Employee Development And Training: Week 2- Case Study ( 3 full page write-up )

 A minimum 3-page write-up  . Please read attachment and follow all requirements. Online sources must have in-text citations and correct websites listed in reference page. 

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Week 2- IBM

A minimum 3-page write-up is required.

Picture of Case Study and answer at the end of the Case Study:

Format Requirements: APA 6th Edition Style

Use three main headings:

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· Introduction

· Analysis (Answer the question in this section)

· Conclusion.

· Introduction should briefly discuss the case background.

· Analysis should have answers to each question with subheadings for each Question showing the related answer.

· Conclusion should be a  summary of the main points you learned from the case in relation to human resource management and compensation practice. 

Your work should clearly demonstrate an understanding of the concepts contained in the chapter through the use of scholarly research and practical, real world examples.

Grading Criteria

Grading Criteria: 500 Word Min.

Case Study Rubric:


1. Responses clearly demonstrate an understanding of chapter content.


2. Incorporates real work examples in response to case questions.


3. Use appropriate, direct language: the writing is compelling; the sentences are well-phrased and varied in length and structure and show strong organization. 


4. Clearly states and defends two (2) key learnings.


5. Formatted to APA 6th Edtiton style. Use of APA template provided.




Week 2


A minimum 3



up is required.

Picture of
Case Study

at the end of the Case Study:

Week 2- IBM
A minimum 3-page write-up is required.
Picture of Case Study and answer at the end of the Case Study:

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