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After weeks of intense work your client is excited to view the final Web page:

Remember to include:

  • A consistent design and color scheme

    An external CSS document to control these aspects
    CSS applied to a single page
    Use of inline styles

  • A consistent navigation between parts of your site
  • A minimum of 5-8 pages
  • At least three external hyperlinks
  • An email link with the subject filled in
  • A form (it does NOT have to connect to a database because that is beyond the scope of this class)
  • Properly placed images on at least three pages
  • The use of alert message on one page
  • JavaScript that adds value to your page. This could be mouseover events for navigation, a photo gallery, form field validation, performing a calculation in a form (such as adding tax or shipping), etc.
  • JavaScript additions
  • The preparation of the desktop and mobile versions of your site.

Now that you have begun to write your pages in HTML, please add the following to a comment in the of your work:

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  • Name, date, week #, class with section, and campus # (i.e. CIS273001VA016)

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