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Business process change

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According to the Kotter 8 step model, there is a sense of urgency in building a vision, recruiting powerful leadership change, communicating it effectively to eliminate obstacles, building on a good momentum, and creating a quicker winning method


This is what is needed for business processes and to implement changes in an organization. I have enough experience working for phoenix healthcare center. Here a group of physicians works together with other allied health workers in providing coordinated and accessible care to their patients. This provides patients with the best medical care (Manglik, 2020).

Phoenix healthcare center

Phoenix healthcare center in Dubai is famously known for being the best healthcare provider in this region. It is on a 100 hectares of land where 20 hectares of this land has been covered by buildings. This organization is known for registering patients to a family health organization for easier access to healthcare. Its main offices are in Kitchener around Frederick Street. They have many and experienced employees who are there to serve the whole region (Gabryelczyk & Hernaus, 2020).

Mission and vision of phoenix healthcare center

Their goal is to achieve super-specialty affordable medical services within reach of every person regardless of their financial backgrounds. This was the reason why they invested in a registration form for a family health project. This was to financially assist patients as their families would be covered by this forum. Their second mission was to provide patient care for all communities and a world-class medical facility. A world-class facility has given a chance for people to access their services from all around the world (Sun, 2019).

Their main vision is to provide the best healthcare services as they consider all human life very important. In order to provide their medical care with high-end technology under one roof, they have to ensure well-skilled human resources, high hygiene levels, quality work, and most importantly, patient care (Manglik, 2020).

Business process change in phoenix

This business will need to change and improve several pressing problems around the hospital in the upcoming year. One of the problems being preventable medical errors for patients. There have been several cases where patients are treated for the wrong diseases, which worsen their situations. This is a risky activity for a patient because it increases the chances of the patient dying. The hospital should also work towards less or no delay in the patient’s discharge. Immediately patients become well; they should be discharged to give space for other recovering patients and reduce congestion. Wrong medication to patients calls for the need to recruit experts and eliminate careless healthcare providers. This can be done by deploying some of the employees (Gabryelczyk & Hernaus, 2020).

This might create economic issues as the previously employed people will no longer have employment, and at the same time, formerly unemployed people would acquire employments. The delay in patients’ discharge calls for implementing new technology where all information concerning the patient is computerized, ensuring lower possibilities of making errors (Wiley, 2018).

Application of Kotter 8 step model in changing process

This is a model that creates a sense of urgency in the first recruiting powerful changes in leadership. This organization has to revise its leadership and bring in transformational leadership, where employees are allowed to share their suggestions. At the same time, leaders work hand in hand with employees to identify the problems they encounter. There is therefore need for change in the kind of leadership used in this organization to transformational leadership. This organization’s vision and mission have to be effectively communicated for employees to be aware of what the organization is working towards. Obstacles to achieving these goals should be removed to ensure that the goals have been achieved. Some level of change should therefore be implemented in terms of ensuring awareness of employees of what this organization is driving towards. A quick win should be created and then momentum built. The above business processes will improve organizational performance as it will bring forward a better leadership style and ensure that leaders are aware of problems being encountered in the center (Scheer et al., 2003).

Technology being used in this organization should be changed to a much improved technology. This is to ensure the best services for patients and avoid possible delays. There are levels of changes required in recruiting new employees and expertise in this organization. This is to avoid mistakes when providing treatment to employees. The management are the people responsible for implementing changes as they are aware or what the organization is able or able to do financially (Wiley, 2018).


Recommended changes

Porter‘s generic strategies suggest three strategic and basic options that are available for any organization which wants to gain a business-changing advantage. The chart below indicates the steps of a business changing process.  (Sun, 2019).

The specific change

Issues in this phase

Understanding and assessing the impact and need of the change.

People might not see the need for a change, as most are much comfortable when a situation remains unchanged. Others might resist these changes.

Aligning resources in the business to support suggested changes.

The organization might be unable to raise these resources, which hinder changes.

Managing the diverse cost of change.

This is the hardest part because money has to be well managed to fit the allocated budget.

Reduce the time required in implementing these changes

A change has to take place as fast as possible to reduce the chances of stoppage some activities.

You also have to support staff and make them understand the change process.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to train employees when they are not willing to learn. You, therefore, have to ensure that they are well aware of a need for change.

As I worked for this organization, most of these problems had already been identified and they have been working on them. They are now on the implementation stage of the business process change. We conducted an environmental scan and were able to realize that the implementation stage has been going well although there is existence of barriers. A few of the employees have been resisting change. The present process should be improved by convincing employees of the need for changes and giving them enough time for training (Scheer et al., 2003).



Gabryelczyk, R., & Hernaus, T. (2020). Business process management: Current applications and the challenges of adoption. Cognition Foundation for Dissemination of Knowledge and Science.

Manglik, R. (2020). Undefined. EduGorilla.

Scheer, A., Abolhassan, F., Jost, W., & Kirchmer, M. (2003). Business process change management: ARIS in practice. Springer Science & Business Media.

Sun, Z. (2019). Undefined. IGI Global.

Wiley. (, 2018). . John Wiley & Sons.

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