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Running Head: GOAL STATEMENT 1
Goal statement
Professor’s name:
Student’s name:
Applying for the MSN online program
I would like to start by passing my sincere gratitude’s for the granted opportunity to apply for Master of Science in nursing. I would also like to appreciate the university of Florida management for considering me in the opportunity. I am applying for the MSN online program at the University of West Florida. I have a degree in science of nursing and looking forward to furthering my education and continue gaining experience. I started as a patient care assistant in 1995 and later became a licensed practical nurse, where I was now able to work in many rehab nursing homes in my community. In the year 2008, I became a registered nurse after having gained much experience in nursing. I then worked for ten years in a hospital where we worked closely with the management to improve the health sector around the community. I have been awarded amongst the best nurses in the cardiac floor due to having the best experiences with the patients
In 2019, I completed my bachelor of science in nursing and still looking forward to furthering my advanced nursing career through MSN online program(Callaway, 2012).. The healthcare industry is rapidly changing, and this calls for the need for advanced education to provide the best services to my community. Even if I might not have attained what I wanted to achieve, I believe that failure is only the opportunity to start again much intellectually. I believe in falling seven times and standing up the eighth and never giving up (Hayes et al., 2013).. My goal has always been to attain the best knowledge and more experience so that I can give the best back to my community. I, therefore, look forward to positive feedback, and I will appreciate it. Thank you for giving this opportunity
Callaway, W. J. (2012). Mosby’s comprehensive review of radiography – E-book: The complete study guide and career planner. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Hayes, S. C., Bond, F. W., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Austin, J. (2013). Acceptance and mindfulness at work: Applying acceptance and commitment therapy and relational frame theory to organizational behavior management. Routledge.