
Practice– Fragments, Comma-splices, and Run-ons

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For each example below, determine if the error in the sentence is a fragment, comma-

splice, or run-on. Then, attempt to correct within the sentence.

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1. The college’s computerized billing system needs to be overhauled, it billed more than a

dozen students twice for tuition.

2. Although some would say the colors clashed, she loved to wear red and purple together.

And often did.

3. Because my parents wanted to be with their children at bedtime. They arranged to leave

their late-night shift jobs a few minutes early.

4. Well-prepared and confident, I expected the exam to be easy, it turned out to be a terrible


5. You start by buttering the baking dish, next you pour in the milk and mix it well with the


6. I spent several hours in the college’s Career Services Office. Trying to find an interesting

summer job. Nothing looked promising.

7. In the eighteenth century, beauty marks were considered fashionable, people even glued

black paper dots to their faces.

8. The cat fought constantly with the dog, but the surprising thing was that the cat usually


9. Many men use hairstyling products, facial scrubs, and cologne however, most draw the

line at powder and makeup.

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