
Learning Outcomes for Module 3

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Learning Outcomes for Module 3Upon completion of Module 3 students will:1. Continue collaborative discussions with peers about ethical issues2. Begin researching and writing to formulate arguments3. Use MLA formatting and citationsThe above are aligned with Course SLOs:1. Demonstrate knowledge of individual and collaborative research processes2. Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments, including one or more research-based essays.3. Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action.4. Apply the conventions of style manuals for specific academic disciplines.

1. Cause and Effect

1. Cause and EffectWe begin this module with Cause and Effect Essay writing. Please read from the following link:

Compare & Contrast Essay

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Essay I—Arguing the Past

Although modern society appears innovative and sometimes unique, every person, invention, and idea today in some way has been influenced or shaped by elements of the past.  Exploring the past and its connections to the present may sometimes reveal issues and tensions that invite a variety of opinions and convictions.  This assignment will give you an opportunity to delve into the connections between some aspect of the past that has created conflicting perspectives and to find your own position on this subject.


1. Select a topic that you feel you are comfortable writing about.  Be sure to consider your knowledge and understanding of this topic.

2. Begin researching this topic through the library database and find out what “others” (scholars) have to say about this topic.

3. Develop a claim that expresses your position on this subject.  Place the claim as the last sentence in the introductory paragraph.

4. Select “reasons” to support your position – no more than 3 reasons for the scope of this paper.

The Essay will be 4 – 5 pages (double-spaced, New Times Roman font 12) in MLA format.

Essay Guidelines:

Purpose: To convince readers that your position is logical, well-reasoned, and effective. You are either going to focus on the causes or the effects of the topic.

Audience: Universal Audience—individuals who have some college education and who are reasonable.  This is a group of people who are fair-minded and are interested in reading what you have to offer them.

Essay Layout: Use MLA formatting precisely

· Include a claim (position statement) that is placed as the last sentence in the introduction.

Write in third person
—no first or second person pronouns (no I, we, you, etc.)

· Avoid contractions

· Select words that are appropriate and effective for convincing the audience.

Length—from 4 to 5 pages




Needs Improvement


Not Evident

Introduction and Claim/Thesis Statement


Well-developed introduction and thesis statement. They engage the reader and create interest. They clearly state the topic being analyzed, and whether this paragraph is about causes or effects. They either introduce the topic and give a reason for the analysis, and/or they include the causes and effects.

The introduction and thesis statement are fairly well developed. But they are not very engaging or creative, but they do introduce the topic and/or include the causes or effects.

The introduction and thesis statement include the topic being analyzed, but they do not give a reason for the analysis or list the causes or effects.

The introduction and thesis statement do not include what is being analyzed, and there is no apparent basis for the cause or effect analysis indicated.

Topic Sentences, Sub-claims, and Supporting Details

Each body paragraph contains a clearly focused topic sentence that relates to the thesis of the essay.
Details in the essay are concrete and specific, and they effectively represent either causes or effects related to the topic of analysis. There are enough details to clearly analysis the topic, and each cause or effect has sufficient details for clear analysis.

Each paragraph contains a topic sentence that relates to the thesis statement.
Details are concrete and specific, but they are not engaging and interesting. There are sufficient details for the analysis, but they could be clearer.

Not all paragraphs have a clear topic statement that relates to the thesis statement.
There are details, but they are either not concrete and specific, or there are not enough of them to adequately analyze the topic. One or more causes or effects are not given sufficient space or details.

There are no apparent topic sentences in the paragraphs, or they do not relate to the thesis statement.
Details are either wrong or lacking, or they are not related to the topic sentence or the analysis.

Overall Structure and Organization

The details are in a clear, order, and they effectively analyze the topic in terms of either causes or effects. They engage the reader and create interest with creativity.

The details are in a clear. effective order and they adequately analyze the topic in terms of causes or effects, but they are not very interesting or engaging.

The details are in a discernible order, but there are not enough to effectively analyze the topic, or they may not all relate to either cause or effect.

No discernible organization. Details are either missing or not in any discernible order. They do not clearly indicate causes or effects.


The concluding paragraph effectively unifies the essay around the thesis statement. The reason for the analysis is clearly re-stated and the results are effectively summed-up.

The concluding paragraph unifies the essay around the thesis statement. The reason for the analysis is evident and results are presented as valid.

The concluding paragraph re-states the reason for the analysis, but it does little to unify the essay around the thesis statement.

There is no concluding paragraph, or it does not unify or restate the reason for the analysis.

Writing Mechanics

Writing is smooth, skillful, and coherent. Sentences are strong and expressive with varied structure. Consistent and appropriate tone and word choice is used throughout the paragraph. Transitions are appropriate and add to the effectiveness of the paragraph. No errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, or capitalization.

Writing is clear and sentences have varied structure. There is consistent tone and word choice is appropriate with fairly good use of transitions to guide the reader.
A few minor errors in punctuation, spelling, grammar, or capitalization, but they do not detract from the overall meaning and effectiveness of the paragraph.

Writing is clear, but sentences may lack variety. The tone is inconsistent and word choice, while adequate, could be better. While transitions are present they do not add to the overall effectiveness of the paragraph. A few errors in punctuation, grammar, spelling, and capitalization that, while distracting, the meaning and intent of the paragraph can still be discerned.

Writing is confusing and hard to follow. Contains fragments and/or run-on sentences. The tone and purpose is inconsistent and difficult to determine. Transitions are either missing or inappropriate. Distracting and major errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.


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