyone around them. This is dependent upon situational and personal factors. Once
this stage is undergone, the athlete might start to try to rationalize, trying to avoid the
reality of their situation. They will bargain hard work for a quick recovery, and other
such things. Once they are no longer able to ignore the apparentness of their injury, the
athlete could possibly move into a depressed state for the ambiguity of the future. Once
depression has played out, acceptance follows, along with a focus directed towards
rehabilitation and recovery. This model is a process that often occurs over the period of
rehabilitation and the time period of each step is dependent on the athlete’s capability
and inclination to move on. If an athlete is not motivated and supported through the
steps, an AT might find common negative occurrences. These will look like, “feelings of
anger and confusion within the athlete, an obsession with the question of return to play,
denial, exaggerated boastfulness of accomplishments, rapid mood swings, withdrawal,
and fatalistic thinking, as well as dwelling on minor complications” (Crust). As I sat there
on the hardwood floor with lines of blood falling off each side of my arm I knew I had lost
myself. I was not aware of the signs, my current depression only allowed me to””harbor
even more anger and let it fester in the back of my mind until I thought a blade would
make it all go away. The importance of my psychological health post-injury was never
made aware to me until I was to the point of no return. As an athletic family, we need to

realize the struggles our teammates are facing and do more to support and love them. I
should have asked for help and knowing the seriousness of this situations and the
dramatic outcomes that can come””from an athletic injury I want to be there to help
others just like I wanted someone to be there to help me”

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