DRAFT of Project 3


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Submit your APA-formatted draft, including citations and a reference list with at least five references to the assignment folder no later than Saturday of week 3. If you would also like to submit your draft to the writing tutors for review, please do so no later than Saturday of week 3.

For your reference, I am including the full assignment description for Project 3 here:

Your boss, who was impressed by your memo, has asked you to identify a single significant issue in your industry and prepare a research-based position paper on how your company can most effectively address the issue. The issue may be one of the trends you identified in project 2, or it may be an overarching issue related to the trends. Use your research to find out how the issue has been addressed by other companies in the past and how experts in the field recommend addressing it.

This assignment is designed to refresh your research and citation skills so that you are fully prepared for the next courses in your program. You will find, access, and analyze information from a variety of sources that include library databases, online trade and professional journals, and timely industry online web resources. You will also refine your ability to provide in-text citations and references in accurate APA format. 

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Paper Guidelines:

Your paper should open with an introductory paragraph that identifies a specific problem or issue and makes a claim about its significance in your industry. The rest of your paper will develop an argument that supports this claim. Please review the helpful information about writing an argument paper in UMGC’s Effective Writing Center’s

writing tutorial.

Body paragraphs need to describe and justify your proposed solution and explain how it relates to how other companies or experts have addressed the same problem or issue based on your research. Use information from your sources to support your ideas while ensuring that your own voice and ideas control the paper. Be sure to include a parenthetical citation (Author’s last name, year of publication) at the end of every sentence that includes words, ideas, or data from a source.

While presenting your own argument, you should also anticipate and refute counter-arguments or alternative approaches. By showing that you understand other approaches and being very clear about how your approach is preferable, you will be more likely to convince readers to take your advice. 

You should end your paper with a concluding paragraph that reiterates your recommendation and reminds readers of the most important points you want them to remember. You should not introduce new information in your conclusion.

Present your research-based position in an essay of 4-5 double-spaced pages (ca. 1,000-1,250 words) in 12-point Times New Roman font. Include at least five sources in your list of references. Cite each source you list as a reference at least once by using parenthetical citations in the body of your paper. Use APA format for the paper, including the References page.



Trends in the Healthcare Administration Industry







TO: Professor



Trends in the Healthcare Administration Industry

We usually imagine a hospital or doctor’s office and the treatment of patients when considering healthcare. Did you know that healthcare is a business like any other business? Skilled leaders and employees are required to keep things running efficiently within a healthcare facility. Healthcare administration runs staffing for medical organizations and institutions. This industry’s main goal is to gain and manage quality staff to ensure the organization or institution functions efficiently. In this memo, three trends within the Healthcare Administration will be discussed: a growing field, leadership skills, and evolving positions.

Discussion of Three Trends

A Growing Field

Healthcare administrators runs staffing for medical organizations and institutions, as well as sharing some responsibilities with healthcare management to ensure the facility is running the way it’s supposed to. Just 8 years ago, a number of new government initiatives, combined with the increasing role of information technology, has led to a general restructuring in healthcare institutions. Organizations need people to deal with the new technology, services, regulations, health recording methods, and government requirements, which means hiring more administrators (Stone, 2013).

In the past year, pre and post COVID-19 outbreak, more facilities have moved to telemedicine. The need for not only Health Information Technology (HIT) employees have grown, but healthcare administrators are also vital to the overall success to administer healthcare for those in need. Administrators bridge the gap between the facility and vender concerning resources, supplies, and devices needed for patients.

Leadership Skills

Healthcare administrators are responsible for the daily operations of a facility. Tasks such as supervising nutritional needs of patients, identifying staffing needs and hiring accordingly, ensuring food safety guidelines are met, and ensuring that safety standards for patient care are met and surpassed. A facility cannot operate without administrators working behind the scenes. Leaders are vital in ensuring effective daily operations are achieved. Administrators ensure everything and everyone operates within its policy and procedures. Candidates and hires are encouraged to have taken leadership courses to assume certain management/mid-level positions within a facility.

Evolving Positions

Healthcare administration is one of the fastest-growing careers in the US, but in an increasingly complex and fragmented landscape, healthcare administration is becoming more of an umbrella term than a specific career. New innovations in healthcare aren’t simply upgrading the old, they’re entirely reinventing the new, and there are new job titles and career opportunities emerging as a result (Gustafson, 2021). Continuing education is the key for a career transition or promotion. Positions such as Program Coordinator, Health System Administrator, RN Manager Clinic, Director of Patient Care Services-RN, or Patient Care Team Manager RN requires dual degrees.


Based on the above discussion of three trends, employers are encouraged to hire skilled and educated leaders and employees to keep their operations efficiently within the healthcare facility. Employers must ensure that the best candidate has the proper education and the perfect fit of the position that is open for hire. Potential employees must have the education, dual degree and skills preferred, to effectively support the overall mission- the patient. Evolving with each healthcare’s multi- industry and creating positions is also a must- to ensure that patients receive care. Employers, employees, and candidates must ensure they are educating themselves on the trend of Healthcare Administration.


Glassdoor job Search | find the job that fits your life. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://www.glassdoor.com/Job-Descriptions/Health-Administrator.htm

Gustafson, K. (n.d.). Five emerging careers in healthcare administration. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from https://www.mhaonline.com/blog/five-new-healthcare-administration-careers

Healthcare administration Guide. (2021, March 01). Retrieved March 03, 2021, from https://www.allalliedhealthschools.com/specialties/health-care-administrator/

Stone, I. (2013, November 29). Trends for healthcare ADMINISTRATION GRADUATES. Retrieved March 03, 2021, from https://www.topmastersinhealthcare.com/trends-for-healthcare-administration-graduates/

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