EDUC: 6125

Please see attached week 7 and week 8 assignment instructions (This two assignments).

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Week 7 Project: Presenting Your Solution Proposal

The medium and methods you select for presenting your information and proposing your solution system can influence the way it is received by your clients and stakeholders, and ultimately influence the final decisions that are made. This week, you will synthesize the salient points that you discovered during your review of literature, and use them to support a multimedia-based presentation of your solution proposal.

As directed in Week 5, you should have selected a presentation medium that is appropriate to the stakeholder audience and context that you previously identified and submitted for Instructor approval. The following are examples of the types of medium you may wish to use:

· Narrated PowerPoint or Screencast (using Adobe Captivate)

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· Web page/website (with graphics and audio)

· Video (using Adobe Premiere Pro)

Using your approved medium, create a multimedia presentation that includes:

· An overview of your problem, including the background and context

· A high-level summary of the most important points discovered during your review of literature

· A step-by-step outline of your proposed solution, including your rationale for your proposed solution

· Next steps that should be taken by you or your stakeholders to initiate development of the solution

I chose a narrative power-point presentation

Week 8 Assignment: Reflection

As this course ends, take some time to reflect on what you have learned and how it will affect your professional practice in the field of instructional design. In Week 1, you began a KWL chart, which identified the areas that you wanted to learn more about and set your personal learning goals for this course. To prepare for this assignment, refer back to your KWL chart.

In a 1- to 2-page written response, reflect upon the following:

How can you establish your reputation as an instructional designer that follows high ethical standards when conducting research and interacting with clients and/or stakeholders?

How will the knowledge you have gained in this course help you to interact with clients and propose solutions to instructional design problems?

Provide a specific example of how you will use what you have learned in your current job or in a job, you anticipate having in the future.

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