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fill out the attachment…… 

You can make this up as if you asked a new parent these questions….. 

Fill out entire attachment and follow all directions

This is from my child development class 

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Long Beach City College

CDECE 47 Human Development

Interview a New Parent

Interview a parent of a first-born infant between the ages of birth and two-years old. Write their answers on this form. Type your responses to the student questions. The major part of your grade is in the Student Questions responses. Submit your typed responses to the student questions, this interview form, and the grading rubric through CANVAS.

Parent Interview

Gender of parent _________________________ Approximate age of parent _______________________

Gender of infant _________________________

Age of infant (in months) _________________________

1. So tell me about your baby. ________________________________________________________________________




2. How would you categorize your pregnancy and the birth of your baby? Was there anything unusual or were things mostly typical or to be expected? ______________________________________________________________________


3. Was your baby born at home or in a hospital or somewhere else? __________________________________________

4. How long was your labor? __________________________________________________________________________

5. How much did your baby weigh at birth? _______________________ Length? _______________________________

6. When your baby was first born, approximately how many hours per day did he or she sleep? ____________________

7. Approximately how many hours does your baby sleep per day now? _______________________________________

Are the baby’s sleeping patterns more regular now? How? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. How about you? Are you getting sleep? ______________________________________________________________

9. Please tell me about your baby’s diet since birth. Breast or bottle feed? What influenced your decision? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Have you introduced solid foods yet? When and how did you do it? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. What physical milestones has your child reached this far in his or her development? __________________________


12. Are you working outside the home? If so, what child care arrangements have you made? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. How would you describe your baby’s personality? ______________________________________________________


14. Genetically speaking, how does your baby resemble mom’s family? Dad’s family? ____________________________


15. How does your baby get your attention? _____________________________________________________________


16. What’s your baby’s favorite toy? ___________________________________________________________________


17. How do you play with your baby ____________________________________________________________________


18. How has your life changed since your baby entered your family? __________________________________________


19. What are your hopes and dreams for your baby as he or she grows up? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Thank the parent for the interview.

Students Questions

Answer the following questions based on your interview and your textbook readings. Your answers need to be complete, thoughtful, and supported with text information. Your response is complete when you have demonstrated your understanding of the infant/toddler unit. Type your responses to these questions (double-space) and submit them with this form, and the grading rubric through CANVAS. Make sure to read the grading rubric for criteria necessary at each points level.

1. What did you learn about the physical development of the child? Discuss height, weight, milestones, small and large motor development. Compare the information you collected from the parent to infant growth and development in your textbook?

2. How did the parent describe the infant’s personality? What kind of words did they use? What might the baby’s temperament be based on their description. Support your ideas with a text reference.

3. How did the parent describe the changes in his/her life since the baby came in to the family? Are there new limitations that the parent identified? New benefits?

4. What is your reflection on the last question—the parent’s hopes and dreams for their child? How can you relate personally to them?

Long Beach City College

CDECE 45 Human Development

Rubric- Interview a New Parent

Grading Rubric


Exceeds expectations

Meets expectations

Approaches expectations

Does not meet expectations

5 points

4 points

2 point

0 point


*Standard formatting as described below
*Less than 5 grammatical errors

*Standard formatting as described below
*Less than 10 grammatical errors

*Some aspects of standard formatting are present but not all
*more than 10 grammatical errors but they do not detract from understanding the content.

*Standard formatting is missing
*Numerous grammar errors make the content difficult to understand

20-17 points

16-14 points

13-11 points

10-0 points


*All of the assigned prompts are addressed, clearly in separate numbered sections
* A variety of details and examples are used to clarify and to provide meaningful information that addresses each prompt.
*Demonstrates student’s comprehensive reflection on interview, textbook readings, and class content

*All of the assigned prompts are addressed, clearly in separate numbered sections
* Some brief details and examples are used.
*Demonstrates student’s reflection on interview, textbook readings, and class content

*some of the assigned prompts are present but hard to distinguish which question is being answered.
* Very few details and/or examples are used.

*The content is not presented as assigned and/or does not have enough accurate information to be considered complete.

5 points

4 points

2 points

0 point

Text and outside references

* At least two text references are present and are used in a meaningful and accurate way.
* At least one empirical article is referenced and used in a meaningful and accurate way
*All directly quoted material is put in quotation marks and cited.
*References are used to back up statements and ideas presented by student.

* At least one text reference is present and are used in a meaningful and accurate way.
* At least one empirical article is referenced and used.
*All directly quoted material is put in quotation marks and cited.

*Text and/or empirical references are missing or inaccurate
*Student uses references only to answer questions with little or no original thoughts.
*References are not used in a meaningful or accurate way.

*No references

Name ______________________________________________________

Total points _________________________/30

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