Drawing using perspective.

 Create ONE drawing using using linear perspective AND atmospheric perspective. This must be by hand and not using a computer tool. You must also include one type of object (tree, person, building) that is repeated at different distances (size differentiation).  You may choose any subject (landscapes/cityscapes work well) and use any medium (pen, pencil, watercolor, et al.). You must also identify in a short paragraph (100 – 200 words) where the vanishing point is and how you created atmospheric perspective (use of shades of color and clarity to create the illusion of depth – see p. 84). You will not be graded on artistic ability but on how well you met the requirements stated above. Please turn in ONE word document with an inserted picture of your drawing and a short paragraph (100 – 200 words) that notes the location of the Vanishing Point  and how you created Atmospheric Perspective (both terms must be printed in BOLD). 

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****Text and image must be uploaded as ONE SINGLE Word ( or x) or PDF document. DO NOT upload .zip or .odt or .txt or .pages or any other file type.

Please also consult the following resource pages for more straightforward tips on how to pursue different methods of Perspective Drawings:



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Requirements List for ONE Drawing and Paragraph:

1) Include size differentiation – one type of object (tree, person, building) that is repeated at different distances.

2) Include linear perspective

3) Include atmospheric perspective

4) Include clearly defined vanishing point within the drawing

5) Write a short paragraph (100 – 200 words) describing the location of the vanishing point, identify where you used size differentiation, and demonstrate that you know what atmospheric perspective is used it in your artwork. Use specifics when describing how you met all the requirements. Please put the following terms in bold: vanishing point, atmospheric perspective, size differentiation.

6) Insert image of your artwork into this same word document

7) Upload this ONE word document – to upload click on the assignment name, scroll down to Attach File, and click Browse My Computer.

** Text and images must be uploaded as ONE SINGLE Word ( or x) or PDF document. DO NOT upload .zip or .odt or .txt or .pages or any other file type.

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