Based on your conversations with the teacher/director, consider various assessments that may yield helpful insights into the development and learning of the child/children. Also, refer to the

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Understanding and Choosing Assessments and Developmental Screeners for Young Children Ages 3–5: Profiles of Selected Measures

compendium to support your decision making.

Then, select and administer one language or literacy assessment and one math assessment to the child or group of children. Be sure to follow guidelines for administering these assessments.

After administering the assessments, write a summary of your experience as follows:

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  • Indicate demographic information about the child/children to whom you administered the assessments (gender, age, language/cultural info, special needs). Do not include any names.
  • Identify the assessments you selected.
  • State your rationale for selecting each assessment.
  • Describe each assessment, and explain its purpose.
  • Explain when and how you administered the assessments.

(1–2 pages)

Part II: Data Analysis to Inform Instruction

Analyze the data gained from each of the assessments. Summarize the results of each assessment by answering the following questions:

  • What key findings were presented in the data?
  • What insights did you gain from these findings?
  • How can these findings inform instruction geared for the child or group of children?
  • What next steps would you recommend to the teacher for instructional planning?

(1–2 pages)

Part III: Communicating Assessment Results

One of the key stakeholders in early childhood education is the families of the children you serve. Your ability to communicate assessment results with families is critical to ensuring that preschool children are supported both at home and at school. With regard to the children you assessed, explain how you would bring families into the assessment process by answering the following questions:

  • How would you explain how the assessments fit into the larger picture of instructional planning?
  • What recommendations would you give families for supporting further learning at home?
  • What follow-up communications would you conduct to keep ensure ongoing support?

(3–4 paragraphs)

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