Emerging Issues in Mental Health care


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For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Search  reputable online sources for emerging issues in the mental health care arena. Think about the issues that are being addressed by social policy and those that are in need of policy advocacy and why that might be the case. Then, consider what social workers can do to ensure that clients/populations receive necessary mental health services. Also, think about the ethical responsibility related to mental health care social workers must uphold in host settings when they encounter conflicts in administration and home values. Finally, search  New Jersey government sites for the mental health commitment standards in your state and reflect on the mental health services covered under New Jersey Medicaid program.

By Day 4

Post an explanation of those emerging issues in the mental health care arena that the policymakers address and those that are in need of policy advocacy and why. Then, explain what strategies social workers might use to ensure that clients/populations receive necessary mental health services. Finally, explain the mental health commitment standards and mental health services in your state. In your explanation, refer to the services covered under your state’s Medicaid program.

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