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Please see the attached document. There are 3 assignments in this question and has to be answered separately in separate documents. 

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Assignment 1

Scenario 1

You are developing a Windows auditing plan and need to determine which log files to capture and review. You are considering log files that record access to sensitive resources. You know that auditing too many events for too many objects can cause computers to run more slowly and consume more disk space to store the audit log file entries.

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Answer the following question(s): (2 References)

If computer performance and disk space were not a concern, what is another reason for not tracking audit information for all events?

Scenario 2

Assume you are a security professional. You are determining which of the following backup strategies will provide the best protection against data loss, whether from disk failure or natural disaster:

· Daily full server backups with hourly incremental backups

· Redundant array of independent disks (RAID) with periodic full backups

· Replicated databases and folders on high-availability alternate servers

Answer the following question(s): (2 References)

Which backup strategy would you adopt? Why?

Assignment 1 Submission Requirements

Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

Font: Arial, size 12, double-space

Citation Style: APA

Length: At least 350 words for each question

References: At least 2 credible scholarly references for each question

No plagiarism

Assignment 2: Security Audit Procedure Guide


Always Fresh wants to ensure its computers comply with a standard security baseline and are regularly scanned for vulnerabilities. You choose to use the Microsoft Security Compliance Toolkit to assess the basic security for all of your Windows computers and use OpenVAS to perform vulnerability scans.


Develop a procedure guide to ensure that a computer adheres to a standard security baseline and has no known vulnerabilities.

For each application, fill in details for the following general steps:

1. Acquire and install the application.

2. Scan computers.

3. Review scan results.

4. Identify issues you need to address.

5. Document the steps to address each issue.

Assignment 2 Submission Requirements

Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

Font: Arial, size 12, double-space

Citation Style: APA

Length: At least 3 pages

References: At least 4 credible scholarly references

No plagiarism

Assignment 3: System Restoration Procedure Guide


One of the security improvements at Always Fresh is setting up a system recovery procedure for each type of computer. These procedures will guide administrators in recovering a failed computer to a condition as near to the point of failure as possible. The goal is to minimize both downtime and data loss.

You have already implemented the following backup strategies for workstation computers:

· All desktop workstations were originally installed from a single image for Always Fresh standard workstations. The base image is updated with all patches and new software installed on live workstations.

· Desktop workstation computers execute a cloud backup every night at 1:00 a.m.

Consider the following for a computer that encounters a disk drive failure or some other error that requires restoration:

1. How much data has been modified between the last backup and the time of failure?

2. What images are necessary to recover the workstation?

3. What are the steps necessary to fix the problem that cause the data loss?

4. What steps should Always Fresh take to avoid a reoccurrence of this issue in the future?


Create a procedure guide that describes the necessary steps for recovering a desktop workstation computer. Fill in details for each of the following steps:

1. Describe the processes of:

a. Fixing the problem that caused the failure in the first place. Keep the description of this process general. Just address the problem and ensure the recovery process starts with a functional computer.

b. Restoring the newly repaired computer to a base workstation.

c. Restoring local data for the specific workstation that failed.

2. Provide the steps to follow for each of the restore operations. Assume you will be using the Windows Backup and Restore utility.

Assignment 3 Submission Requirements

Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)
Font: Arial, size 12, double-space
Citation Style: APA
Length: At least 3 pages
References: At least 4 credible scholarly references
No plagiarism

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