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American Born Chinese

by Gene Luen Yang

Chose between the 3 project of which one you will like to complete.

1.Stereotype/Archetype Project: The character of Chin-Kee is an obvious (and offensive) stereotype  of those of Chinese descent. His presence in the novel is meant to both expose the nature and repugnance of passive racism as well as create a test for the character of Jin/Danny. Consider modern popular culture and identify another character that serves a similar purpose in another work. This can be a film, book, graphic novel, music video, etc. Write an analysis of this character in which you identify the text, author, character, and plot. Explore the appearance, mannerisms, and actions of the character and why they are considered offensive. Consider why this character exists and what purpose he/she serves in the work.

2.Mini-Comic Project: Research your own family’s mythology and create a mini-comic in which you interact with an entity that is the personification of an element of this mythology. This entity can be connected to your national heritage, religious history, or family’s individual customs. You may need to spend some time speaking to the elders in your family or researching your lineage and the countries that your ancestors were born. The three-page comic does not need to tell an entire story; it can be a slice of a bigger story. There is no industry standard for scripting comics for artists, but there are plenty of examples available on-line. Use the text itself as a model for what your comic might look like.

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3.Movie Casting Project: If American Born Chinese were going to be a live action film, who would play each of the roles? Cast your “film,” write a short rationale t of how it might be produced, and create a movie poster for your version of the film. You can choose to directly adapt the film or create something that is based on the story but isn’t tethered too strictly to the original plot. You can, for example, choose to focus primarily on the story of the Monkey King or take the perspective of a secondary character like Suzi or Steve. I encourage creativity and thinking outside the box.

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