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Deliverable 1 – Foundations of Global Health


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Explain foundations of global health.


You are a nurse working for a non-governmental organization (NGO) that trains volunteers to participate in global health initiatives. During the first week of training, volunteers are introduced to the foundations of global health. You are asked to design an infographic on the foundations of global health for a group of new volunteers.


Design a one-page infographic that addresses the following:

· History and evolution of global health

· Scientific foundations of global health

· Examples of at least five global health interventions within public health systems, including project management, relief, and development

· At least five major determinants of health affecting global populations

Use APA format for citations and reference list. If needed, the reference list may be composed on a separate page.

Clearly stated and thorough description of the history and evolution of global health

Clearly stated and thorough description of scientific foundations of global health.

At least five global health interventions within public health systems are described, including project management, relief, and development

At least five major determinants of health affecting global populations are described, including both social and environmental examples.


Thank you for your deliverable 1 submission.  The feedback below corresponds to each section of the grading rubrics for this deliverable.    

Section 1:   Grade 4.  Very well-done  Clearly stated and thorough description of the history and evolution of global health. You have demonstrated mastery in this component of the deliverable.    

Section 2:    Grade 1.  Review your course module to get a clearer understanding of the foundations of global health (preventive medicine).  Clearly stated and thorough description of scientific foundations of global health.  

Section 3:  Grade 2.  You’re on the right track.  Your examples for Development and Project Mgt need to be more specific.  Think of public health systems that are doing Project Management and Development.  Your example for relief was more specific but a better example of relief would be the Red Cross delivering feed during famines.  At least five global health interventions within public health systems are described, including project management, relief, and development.   You have demonstrated competency for this component of the deliverable.

Section 4:  Grade 4.  At least five major determinants of health affecting global populations are described, including both social and environmental examples.  You have demonstrated mastery in this component of the deliverable. 

it just needs a few little tweaks.  Review the course module for help with Sections 2 and 3.  You are definitely on the right track and you have two more attempts for this deliverable.  I look forward to your next submission. 

What are Global Health Operations?

Global health operations involve funding and implementing health interventions throughout the world. Funders, such as high income countries or large foundations, donate money to implementers through various channels (Jacobsen, 2019). Implementers are typically governmental institutions, United Nations agencies, or nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Global health implementers participate in three main areas: project management, relief, and development.

Project Management

Project management is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to…meet project requirements” (Project Management Institute, 2019). The five steps of project management are: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing (Project Management Institute, 2019). Global health projects follow these same steps. There is usually a contract between the funder and recipient with stated outcomes.

Global health projects can involve horizontal or vertical programs. Horizontal programs aim to strengthen existing health systems, while vertical programs target specific health conditions (Jacobsen, 2019). Many times, both horizontal and vertical initiatives are needed. For example, during the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, vertical programs were primarily implemented to combat the outbreak. But researchers say there should have also been a focus on the health system, by implementing horizontal programs as well (Oliveira, & Russo, 2015).


Global health implementers also respond to global health emergencies. They do this in the form of relief or aid that meets immediate needs such as water, food, shelter, and urgent medical care (Jacobsen, 2019). The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees is an example of an agency that provides relief aid for emergencies and humanitarian crises throughout the world.

Nongovernmental organizations also provide relief aid as part of their services. Providing relief aid is complex and can sometimes lead to unintended consequences. For instance, organizations may inadvertently exacerbate conflicts as their presence may allow violence or instability to persist (Jacobsen, 2019). Building trust within the community is essential to successful relief aid.


Development is “a long-term process of improving the socioeconomic and environmental conditions that are associated with poor population health status” (Jacobsen, 2019, p. 149). While relief focuses on immediate needs, development is concerned with making long-term investments for systemic improvement. One long-term process is called community development, in which community members set their own goals and work to achieve them (Jacobsen, 2019).

In 2017, the World Health Organization held a workshop in South Africa to develop a framework for community development. The rationale for the workshop was lessons learned from the 2014 Ebola outbreak. Global health leaders found that Ebola transmission slowed and stopped after health systems started working with local communities (World Health Organization, 2017). The framework developed during the workshop emphasizes this link between health systems and communities.

Project management, relief, and development all play an important role in improving the health of populations globally. While each addresses different global health needs, the three processes also work together in creating sustainable solutions throughout the world.


Jacobsen, K. H. (2019). Introduction to global health. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Oliveira, C., & Russo, G. (2015). Vertical interventions and system effects: Have we learned anything from past experiences?  The Pan African Medical Journal,  21, 262. doi:10.11604/pamj.2015.21.262.6522

Project Management Institute. (2019). What is project management? Retrieved from https://www.pmi.org/about/learn-about-pmi/what-is-project-management

World Health Organization. (2017). WHO community engagement framework for quality, people-centered and resilient health services. Geneva: Author.

Measurement of Health Status

There are many ways to measure health status in global populations. Data on births, deaths, and other significant life events are used by many countries to track the health of their residents (Jacobsen, 2019). On a global level, this data can be used to see how countries and regions compare to each other in important health metrics.

Birth rates are measured by the number of births per 1000 people in a population. Death (or mortality) rates are measured by the number of deaths per 1000 people in a population. For a deeper understanding of a population’s health risks, mortality rates can be broken down to specific causes of death.

Another important measure of health status is life expectancy. Typically, life expectancy refers to the number of years an individual is expected to live at birth (Jacobsen, 2019). A related measure, healthy life expectancy (HALE), provides the number of years one is expected to live in good health.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO; 2018), Singapore had the highest HALE in 2016 at 76.2 years. Central African Republic had the lowest HALE at 44.9 years (WHO, 2018). The United States of America was 39 th out of the countries reported at 68.5 years (WHO, 2018).

Other useful measures of health status include incidence and prevalence. Incidence refers to the rate of newly diagnosed cases of a disease over a period of time. Prevalence refers to the proportion of disease cases in a population, both newly diagnosed and already established, at a specific time. Incidence is a helpful metric for studying acute or infectious diseases. Prevalence helps researchers understand the frequency of chronic disease in a population (Jacobsen, 2019).

Measures of health status are used by different organizations to examine trends and develop health-related goals. For example, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation uses a Global Burden of Disease tool to help countries understand the nature of their health challenges (Instituted for Health Metrics and Evaluation, n.d.). Another example is the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, which address multiple health metrics by targeting social and environmental determinants of health (Jacobsen, 2019).

Determinants of Health

The health of people in global populations is very much dependent on the context of their lives (WHO, 2019). While genetics play a role in susceptibility to various diseases and conditions, social and environmental factors have significant effects on an individual’s health. Often, these factors are things that people cannot change, such as where they live, education level, income, and the state of the environment (WHO, 2019).

Global health projects and programs can positively impact a population’s determinants of health. The Sustainable Development Goals aim to end poverty, ensure quality education, promote employment, and improve the quality of life globally (Jacobsen, 2019). Other projects target food and agriculture, housing, and access to healthcare. Creating an inclusive and healthy society will take continued effort and funding, as well as research to generate evidence about the impact of global health interventions.


Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. (n.d.). About GBD. Retrieved from http://www.healthdata.org/gbd/about

Jacobsen, K. H. (2019). Introduction to global health. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

World Health Organization. (2019). The determinants of health. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/hia/evidence/doh/en/

World Health Organization. (2018). Healthy life expectancy (HALE) at birth (years) (Mortality and global health estimates). Retrieved from http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.imr.WHOSIS_000002?lang=en

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