Economic Approaches in the Age of Industrialization (1870-1940)

INSTRUCTION SHEET for Assignment 2–with key details:  HIS105_Assignment 2_Instructions_Dr_Stansbury x   
WRITING GUIDE for Assignment 2: HIS105_Writing_Guide_Assmt_2 x   (tip:  print this out)
SOURCES AND TIPS sheet for Assignment 2:  Sources and Tips for Assignment 2_HIS105 x 

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Assignment 2: Economic Approaches in the Age of Industrialization (1870-1940)

Due Week 6 and worth 120 points

In Assignment 2, we ask you to choose one of two topic choices listed below on the subject of economic change and innovation in the period of the late 1800s and early 1900s, then use the Writing Guide provided in Blackboard to write a paper on the subject. One topic is on the individual level of pioneering entrepreneurs of the period, who developed distinctive strategies for the production and marketing of very different parts types of products. The other topic is on the macro level, exploring successful and unsuccessful government attempts to shape and regulate the changing industrial economy of the period.

As you prepare and brainstorm your paper, first read and review what our Schultz textbook covers on the subject. Then, consider the other sources listed with each topic below. It is important that you review these sources carefully because you must use a minimum of three sources (from the list below) to write your paper.

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Be sure to review the other help (documents or video) provided by your instructor. For information on the SWS format, see the “Strayer Writing Standards” tab on the course menu.

TOPIC CHOICE ONE: Innovative Entrepreneurs – Walker and Ford

Here you will focus on the business approaches of Madame C. J. Walker and Henry Ford. Both developed innovative and successful approaches in a time of rapid economic change. You will compare them in the way they started their respective businesses and the key innovative features that made each successful. One might find virtues, problems, and successes associated with both. You might see elements of each in strategies of later leaders and related issues even today.

Sources: Schultz, p. 396-7 (only Ford is discussed in our textbook). For Madam C. J. Walker (1867-1919), see

Madam Walker, the First Black American Woman to Be a Self-Made Millionaire

. For Henry Ford, see



and Tips for Assignment 2 (History 105; Prof. Stansbury)—3 pages here

LENGTH AND DEVELOPMENT: Each paper in our class is a 5-paragraph essay, plus there is a title page (=cover page) at the start and a Sources list at the end. The body of the paper is to be double-spaced. The body of the paper should be five paragraphs and a total of 500-to-800 words in length. The 500 minimum is firm; you really have not adequately developed the paper if less than that. The 800-word upper limit is really a guideline—ok to go over. Just don’t ramble. To determine length, I look at the BODY of the paper only (not title page or sources list) and consider primarily the word count. (Microsoft Word makes this easy. Just select from the first line of your first paragraph to the last line of your last paragraph. The word-count is provided on the lower left by MS-Word.). [I do not go by number of pages because there are too many ways that gets fudged by margins, font size, line spacing, etc. However, fyi—Typically, if you follow these instructions, the body of your paper will be 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 pages in length—add a page for your title page and another for your sources list and that then gets to 4-1/2-to 5/1/2.] PAGES 2-3 BELOW: SEE SAMPLES THERE FOR YOUR TOPIC.

Your paper must have a numbered list of sources at the end combined with short in-text citations to those sources in the body of the paper. Any direct quote needs both quote marks and an in-text citation to the source. Any paraphrase or summary of information from a source requires an in-text citation to that source.

Use ONLY the sources designated. If for some reason you must use additional sources, do NOT google for them—use the university’s online library.

In this assignment, do NOT include long quotes of 4 lines or more. The paper is too short for that. Keep any quotes short and clearly marked with quote marks and a citation. Most of the paper should be you using mostly your words while using and summarizing information from your sources, as well as commenting and developing the paper according to the instructions. TIP: Before writing your paper, brainstorm first and make a general list or outline of each paragraph and what it will include. Use the class text for examples or specific information, and jot down the page numbers where you found that information. Do the same with other sources used. This will make your writing of the paper much easier. Then, start typing a rough draft. Plan to revise and edit yourself; allot time to polish the paper before you finally submit. Procrastination is the enemy of quality.


ON THE NEXT TWO PAGES—How to list and how to cite the sources in your paper. Each of the two topics (as shown on the instruction sheet) identified sources by link and by short identification. On the next two pages, you will see how each of those sources looks in an in-text citation (in the body of the paper, and how each on looks on an SWS style list of sources at the end of your paper. Obviously, focus on the part related to the topic you chose.
Chapters 16-through-22

of the class text have relevant info for Assignment 2, but focus on the pages listed for the topic you choose. When citing the class text (or any book), the in-text citation should include specific page numbers where the information was found. With an eBook, normally you can click on the screen and the page number will appear on the lower left of the screen.
[continued on next page]

p. 2

TOPIC CHOICE ONE: Innovative Entrepreneurs—Walker and Ford

From instruction sheet—- Sources: Schultz, p. 396–7 (only Ford is discussed in our textbook). For Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919), see

; [ now at

] and 

Madam Walker, the First Black American Woman to Be a Self-Made Millionaire

 . For Henry Ford, see

. But don’t cite these this way; see below for proper form.


The SWS style in-text citations in the body of your paper would look something like these:

(Schultz, 1, p. #). (Bundles, 2). (Gates, 3). (, 4).

The SWS style list of sources at the end of your paper would look something like this, though the order may vary:


1. Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.

2. A’Lelia Bundles. n.d. Madam C. J. Walker: A Brief Biographical Essay.

3. H. L. Gates. n.d. Madam Walker, the First Black American Woman to Be a Self-Made Millionaire.

Madam Walker, the First Black American Woman to Be a Self-Made Millionaire

4. Editors. June 6, 2019. Henry Ford.


[See next page for Sources for Topic Choice Two. ]

p. 3

TOPIC CHOICE TWO: Government Economic Policies—Hits and Misses

  Sources: Schultz, p. 362–4, 367, 401–2, 417, 425–9, 432. Besides the textbook (required), use any two of these sources that you think relevant to your paper—or two sources from our university’s online library:

; and

 ; and

. But don’t cite these this way; see below for proper form.

The SWS style in-text citations in the body of your paper would look something like these:

(Schultz, 1, p. #). (Whitaker, 2). (Sinclair, 3). (Lloyd, 4).

The SWS style list of sources at the end of your paper would look something like this, though the order may vary:
1. Kevin M. Schultz. 2018. HIST: Volume 2: U.S. History since 1865. 5th ed.

2. J. B. Whitaker. 1871. The Impact of the Factory on Worker Health.

3. U. Sinclair. 1906. Attack on the Meatpackers. (From The Jungle).

4. H. D. Lloyd. June, 1884. The Lords of Industry. From North American Review (331).


Assignment2: Economic Approaches in the Age of Industrialization (1870-1940)

History 105: Due Week 6 and worth 120 points (Dr. Stansbury)

Submission deadline: 9am Eastern Time; Monday, August 17

In Assignment 2, we ask you to choose one of two topic choices listed below on the subject of economic change and innovation in the period of the late 1800s and early 1900s, then use the Writing Guide provided in Blackboard to write a paper on the subject. One topic is on the individual level of pioneering entrepreneurs of the period, who developed distinctive strategies for the production and marketing of very different types of products. The other topic is on the macro level, exploring successful and unsuccessful government attempts to shape and regulate the changing industrial economy of the period.

As you prepare and brainstorm your paper, first read and review what our Schultz textbook covers on the subject. Then, consider the other sources listed with each topic below. It is important that you review these sources carefully because you must use a minimum of three sources (from the list below) to write your paper. Besides this instruction sheet and the Writing Guide, be sure to review the other helps (documents or video) provided by your instructor. For information on the SWS format, see the “Strayer Writing Standards” tab on the lower left of your Blackboard course shell. 

TOPIC CHOICE ONE: Innovative Entrepreneurs—Walker and Ford

Here you will focus on the business approaches of Madame C. J. Walker and Henry Ford. Both developed innovative and successful approaches in a time of rapid economic change. You will compare them in the way they started their respective businesses and the key innovative features that made each successful. One might find virtues, problems and successes associated with both. You might see elements of each in strategies of later leaders and related issues even today. For this topic you must use the Schultz text as one of your sources—and at least two of the other sources listed below. See page 2 of the SOURCES AND TIPS sheet.

 Sources: Schultz, p. 396–7 (only Ford is discussed in our textbook). For Madam C. J. Walker (1867–1919), see

[now at

]; and 

Madam Walker, the First Black American Woman to Be a Self-Made Millionaire

 . For Henry Ford, see


TOPIC CHOICE TWO: Government Economic Policies—Hits and Misses

Here you will choose two historical examples from the following list: Prohibition; Hawley-Smoot Tariff; Sherman Antitrust Act; Pure Food and Drug Act; Federal Trade Commission; Civilian Conservation Corps; Agricultural Adjustment Act; the Wagner Act, and the Social Security Act. These are examples of government economic intervention or economic policy in the long period from 1870 to 1940. These might be thought of as burdensome government interference or as needed government regulation, depending on the example and one’s thinking on those things. For your paper, you will explore and describe each of your two examples, its historical context, and the reasons it arose. One might find virtues, problems and successes associated with both. You might see elements of each in examples in our current economy today. For this topic you must use the Schultz textbook as a key source. In addition, you must use two other sources—either from the list below or from the university’s online library. See page 3 of the SOURCES AND TIPS sheet.

 Sources: Schultz, p. 362–4, 367, 401–2, 417, 425–9, 432. Besides the textbook (required), use any two of these sources that you think relevant to your paper—or two sources from the university library:

; and

 ; and

. [instructions continue on next page]

p. 2

 Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

· Use Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other formats like APA. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

· Be typed, double spaced between lines, using Times New Roman font, Calibri, Arial, or Courier (size 10, 11, or 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and sources must follow SWS format. You must have a Sources list at the end; each source listed must also be cited in the body of the paper with an in-text citation. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

· The preferred file software is Microsoft Word (part of MS-Office). Alternatively, a student can use Windows’ WordPad (not NotePad) or OpenOffice. (Please do not submit files in format or Apple’s Pages or Google docs.)

· Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the Sources page are not included in the required assignment page length.

· The body of the paper should be five paragraphs and a total of 500-to-800 words in length. The 500 minimum is firm; you really have not adequately developed the paper if less than that. The 800 maximum is a loose guideline. The body of the paper is to be double-spaced. Typically, if you follow these instructions, the body of your paper will be 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 pages in length—add a page for your title page and another for your sources list and that then gets to 4-1/2-to 5/1/2. But, the length requirement is evaluated by word count.

The paper must be submitted (uploaded and attached) in the course shell provided online.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

· Discuss events after 1865 in terms of social and economic conditions that caused corresponding changes in the attitudes of the people and policies of the government.


Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. [grading rubric is below on the next 2 pages]

p. 3

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic/organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric. [rubric is here on page 3 and continues to p. 4]

Points: 120

Assignment 2: Economic Approaches in the Age of Industrialization (1870-1940)



100% A


85% B


75% C

Meets Minimum Expectations

65% D


0% F

1. Introduction: Identify the two different peoples or policies that you will discuss. Describe what you will cover in the paper.

Weight: 10%

Thoroughly and clearly introduced your paper by identifying the two different people or policies that you will discuss and describing what you will cover in the paper.

Satisfactorily introduced your paper by identifying the two different people or policies that you will discuss and describing what you will cover in the paper.

Partially introduced your paper by identifying the two different people or policies that you will discuss and describing what you will cover in the paper.

Insufficiently introduced your paper by identifying the two different people or policies that you will discuss and describing what you will cover in the paper

Poor or no introduction. Did not identify the two different people or policies that you will discuss. Did not describe what you will cover in the paper.

2. History and Issues: Describe the background and key developments or successes of each innovator or policy.

Weight: 30%

Thoroughly and coherently described the background and key developments or successes of each innovator or policy. Used persuasive reasoning or clear examples.

Satisfactorily described the background and key developments or successes of each innovator or policy.

Partially described the background and key developments or successes of each innovator or policy.

Insufficiently described the background and key developments or successes of each innovator or policy.

Did not submit or incompletely described the background and key developments or successes of each innovator or policy.

3. Comparison: Evaluate what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each innovator or policy, and the impact of each in that period of history.

Weight: 15%

Thoroughly and clearly evaluated what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each innovator or policy, and the impact of each in that period of history. Used persuasive reasoning or clear examples.

Satisfactorily evaluated what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each innovator or policy, and the impact of each in that period of history.

 Partially evaluated what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each innovator or policy, and the impact of each in that period of history.

Insufficiently evaluated what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each innovator or policy, and the impact of each in that period of history.

Did not submit or incompletely evaluated what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each innovator or policy, and the impact of each in that period of history.

4. Conclusion: Identify similar issues or approaches that developed later, and any similar issues today.

Weight: 15%

Thoroughly and effectively identified similar issues or approaches that developed later, and any similar issues today.

Satisfactorily identified similar issues or approaches that developed later, and any similar issues today.

Partially identified similar issues or approaches that developed later, and any similar issues today.

Insufficiently identified similar issues or approaches that developed later, and any similar issues today.

Did not submit or incompletely identified similar issues or approaches that developed later, and any similar issues today.

5. Used the MINIMUM of three sources, drawing from the list provided. The class text is one of the sources used. Sources are listed at the end and matching in-text citations are used.

Weight: 10%

Meets at least the minimum number of required sources; all sources high quality choices. Sources are listed at the end and also cited in the body of the paper. Solid research is evident.

Meets minimum number of required sources; most sources come from the list provided.

Does not meet the required number of sources; some sources poor quality choices or not from the list provided.

Does not meet the required number of sources; Insufficient on the reference list or in-text citations.

No sources provided.

6. Writing and Presentation:

Used good grammar. Presentation shows clarity, reason, and critical thinking with proper writing mechanics. SWS format is used for reference entries, in-text citations, paper layout, and organization. Instructions followed.

Weight: 20%

0–2 errors.

3–4 errors.

5–6 errors.

7–8 errors.

More than 8 errors present.



In your five paragraph essay using this Writing Guide, use the Schultz class text and at least two of the other sources provided for the topic you chose. Note, you need to include a list of Sources at the end (next page below); also you must cite each of those sources in the body of your paper with short in-text citations. Be sure to review the instruction sheet for Assignment


Also, see the help sheet called “Sources and Tips for Assignment 2”. That help sheet also explains about length and provides other tips.


In your introduction section, cover the information listed in the bullets below. Your introduction should be one paragraph in length:

· Identify the two different people or government programs that you will discuss; provide relevant date(s) or time frames.

· Describe what you will cover in the paper.



In two paragraphs, do the following:

For Topic Choice One: Describe briefly the background of each person’s early struggles or success at business development and the motivations. Describe key innovations in strategy that led to success. Devote one paragraph to each person and strategy.

For Topic Choice Two: Describe briefly the background of each government program and what motivated its proposal and passage. Describe the impact of each program on the economy. Devote one paragraph to each program and strategy.



In your comparison paragraph, evaluate what you see as the strengths and weaknesses of each, and the impact of each in that period of history. Explain which approach you favor and why.



In your conclusion paragraph, identify similar issues or approaches that developed later, and any similar issues or approaches today.





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