English 1b

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1790 – 1837 1837 – 1901 1880s-1963 1964 – 2020
Romanticism Victorianism Modernism Post-Modernism
Nature Lovers Social Status Hopelessness Humanism (new hope)
Individualism Duty before family Death of God Globalism
Polytheism Deism/Christianity Atheism/Secular Humanism Civil Rights Act (1964)
Christianity monotheism Angst/Despair Computers DNA
Child-like innocence Social Status WWI/WWII Terrorism / 9-11
Personal Experiences Work before Leisure Israel/Holocaust Feminism / Gay Rights
Existentialism Abortion Rights
British Romantics Marx-Communism Radio / Cinema / Television Hippies/Anti-Gov’t

Darwin-Evolution New Science/Cosmology Internet / World Wide Web
Freud-Psychoanalysis Google / Social Media / Facebook
Dec. of Independence MLK JFK- Space Race / The Moon / Heading for Mars?
Bill of Rights/USA Constitution Einstein-Relativity/Atomic Weapons Global Politics / Pandemics
French Revolution The Cold War/USSR Middle East / Nuclear Weapons
League of Nations NAFTA / International Trade
Beginning of United Nations Expansion of United Nations

“Great Depression” European Union
FDR’s “New Deal” Climate Change/Global Warming
Fed Gov’t Programs New Morality/Relativism
Entitlements – Socialism Cloning/Robotics
Women’s Suffrage “Star Trek Mentality”
Penicillin Opioids

“The Great Generation” Baby Boomers X-ers Millennials Z-gen
1895-1945 1946-1963 1964-1985 1986-2001 2002-2025?

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Big Test for English 1B 2

Answer the following questions BASED ON THE INFORMATION IN THE MODULES for this class
. You may, of course, supplement your answers with definitions out there on google, but YOUR PRIMARY ANSWERS MUST COME FROM THE LECTURES and other parts of the Modules for each of these questions.

1. Explain the PROCESS for Critical Thinking according to THE SCHOLES MODEL. Begin with the description of the READER RE: UNIFORMED BIAS, etc. Describe readers and the qualities they have BEFORE they realize just how mindlessly uninformed and biased/prejudiced they really are. Then, explain the process that is required for an uninformed, biased reader to move toward being an informed, clear-thinking CRITIC who uses logic, not emotions, in their thinking. Finally, describe the CRITIC as presented in THE SCHOLES MODEL. I would expect 400-500 words just for #1.

2. Name/define the FOUR WORLD VIEWS that I lectured about. Go ahead and list them in the order they occur historically. That is, begin with Romanticism and the years that suggest the start and end of that world view; and then move forward chronologically to our current predominant American cultural World View. This will take 300-500 words.

3. Explain the 5 literary approaches that I explained earlier this semester. You can use a target with 5 concentric circles if you want, with the number 1 in the center, #2 next circle out, and so on. Or you can just list them, beginning with the most essential (#1) and WHY the center (narrowest) literary approach is absolutely essential when a critic is talking about a story, a poem, a play – any work of literature. But
, and
to how a critic analyzes literature. This would take about 400-500 words.

4. Okay. Now, so what? Suppose you answer questions 1, 2, and 3 flawlessly. Good job! But so what? What, if anything, have you
about critical thinking? This is a rhetorical question. You do NOT have to write an answer to it.

But you do have to answer this question: What does the information in Questions 1, 2, and 3 have to do with CRITICAL THINKING and Writing about Literature?

I am asking you to explain how all the information in Questions 1, 2, and 3 work in concert to facilitate critical thinking about a short story. Perhaps it would help if I suggested you try to think critically about a short story but DID NOT KNOW about the Scholes Model or about Literary Approaches or about World Views.

If you like, you can use a short story as an example. We have read 15 stories. Use whichever you like or as many as you like. HOW YOU ANSWER #4 is completely up to you. The word count for this answer is really up to your level of detail and explanation, but in all honesty, I do not see how you can explain all this in less than 400 words. It will more likely be even more than 500 words.

But remember what I have been saying: PROOFREAD ALOUD. TAKE A DAY to PROOFREAD. I am giving you an entire WEEK to do this assignment after the last reading.

Do not delay. GET STARTED. GET THIS WRITTEN DOWN, even if it is fragmented and incomplete. GET IT GOING. You can have most of this done in 3 days, working 1-3 hours per session. And then, start editing, adding, proofreading.

DO YOUR OWN WORK. Do not plagiarize. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. I will be reading answers from all your classmates. Yes, of course you can consult, discuss,
, you’re your classmates. But your answers need to be in your own words, using quotes and paraphrasing as YOU see fit. Thank you.

5. Use an MLA document for this assignment. I will be evaluating your MLA FORMAT: Does your format follow the specific instructions that I gave you in week 1? For example, do you have the ENTIRE document in NO SPACING and manually double spaced? So that there is no little extra space between paragraphs or the title page and date? Is your Heading properly formatted for your specific class? Is your HEADER properly formatted, including 12 points Times New Roman like the rest of your text? Is your document set up in “align left”? Do you have 24 lines per page with actual 1” margins (by adjusting the bottom margin)? Many of you have already been doing all of this, but some are not….

Finally, USE YOUR OWN WORDS along with
short quotes as needed
. NO LONG SENTENCES that are quotes from the lectures.
Use your own words as much as possible,
so be selective and
(Yes, pithy is another vocabulary word!) with your quotes.

All you can do is the BEST YOU CAN. But if you manage your time and do not procrastinate, you can work on this over several days.

What if you send it early and I find OBVIOUS writing errors in the first few lines – or the last few lines? Either way, I would know you did NOT take time to proofread carefully.

Bad writing could allow me to subtract up to 20 points
from the 100-point total. That is up to TWO letter grades. Please, PROOFREAD CAREFULLY AND ALOUD, several times. Thank you.

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