Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde


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Read and/or listen to The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson and write about what you know about the setting of the story. Where are we? 

When does the story take place? What other background information is given in this passage? Then, establish the points of view of the story. Who is telling this story? What person is it told in: 1st, 2nd, or 3rd? What are the knowledge levels of the narrators: objective, limited, or omniscient? Are the narrators reliable? How do we know? What are the tones of the narrators? What mood does this convey to the reader?

Then, re-examine Chapter 10 of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson. What do you think is the theme or universal message of the novel? How does the setting or the point of view play a role in understanding this theme? 

Begin your post by properly quoting and citing the passages. Then, write a 500-word discussion on the information conveyed in the passages you selected, pointing to specific words in the passage.  Connect the two passages as much as you can. End your post with a full MLA citation of the text.

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