Endless Running Games: Temple Run 2 – Fall Jungle Update!

Run or Die! So hurry!! 

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Continue the endless-running journey with Professor Jones in

Temple Run 2

The temple was at one time on the ground; an ancient civilization built the temple but they were killed by a disease. 

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The leader of the civilization was spared by a remedy, but because he didn’t die, the potion turned him into the large demon monkey that chases you from the temple. 

As time passed, the temple remained unfound until the gems that were placed all over the huge temple were suddenly charged by an unknown source of power. 

Your mission this time is to escape from the demonic forest along with the spoils is “the cursed god statue” – which you stole from a mysterious temple. 

Remember, the Devils are still hunting for you! 

Download Temple Run 2 new version.

Use arrow keys to control in this game.

Tips and Tricks: You can turn the sound on/off on the game screen and play this game in fullscreen mode.

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