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Aspects of Youth Vaping


It has seen the introduction of e-cigarettes, also referred to as vapers (Consumer Advocates for Smoke Free Alternatives Association [CASAA], 2019). Most persons prefer vaper usage as they view it as a better alternative to conventional cigarette smoking. The use of vapers has been on the rise and popularly with the Youth (Giovacchini, C. X. et al., 2017); the concern is that electronic cigarette usage among the Youth has reached epidemic proportions (Kilpatrick, T, 2020). There is a need to understand how deep e-cigarette is rooted in the youths, weigh the pros and cons of this influence, and provide ways of resolving vaping.

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This paper employs comprehensive literature searches to provide an understanding of the aspects of Youth vaping by asking the following questions: What generation are the most affected by vaping and why; what actions have been put in place to resolve to vape and the effects of those strategies; what are the results of vaping and what are the appropriate ways to solve the dilemma of vaping.

Youths as the most affected generation

Statistics has it that youths are the most affected and the use of vaper among the adolescent is on the rise. (Kilpatrick, T., 2020). Analysis of the databases searches establishes that the youths are the most affected by the vaping influence. In 2019, 5.4 million young adults and youths use e-cigarettes. The numbers refer to approximately 10.5 % of middle school youths and 27.5% of high school youths. Comparatively, adults using the e-cigarette, according to the data relied upon by the research, is lower as only 3.2% of adults in 2018 used e-cigarettes.

According to most researchers, most adolescents today fall into Generation Z; Gen Z refers to those born between the mid-to-late 1990s and early 2010s. The number of high and middle school students using e-cigarette increased by 900% between 2011 to 2015, reducing in 2016 and further increasing in 2017 (King, B. A. et al., 2020).

Despite being the most affected group little is understood about the adolescent vaper users so as to shape the campaigns and policies to address their issues. There is a need to understand them so that campaigns are customized to the appropriate audience. Study shows that hip-hop and mainstream peer crowd teenagers and young adults have exceptional vaping habits (Stalgaitis, C. A. et al., 2020). This group of young people has higher approval of trendy social values and social prioritization than peers and non-users.

There is a diverse trending social traits of using e-cigarettes that affects the habits of the young people. The environment of vaping is occasioned by complex traits and emotional dedication by the youths (Yule, J., & Tinson, J., 2016). There has been a previous concentration on de-marketing smoking and demonstrates different levels of traits and emotional dedication to vaping characteristics by recognizing the ethics, invisibility, complexity, and insecurity of vapers.

There are variant motivations that lead to the young people to vaping. Most of the youth who find themselves vaping begin to avoid smoking and are motivated to vaping by factors including pleasure, harm reduction, addiction, community, and stigma (McCausland, K. et al., 2020). A comprehensive understanding of the variables in vaping habits and the vaping youths goes a long way in shaping research, policy, and health communications.

The data from the 2017 ITC youth vaping and tobacco survey by children between the age of 16 to 19 in England, Canada, and the U.S, demonstrates that there is a thin line of difference existing among social norms in vaping and smoking (East, K. A. et al., 2019). 52% of teenagers who get the temptation of vaping either have friends who are vaping, smoking, or both. The existing peer approval of vaping is higher compared to smoking in most of the countries attracting young people to it. The peer approval makes vaping is more popular with teens than smoking in most of the countries, with the teenagers in England preferring smoking to vape.

Public Health Campaigns and Policy

The government has had several attempts to solve the problem of e-cigarettes usage (Youth, E. C. U. A., & U.S. Department of Health and Human Services., 2016). the government’s actions at different levels, territorial, tribal, local state, and national, to address e-cigarette use concern among youth and young adults include various policy strategies to reduce vaping, including; preventing youths from accessing e-cigs, incorporating e-cigs into free smoke policies, price, tax policies, regulating e-cigarettes, and retail licensures having educational programs targeting young adults and youths. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began regulating the distribution, sales, promotion, advertising, labeling, packaging, importing, and manufacturing of e-cigarettes. For example, in 2016 the FDA began the enforcement of the ban on sales through vending machines unless it is instituted in an adult-only facility and prohibition of sales to minors and free samples.

Those influencing the young adults and the youth, including healthcare providers, teachers, and parents, play a significant role in providing useful information to the youth on the danger vaping as part of the policy campaign and policy framework to curb the use of e-cigarettes. These youths habit influencers need to be tobacco-free themselves to serve as a role model to the youth (Youth, E. C. U. A., & U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016).

Role of Advertisement in influencing vaping

The sources of information that are accessible to the youths, like those in colleges, affects what they relate to in their day to day lives. There is a connection among information sources, including social media and adverts for e-cigarette and the messages that college students relate (Dobbs, P. et al., 2020). Friends who are already smoking and other e-cigarette users form a significant information source for vaping as they readily have the information to share with their peers. Health education specialists operating in high schools and colleges can also significantly influence the students’ activities.

Advertisements forms the most part of where the young generation get information on vaping to develop the interest. Vaper marketing practices have led to the increase in the usage of e-cigarettes among the youth and teenagers, though the efficiency of regulations on the promotion and advertisement of e-cigarettes has not been evaluated (Hammond, D. et al., 2020). Evidence indicates that legislation liberalizing the e-cigarette industry should provide the avenues for assessing the rules limiting e-cigarette marketing. Various teens have exposure to the marketing and promotion of e-cigarettes, which higher in regions with minimum restriction rules-regional e-cigarette restriction results in low-level exposure, translating into a reduced number of users.

Exposure of the young people to vaping advertisements has led them to get interest in the ads (Cho, Y. J. et al., 2019). The data on findings from the 2017 International Tobacco Control Youth Tobacco and Vaping Survey indicates that in England, Canada, and the U.S considers the different regulatory framework for vaping products advertisement and observe that exposure has an influence on perception of the young people on vaping. Mostly the perception is that the use of e-cigarette is a desirable thing as the ads make it look. Unfortunately, today many youths and young adults have had exposure to vaping advertisements.

Pros vs. Cons of vaping

Whereas vaping enjoys the benefit of not exposing users to the dangerous smoke resulting from smoking, it has several adverse health impacts. An overview of various health literature on the impact of e-cigarettes to give a clear vision of the effect of vaping to human organs system’s health. E-cigarette exposure has resulted in the pulmonary system’s inflammatory reactions, including impaired pulmonary function, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and a range of stress. Other effects as identified by the article are ocular irritation, dermatitis, toxicity, renal insufficiency, and possible carcinogenicity (Seiler-Ramadas, R. et al., 2020).

Vaping in itself increases the possibility of the young people using it ending up as smokers (Green, M. et al., 2020). Moreover, the increased possibility of youth smoking is not only closely attributed to parents’ influence on smoking but also the use of e-cigarette by parents. The use propensity weighing trajectory qualifies vaping effects on adults and young adults with vaping characteristics. People who form the habit of vaping are vulnerable to the abuse of other substances. E-cigarettes influence people to use tobacco products, alcohol, marijuana, and other substances (Chadi, N. et al., 2020). Even though vaping results in reduced smoking for the adult, such proof of help does not exist for youth people. Various strategies are in place to enable young people to shy smoking, but there is less awareness of the clinical interventions that have succeeded in this cause. For as long as there is a connection between smoking and vaping demonstrated by public data (Levy, D. T. et al., 2019), the strategies need to comprehend vaping as well.

The influence to either smoking or vaping depending on the habit that a person forms first is mutual indicating addiction i.e., previous marijuana users and smokers were at a high risk of vaping nicotine, marijuana, and just flavoring (Dai, H., & Siahpush, M, 2020). The data on 2017 monitoring future survey and the estimates of substance that youth vaper and conducted other multivariable logistic developments exploring the youths’ risk factors using the vaping products. The usage of e-cigarettes among the youth shows a complicated pattern, and young people report vaping substances not only for flavor but also addictive.

Vaping most definitely results into ling injuries which turn catastrophic to threaten life (Messina, M. D. et al., 2020). Research shows that almost all pediatric patients diagnosed with EVALI in the United States health system through CDC measures in six months had six patients who introduced specific respiratory and gastrointestinal grievances had a predominant aspect of the sickness, pulmonary symptomatology ((Messina, M. D. et al., 2020)). The article found that with the distinctions in side effects, there is a high doubt concerning EVALI with a patient who reports the utilization of vaping items paying little mind to their pulmonary complaints.

Resolving the vaping dilemma

Resolving the vaping dilemma first calls for the understanding of the problem. A qualitative study exploring the responses of youth and young adults who vape e-cigarettes can help develop the appropriate strategies to help young adults and adolescents vaping. The parallels in smoking and vaping are attributable to three main themes affecting one’s ability to quit: behavioral fulfillment, stress reduction, and social benefits (Sanchez, S. et al., 2020). Quitting is attributed to financial loss, dependency, and industrial impact. Though there is considerable overlap between smoking and vaping, conscious of the variables for motivations and the barriers for quitting help design research and concerns on termination of vaping among young people. Some of the mechanisms to control e-cigarettes usage among young people, including education campaigns, implementing indoor-use restrictions, and raising the products prices (King, B. A. et al., 2020).

E-cigarette use status introducing nicotine and chemicals in e-cigarette-related risks differed with sexual orientation, gender, and race. The health risk relating to vaping is associated with teenagers’ demographic and sexual orientation. Thus, education strategies can improve teens’ awareness concerning health risks associated with e-cigarettes and reduce vaping use (Vu, T. H. T et al., 2020).

The problem of vaping is deeply rooted among the young people. A national survey of U.S. adolescents on the content of the vape administered by the young people, the survey observes that those students who had not utilized vaporizer by grade 12 had used flavoring (Miech, R.et al., 2017). The report states that the rise in vapers’ use among young people does not necessarily equate to nicotine’s addictiveness; however, the study observes that those involved in vaping can engage in a simple prevention program. Understanding these dynamics can help in knowing where to focus the energy fighting the dilemma.

One cannot develop interest for what they don’t know. Effectively regulation on the advertisements on e-cigarettes will go a long way in reducing the exposure of the young people to the vaping products. There is a justification for policies control the marketing of substances and vaping among the youth ((Miech, R.et al., 2017), which is the general public good and the health risk that the exposure to e-cigarettes has on the young generation.

The regulatory nightmare is that doing away with non-therapeutic nicotine products poses ethical challenges as its elimination eliminates the smokers’ route to quit smoking and less harmful smoking habits. Striking of balance in encouraging quitting smoking among the adults by encouraging them to use vaping as a less harmful alternative and keeping teenagers away from vaping and subsequently getting to smoke remains the challenge(Gartner, C., 2018). There are other regulatory mechanism that can reduce the youths’ exposure not necessary at the expense of the adults who would want to use the vaping mechanism as a way of quitting smoking.

Outcomes for solving vaping

It is the obligation of every state to protect its current generations and the posterity. Study shows that the cessation tools used by the youths as the recreational activities have adverse effects on the population of the young people (Sisson, J., 2020). There is increased heart complication that turn out catastrophic reducing the general population of the young people. Even if the youth habiting vaping were to stay alive the health complications for the time they will be living is unwarranted. The history of tobacco usage is nothing to smile about and it affords a comprehensive understanding of the vaper issues and what the country is risking (Sisson, J., 2020).

Most youths across the country are addicts to vaping but have little regard for the health dangers resulting from vape use. There is need to stop the vaping habit among the young people to improve on the quality of their lives which has an impact on the economic national growth as they are required to help in the building of the country and in a few years take over all together the nation’s building.


The literature trend indicates that the young generation, generation Z, which are mostly falling in the adolescent stage, are the most affected by vaping. The literature review points to the social trend conforming by these young people as the most significant cause of vaping, the formation of the movements are influenced a great deal by the information sources like ads. Throughout the review, it is observed that vaping has adverse health effects on the youths, and there is a need to shun vaping by young people for the great good of the country.


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Chadi, N., & Belanger, R. E. (2020). Teen vaping: There is no vapor without fire. Paediatrics & Child Health, 25(6), 337-339.

Consumer Advocates for Smoke Free Alternatives Association. (2019). A Historical Timeline of Electronic Cigarettes en CASAA website. Recovered from http://www. casaa. org/historical-timeline-of-electronic-cigarettes/. Access on December, 24, 2020.

Dai, H., & Siahpush, M. (2020). Use of e-cigarettes for nicotine, marijuana, and just flavoring among U.S. youth. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(2), 244-249.

Dobbs, P. D., Clawson, A. H., Gowin, M., & Cheney, M. K. (2020). Where college students look for vaping information and what information they believe. Journal of American College Health, 68(4), 347-356.

East, K. A., Hitchman, S. C., McNeill, A., Thrasher, J. F., & Hammond, D. (2019). Social norms towards smoking and vaping and associations with product use among youth in England, Canada, and the U.S. Drug and alcohol dependence, 205, 107635.

Gartner, C. (2018). How can we protect youth from putative vaping gateway effects without denying smokers a less harmful option?. Addiction, 113(10), 1784-1785.

Giovacchini, C. X., Pacek, L., McClernon, F. J., & Que, L. G. (2017). Use and perceived risk of electronic cigarettes among North Carolina middle and high school students. North Carolina medical journal, 78(1), 7-13.

Hammond, D., Reid, J. L., Burkhalter, R., & Rynard, V. L. (2020). E-cigarette Marketing Regulations and Youth Vaping: Cross-Sectional Surveys, 2017–2019. Pediatrics, 146(1).

King, B. A., Jones, C. M., Baldwin, G. T., & Briss, P. A. (2020). The EVALI and youth vaping epidemics — implications for public health. The New England Journal of Medicine, 382(8), 689-691. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.trident.edu:2048/10.1056/NEJMp1916171

Kilpatrick, T. (2020). Youth Vaping: An Analysis of an Epidemic.

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Miech, R., Patrick, M. E., O’Malley, P. M., & Johnston, L. D. (2017). What are kids vaping? Results from a national survey of U.S. adolescents. Tobacco Control, 26(4), 386-391.

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Youth Vaping Paper


During the past few years, the use of E-cigarette among youths and young adults has significantly increased, which has led to increased concerns regarding the health of the youths and young adults who are using vaping products. The increased use of vaping products by the youths and young adults has increased tobacco use since the vaping products contain nicotine, which is an addictive drug in tobacco. Generation Z is the youths and young adults who were born between the years 1997 and 2012, and they are considered to be the ones who have been greatly affected by the issues of vaping and the use of E-cigarettes. Most of these individuals are introduced to vaping products through the advertisement they see in electronic devices around them since they are active users of social media and smartphones that advertise the use of vaping products. As of 2019, national youth tobacco survey statistics show that E-cigarette products have doubled among the youths, especially among high school students, while it has tripped among the middle school students. Youth vaping has brought about addiction among generation Z, which is a threat that reduces the years of progress in reducing tobacco use among the youths. According to doctors, the use of nicotine by the youth in any form such as E-cigarettes is harmful to their health since it causes addiction as well as harms brain development, which affects their attention, learning, and memory or leads to increased risk of addiction to other drugs such as marijuana or tobacco (Dai & Siahpush, 2020). Since most of the E-cigarette products deliver huge doses of nicotine, they present youths at great risk of being addicted, and parents and teachers share the issues of youths who are suffering from nicotine addiction due to the use of E-cigarettes. To deal with the rising issue of youth vaping, most schools educate the youths on the negative effects of vaping while parents are encouraged to discourage their children from using E-cigarette products. This article provides a literature review of the rising issue of youth vaping and possible ways of resolving the dilemma of vaping.

Generation Z and their characteristics

Generation Z is also known by other names such as iGen, Homelanders, post-millennials, or centennials, and it refers to an individual born between 1996-2010 after the millennials. Singh & Dangmei (2016) suggest that this generation has been brought up in an environment where they can access the internet, social media, and digital technology. Due to the exposure to a different environment, this generation is significantly different from the silent generation, baby boomers, generation X, and the millennials. For instance, the environment within which they grow up has more technological advancement than the rest of the previous generation. Pew Research Center (2020) adds that other factors such as political, economic, and social differences also play a significant part in defining the character and life experience of generation Z compared to the later, Millennials generation. For example, earlier political factors such as the 9/11 terrorist attack are well comprehended by the Millennials generation, while generations Z may not remember the incident.

Moreover, in terms of race and ethical diversity, generation Z is more diverse compared to millennials. Pew Research Center (2020) suggests that generation Z is global, social, visual, connected, educated, and technologically based. They also form the highest percentage of the current young adult, youths, teens, and tweens populations. Globally, they comprise about 2 billion people who form a significant segment of early adopters, social media drivers, pop-culture leaders, and brand influencers. This means that this generation has a significant potential to create and represent the future (Singh & Dangmei, 2016). Pew Research Center (2020) adds that most generation Z individuals spend most of their young and youthful period in an environment with crisis events such as terrorism, global economic recession, pandemic outbreak, climate change, and rapid technological advancement. Typically, this is the current teenagers and young adults in universities, new employees, and tomorrow’s new consumer (Seemiller & Grace, 2016). It is also essential to note that despite the influence of the environment they grew up in, this generation is also influenced by the previous generations’ factors. For instance, the Pew Research Center (2020) suggests that the baby boomers grew up during the television expansion period, influencing their connectivity and lifestyles globally. Generation X that followed grew up during the computer revolution era, and the millennial generation is raised during the internet explosion era. These factors are influence the current generation Z because there are still present and more advanced than ever.

Youth Vaping Statistics

The popularity of vaping is currently on the rise, with the present statistics showing the different numbers of vaping in different areas, such as its popularity, vaping statistics worldwide, statistics in the U.S., and age and youth vaping statistics. According to King, Jones, Baldwin & Briss, 2020, nine percent of American young adults have confessed to occasional or regular use of vape while almost 27.5% of United States high school students are active vaping products of 2019. This survey shows that more than five million American high and middle school students were involved in using vaping products in their past 30 days. Moreover, the statistics also show that almost 1 million youths who are vape users use the products on a daily basis, while almost 1.6 million use vaping products more than 20 times in a single month. From the year 2011 to 2019 the use of E-cigarette among the youths have risen by an 1800% in which two-third of this young users are youths between the age of 15 to 21 years who do not understand that the vaping products contain nicotine.

Stalgaitis, Djakarta & Jordan, 2020 suggest that the significant increase in the use of E-cigarettes products among youths and young adults has brought about an overall rise in tobacco product use with a 38% rise among high school students and 29% among middle school students from 2017 to 2019. The highly addictive nicotine in most of the E-cigarette products has greatly contributed to the increased rise in the use of these products by middle and high school students. Of all the current E-cigarette users, more than 82% of the user prefer flavored E-cigarette, which there are 84% of high school users and 73.9% of middle school users. Miech, Patrick, O’Malley, & Johnston, 2017 adds that 61% of the youths and teenagers who are vapers did it to experiment where 42% were experimenting the different flavors such as candy and mint of E-cigarette, 38% wanted to have a good time while 37% wanted to feel good and relieve tension. This research also estimates that one in five high school students, as well as one in twenty middle school students, are current users of E-cigarette.

Public Health Campaign and policy

Generally, health campaigns are programs designed to increase public awareness about health threats and promote a proactive measure that enhances public health and individual wellbeing. Shaleh, R. I. (2020) suggest that the public health campaigns involve a wide set of communication and interaction strategies applied by healthcare promotion specialists to spread persuasive messages to a particular target audience and help them establish health live. On the other hand, health policy refers to decisions, plans, measures, and actions initiated to achieve particular health goals in society. Van de Goor et al. (2017) suggest that a public health policy allows a nation to establish tools that support the public from health threats by preventing diseases and promoting a healthy population. Based on these two programs, public health campaigns and health policy can significantly help prevent youth vaping and enhance public health threats awareness associated with e-cigarette among the current generation Z teen, youths, and young adults. The FDA (2020) states that from 2014 to 2016, the FDA’s media campaign based on real cost theme (every cigarette cost you something) prevented more than 587,000 youth from starting smoking/vaping globally.

Nonetheless, the mortality rate is still high among different nations. For example, America still has more than 480,000 deaths, and smoking health issues cost the country nearly $300 billion annually. It is also apparent that most individual starts smoking in their young or youthful age. FDA (2020) suggests that about 90% of adult smokers start smoking by the age of 18, and more than 950 male youth use e-cigarette for the first time smoking experience. The objective of the real cost campaign is to reduce and prevent smoking among USA adolescents. It focuses on convincing youth not to smoke, and therefore it should be an ongoing approach that reduces the percentage of teens and youths currently using an e-cigarette. FDA (2020) suggest that recently in 2017, about 2.1 million students reported to use e-cigarette and projection indicate potential higher rate in the future. This implies that immediate action should be in place to address and prevent this issue. With that in mind, FDA (2020) suggest that there are different advertising and prevention measures (television ads, online video ads, youth-based real cost campaign programs, social media and learning institutions poster) that are delivered to warn young adults/youth about the risk for addiction and health disorders associated with an e-cigarette. These measures will promote the American Lung Association policy-support objective and vision for developing/advocating for a world (future for generation Z) free from lung diseases (American Lung Association, 2020).

Role of advertising E-cigarettes

Advertisements aim to deliver the right designed message to a targeted audience group with common characteristics by making unified communication regarding the issue that is important to all members of the group. Yule & Tinson, 2016 suggests that the E-cigarette products industry focuses on the psychographic aspect to present various products and brands when targeting youths and teenagers. The strategy of targeting tobacco interventions and using peer crowd messages has been confirmed to be effective. This is because to make the advertisement even more successful, and the companies align themselves with fashionables, celebrities, and youthful places where youths carry out their activities to make the products appealing to the youths. Through the internet and social media, where most of generation Z exists, the companies can display attractive promotion prices and compete through group discount vouchers to attract more young people and be able to communicate directly with the audience.

McCausland et al. 2020 add that the advertisement of tobacco products can motivate the youths to use tobacco products, which has led to an increase in E-cigarettes’ advertisement. More than 69%of high and middle school students get exposed to advertisements of E-cigarettes through the internet, in retail stores, in movies, or through magazines and newspapers which advertise different types of E-cigarette products. Many different types of vapes brands, such as Juul or RJ Reynolds, leverage different advertising strategies to create and introduce vaping products in their market. Some of the current brands have even introduced the addition of fruit flavors in their products to attract more customers and dominate the markets.

Significant Vaping case

Since the E-cigarette was introduced in the United States, several cases have been published that discuss lung diseases related to nicotine vaping or extracts of marijuana. According to Sisson, 2020, from 2019, there has been an increased number of induced lung injury cases due to vaping, which led to increased mortality and morbidity that captured the national attention of the use of vaping E-cigarette products. Although E-cigarette was created as a safer alternative for individuals to quit traditional cigarette smoking, the current research shows there is pulmonary toxicity present in E-cigarette vapor, which is made up of flavored fluids, heavy metals, and aerosolized nicotine, among other additives that are volatile compounds. According to the article, one of the most recent cases involving vaping is the mysterious lung illness, where there were more than 450 possible cases in more than 33 states, including five deaths. According to health officials and physicians, the largest and earliest number of cases that had been published, they offered detailed descriptions of lung disorders for individuals who were vaping in a number of the article in the journal of medicine.

Though the state officials suggested that the cause of the diseases was not known, the illness severity and the increase in a number of cases of the clinical syndrome shows that the case present new challenging pulmonary diseases which are related to vaping as reported by the health department officials who carried out an investigation on 53 patients. The food and drug administration suggested that the patient’s test’s findings showed the presence of vitamin E acetate, an oil extracted from vitamin E in marijuana products sample collected from the patients who had become ill due to vaping. According to research by the physicians and doctors, when the chemical in vape liquid are heated, they undergo a thermal degradation where they produce new compounds which have possible harmful consequences on the patient which lead to various pulmonary illnesses such as lipoid pneumonia, which results in lungs injury (Messina, Levin, Conrad & Bidiwala, 2020).

Advantages and disadvantages of vaping

There is a lot of research which have been carried out regarding the advantages and disadvantages of youth vaping. Dobbs, Clawson, Gowin & Cheney, 2020 found out that one of the advantages of vaping is that it is 95% safer compared to smoking since it does not involve combustion, there is no tar in vaping products and switching from smoking enables one to have health benefits of being smoke-free. This enables smokers to have better skin health, lung capacity, oral hygiene, and sense of smell and taste. It is also suggested that one was becoming a vapor assist in regulating the nicotine intake since through vaping, one is able to control the nicotine dose in their vape. This because there are various strengths available, starting from nicotine-free to vape containing high strengths of nicotine, which enables the users to choose the amount of nicotine present in their vape. Another major advantage of vaping is that it has instant satisfaction since it has a quick effect that easily silences one’s craving. All types of vapes have a battery that can sustain the device throughout the day without the need for maintenance or upkeep.

Despite the advantages, vaping also has some disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages have been provided by Seiler-Ramadas, Sandner, Haider, et al., who suggested that vaping has a youthful perception. Depending on an individual’s region, there are regulations that control the legal age of buying vape to be 18 or 21 years old due to the establishment of the Tobacco 21 laws. Moreover, most of the vapors are individuals who are between the age of 18 and 29 years, which has created the perception that vaping is for the youth through some of the adults above the age of 29 are also active vapors. It is also suggested that cumulative cost is also a disadvantage of vaping. This is because, like most of the consumable products, vape needs to be purchased repeatedly since the liquid has to be replenished. There are different prices for E-liquids depending on their quantity and quality or brand since some of them replenish faster than others. The continuous consumption of vape leads to the addition of cost while buying the liquid and different flavors.

Resolving the issue of youth vaping

Some of the issues that have been brought about by youth vaping are the increased severe lung and heart disease, the development of nicotine addiction, which affects brain development, and the youths are exposed to harmful substances such as heavy metals. Hammond, Reid, Burkhalter & Rynard, 2020suggests that some of the strategies that have been in place to deal with the issue of youth vaping include requiring teachers to try and discourage the student from using or getting engaged in the use of vape in schools. Despite this, there are also other strategies that have been implemented to resolve the issue of youth vaping, such as the ban of flavored E-cigarettes, increasing the minimum age of buying E-cigarette from the age of 18 years to 21 years, and restricting the online sales to E-cigarette products. Some of the vaping companies have resisted the ban of flavored vape though they are under investigation to prove that they advertised vape products that were harmful than cigarettes. In some of the schools, they have addressed youth vaping by providing mental health services and guiding their students away from being socially influenced to start vaping. The schools are also getting the students to be involved or create anti-vaping campaigns that offer peer to peer education and counseling. There is a collaboration among state, local and federal action to create a Youth tobacco prevention plan to initiate ways to restrict the youths from accessing vaping products, educate the youths, and deal with the teenage focused marketing strategy (Gartner, 2018).

The possible outcome for resolving vaping issues

According to Essa et al. 2020, the ban on the sale of flavored vaping products will have a significant effect on vaping companies since they have employees starting from small shops to well-established hardware designers. Eliminating the legal sales of flavored vaping products will lead to the establishment of a huge black market for E-cigarettes, which will be very harmful to the youths since they find themselves vaping from devices with cheaper substances. Moreover, the author adds that changing the age limit from 18 years to 21 years may not work to prevent most youths from accessing the E-cigarettes since most of the youths suggest that the first time they accessed a vape, they were at the age of thirteen. A high number of youths with E-cigarette products have confessed to buying the products from individuals they were living with rather than from shops, which shows that raising the age limit will not affect the issue.

Application of state and local action to eliminate the rising issue of youth vaping will lead to an increased burden on state government, local schools, and boards of education to deal with the issue of youth vaping. But despite this, most of these localities have already applied strategies to deal with vaping, such as banning vaping on school grounds; there are several states that have enacted the ban of flavored vaping products while others have raised the age limits to 21. There has been an installment of traditional strategies to monitor washrooms and hallways to confiscate vaping tools and offer on-site counseling on active vapers. Providing mental health services in schools to guide students away from being encouraged to use vaping products can be one of the most effective strategies since students get to understand these products’ health dangers. The community has been able to collaborate to prevent and eliminate the issue of youth vaping. Most of the youths are encouraged to use vaping products in the community, which will be eliminated.


Generation Z is individuals who have grown up in an environment where they can access the internet, social media, and digital technology, which makes them vulnerable to be exposed to youth vaping products. This is because most of the advertisements of youth vaping products are carried out on digital media such as social media, the internet, and televisions, and they are mostly focused on enticing the youth to use the products. By conducting the literature review, I was able to access the statistics of youth vaping, which showed that 27.5% of United States youths are active vape products. The statistics showed that more than five million American high and middle school students were involved in using vaping products where more than 1 million of the youth are an active user of vape while almost 1.6 million of the youths use vape more than 20 times in one month. The main reason for carrying out public health campaigns and health policy is to assist in reducing or prevent youth vaping, thus improving public health threat awareness. It focuses on convincing youth not to smoke, and therefore it should be an ongoing approach that reduces the percentage of teens and youths currently using an e-cigarette. When it comes to advertisement, advertising’s main role is to encourage and motivate the youths to use the different types of vaping products such as the Juul and the RJ Reynolds, among others.


In conclusion, we can say that the best way to deal with the rising issue of youth vaping is to get every individual to be involved in eliminating the use of vape through educating ourselves about the effects of E-cigarettes. It is essential that community centers and schools or areas where youths get together to have tobacco-free policies to prevent this issue. Those who are users of vape or tobacco products should have a commitment to quitting since the youth are motivated to use the product if those around them are users.


American Lung Association (2020). American lung association | American lung association. Retrieved from


Dobbs, P., Clawson, A., Gowin, M., & Cheney, M. (2020). Where college students look for vaping information and what information they believe. Retrieved from


Dai, H., & Siahpush, M. (2020). Use of e-cigarettes for nicotine, marijuana, and just flavoring among U.S. youth. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(2), 244-249.

Essa, A., Macaraeg, J., Jagan, N., Kwon, D., Randhawa, S., Kruse, M., … & Kaster, M. (2020). Review of cases of e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) and a brief review of the literature. Case Reports in Pulmonology, 2020.

FDA. (2020, August 19). The real cost campaign. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from


Gartner, C. (2018). How can we protect youth from putative vaping gateway effects without denying smokers a less harmful option?. Addiction, 113(10), 1784-1785.

Hammond, D., Reid, J., Burkhalter, R., & Rynard, V. (2020, July 01). E-cigarette Marketing Regulations and Youth Vaping: Cross-Sectional Surveys, 2017–2019. Retrieved from



King, B. A., Jones, C. M., Baldwin, G. T., & Briss, P. A. (2020). The EVALI and youth vaping epidemics — implications for public health. The New England Journal of Medicine, 382(8), 689-691. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.trident.edu:2048/10.1056/NEJMp1916171

McCausland, K., Jancey, J., Leaver, T., Wolf, K., Freeman, B., & Maycock, B. (2020). Motivations for use, identity, and the vaper subculture: a qualitative study of Western Australian vapers’ experiences. BMC public health, 20(1), 1-14.

Messina, M. D., Levin, T. L., Conrad, L. A., & Bidiwala, A. (2020). Vaping associated lung injury: A potentially life‐threatening epidemic in U.S. youth. Pediatric pulmonology.

Miech, R., Patrick, M. E., O’Malley, P. M., & Johnston, L. D. (2017). What are kids vaping? Results from a national survey of U.S. adolescents. Tobacco Control, 26(4), 386-391

Pew Research Center. (2020, July 28). Defining generations: Where Millennials end and Generation Z begins. Retrieved from


Shaleh, R. I. (2020). The Public Health Campaign: A Literature Review from the Point of Use of Media and Communication in Malaysia. International Journal of Science and Society, 2(4), 133-146.

Seiler-Ramadas, R., Sandner, I., Haider, S. et al. Health effects of electronic cigarette (e‑cigarette) use on organ systems and its implications for public health. Wien Klin Wochenschr (2020).


Seemiller, C., & Grace, M. (2016). Generation Z goes to college. John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from


Singh, A. P., & Dangmei, J. (2016). Understanding the generation Z: the future workforce. South-Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(3), 1-5.

Stalgaitis, C. A., Djakaria, M., & Jordan, J. W. (2020). The Vaping Teenager: Understanding the Psychographics and Interests of Adolescent Vape Users to Inform Health Communication Campaigns. Tobacco use insights, 13, 1179173X20945695

Sisson, J. (2020). The Effects and Implications of Vaping on the Youth Population. Retrieved from



Yule, J., & Tinson, J. (2016, August 31). Youth and the sociability of “Vaping”. Retrieved from


Van de Goor, I., Hämäläinen, R. M., Syed, A., Lau, C. J., Sandu, P., Spitters, H., … & Aro, A. R. (2017). Determinants of evidence use in public health policymaking: Results from a study across six E.U. countries. Health policy, 121(3), 273-281.

Youth Vaping Outline

I. Introduction

A) The introduction of e-cigarettes (Consumer Advocates for Smoke Free Alternatives Association, 2019).

B) Popularity with youth (Giovacchini et al., 2017)

1. It is an epidemic (Kilpatrick, 2020).

C) How to reduce exposure

II. The most affected generation with vaping

A) Teenagers and young adults (Kilpatrick, 2020).

1. Stats

2. Generation Z (pewresearch.org, 2020)

B) Social values and social prioritization

C) Variant motivations (McCausland et al., 2020)

III. Public health campaigns and policies

A) The government (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2016).

1. Local state, and national

2. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA

B) Truth Initiative Plan (truthiniative.org, 2020)

C) The Real Cost initiative (fda.gov, 2020)

IV. The role of advertisements

A) Sources accessible to youths

1. Social media (Dobbs et al., 2020).

2. Store front visuals

3. Vape pens marketing practices (Hammond et al., 2020).

B) Vaping advertisements (Cho et al., 2019).

1. Legislation liberalizing the e-cigarette industry

V. Pros vs. cons of vaping

A) Vape exposure to users/bystanders

1. Effect on human organs

2. Effects on ocular irritation, dermatitis, toxicity (Seiler-Ramadas et al., 2020).

B) Becoming a traditional smoker (Green et al., 2020).

1. Tobacco product influence (Chadi et al., 2020).

2. Public data on smoking (Levy et al., 2019)

C) Addiction (Dai & Soapbush, 2020).

1. Usage pattern (Gartner, 2018)

2. Health consequences (Messina, M. D. et al., 2020).

VI. Resolving the vaping dilemma

A) Understanding of the problem (Sanchez et al., 2020).

B) Mechanisms to control e-cigarettes usage

1. Education campaigns

2. Implementing indoor-use restrictions

3. Raising the products prices (King et al., 2020).

C) Awareness of health (Vu et al., 2020).

D) Effective regulations on the advertisements (Miech et al., 2017).

VII. Outcomes for solving vaping

A) Cessation tools (Sisson, 2020).

1. Not on Tobacco (N-O-T) (lung.org, 2020)

2. Intervention for Nicotine Dependence: Education, Prevention, Tobacco and Health (INDEPTH) in school (lung.org, 2020)

3. Get Your Head Out of the Cloud for Parents (lung.org, 2020)

VIII. Conclusion

A) Throughout the review, it is observed that vaping has adverse health effects on the youths

B) Brief outcome of Federal, State and Local campaigns


American Lung Association (2020). American lung association | American lung association. Retrieved from https://www.lung.org/

Dobbs, P., Clawson, A., Gowin, M., & Cheney, M. (2020). Where college students look for vaping information and what information they believe. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30615581

Dai, H., & Siahpush, M. (2020). Use of e-cigarettes for nicotine, marijuana, and just flavoring among U.S. youth. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 58(2), 244-249.

Essa, A., Macaraeg, J., Jagan, N., Kwon, D., Randhawa, S., Kruse, M., … & Kaster, M. (2020). Review of cases of e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury (EVALI) and a brief review of the literature. Case Reports in Pulmonology, 2020.

Fataar, F., & Hammond, D. (2019). The prevalence of vaping and smoking as modes of delivery for nicotine and cannabis among youth in Canada, England and the United States. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(21), 4111. doi:10.3390/ijerph16214111

FDA. (2020, August 19). The real cost campaign. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Retrieved from https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/public-health-education/real-cost-campaign

Gartner, C. (2018). How can we protect youth from putative vaping gateway effects without denying smokers a less harmful option?. Addiction, 113(10), 1784-1785.

Hammond, D., Reid, J., Burkhalter, R., & Rynard, V. (2020, July 01). E-cigarette Marketing Regulations and Youth Vaping: Cross-Sectional Surveys, 2017–2019. Retrieved from https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/146/1/e20194020.

King, B. A., Jones, C. M., Baldwin, G. T., & Briss, P. A. (2020). The EVALI and youth vaping epidemics — implications for public health. The New England Journal of Medicine, 382(8), 689-691. doi: http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.trident.edu:2048/10.1056/NEJMp1916171

McCausland, K., Jancey, J., Leaver, T., Wolf, K., Freeman, B., & Maycock, B. (2020). Motivations for use, identity, and the vaper subculture: a qualitative study of Western Australian vapers’ experiences. BMC public health, 20(1), 1-14.

Messina, M. D., Levin, T. L., Conrad, L. A., & Bidiwala, A. (2020). Vaping associated lung injury: A potentially life‐threatening epidemic in U.S. youth. Pediatric pulmonology.

Miech, R., Patrick, M. E., O’Malley, P. M., & Johnston, L. D. (2017). What are kids vaping? Results from a national survey of U.S. adolescents. Tobacco Control, 26(4), 386-391

Pew Research Center. (2020, July 28). Defining generations: Where Millennials end and Generation Z begins. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/01/17/where-millennials-end-and-generation-z-begins/

Shaleh, R. I. (2020). The Public Health Campaign: A Literature Review from the Point of Use of Media and Communication in Malaysia. International Journal of Science and Society, 2(4), 133-146.

Seiler-Ramadas, R., Sandner, I., Haider, S. et al. Health effects of electronic cigarette (e‑cigarette) use on organ systems and its implications for public health. Wien Klin Wochenschr (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00508-020-01711-z

Seemiller, C., & Grace, M. (2016). Generation Z goes to college. John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from https://pubs.lib.umn.edu/index.php/jcotr/article/download/2919/2327/

Singh, A. P., & Dangmei, J. (2016). Understanding the generation Z: the future workforce. South-Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(3), 1-5.

Stalgaitis, C. A., Djakaria, M., & Jordan, J. W. (2020). The Vaping Teenager: Understanding the Psychographics and Interests of Adolescent Vape Users to Inform Health Communication Campaigns. Tobacco use insights, 13, 1179173X20945695

Sisson, J. (2020). The Effects and Implications of Vaping on the Youth Population. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/honors/937/.

Yule, J., & Tinson, J. (2016, August 31). Youth and the sociability of “Vaping”. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/cb.1597

Vaping. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://truthinitiative.org/our-top-issues/vaping-issue

Van de Goor, I., Hämäläinen, R. M., Syed, A., Lau, C. J., Sandu, P., Spitters, H., … & Aro, A. R. (2017). Determinants of evidence use in public health policymaking: Results from a study across six E.U. countries. Health policy, 121(3), 273-281.

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