Dream Jobs and Qualifications

Please click on the above link to submit Dream Jobs and Qualifications Summary.  Please make sure to include the following dream jobs in relation to your major.  Include the name of your major course of study. Students must use the resources provided and prepare a two-page double-spaced summary in paragraph format of four potential employment opportunities, qualifications including education, and earnings in the careers that are best aligned with their interests. Do not forget to cite your resource/s in APA format.

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1. How would my friends and family describe me?

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2. What is your history of work, work-study, volunteer work, or involvement in public issues?

3. What kinds of academic courses are you interested in?

4. What are some of the issues or problems on your campus or in your local community, at school or at home, that concern you?

5. What are your hobbies or special skills?

6. What particular academic skills do you have or are you developing?

7. What do people say I am good at?

From: Watters and Ford, A Guide for Change: Resources for Implementing Community Service, 1995, McGraw-Hill, pp. 33-34.



Dream Jobs and Qualifications

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation


Part 1

Business and financial career occupations are attracting many candidates because of the wide field in which a lot of skills can be applied in the business world. A lot of organizations are focusing on the expansion of their businesses. So they are looking for the best to fill certain positions that can help increase the organization’s sales and aid in its growth. I am passionate about business. As I major in business administration-management, I would love to get a job that helps me exploit my skills and realize my full potential. Business and financial occupations are expected to grow by 5% until 2029, making it one of the leading growth (U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020).

This is because globalization and growing economy are pushing businesses to expand and meet the demand and this needs a lot more employees hence leading to new hiring. I am interested in four other career fields connected to my major: management analyst, market research analyst, logistician, and training and development specialists. All these four careers are vital in the business’s success by helping the business mitigate many risks that would paralyze its operations. Management analyst is focused on improving the efficiency of organizations and finding any competitive advantage against other organizations in the industry. The salary for this job is also lucrative, and it ranges at $85 260.

Market research analysts are tasked with analyzing conditions and potential sales for the business for their products and services and making sure that they have the upper hand in the market compared to the competitors. The salary for this job is not that bad either, and it is about $63 790. Training and development specialists are important in the employees’ career development and ensuring that they reach their potential and deliver for the company contributing to its success. The specialist is supposed to set up programs to improve the employee’s knowledge. The salary for this job is $61 260. A logistician is tasked with coordinating the organization’s supply chain management to ensure that all delivery operations run smoothly, and the salary is lucrative, $74 750.


U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, (2020). Occupational Outlook Handbook. Retrieved from https://www.bls.gov/ooh/

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