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Safe Ways of Sharing Data.

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Describe and discuss ways, if any, we can safely share security data.

With advanced technology, there have been millions of cases of security threats that affect how files, documents, and data are shared among individuals may be within their working environment or from whichever place they may happen to be during the data sharing exercise. Security issues have posed a lot of concerns to many organizations and other business entities. This issue has triggered innovations on the provisions of a secure environment that are safe for data sharing or storage for effective utilization of the said information wherever and whenever needed (Zafar, 2017). It should be understood that data sharing is an important tool in any given situation, especially in our everyday life that demands frequent updates and reference of previous historical information for guidance on decision making with respect to anticipated or uncertainty that will be presented by our future.

Some of the available tools for data sharing in secure ways include the use of Dropbox, which is known by many as a storage medium. Worth mentioning is that although Dropbox is utilized as a storage medium, it also has awesome features that make it a more secure and safe tool for sharing files and data. Perhaps Dropbox deploys SSL or TLS during the data and file sharing process to securely send the data by protecting the 128-bit tunnel (WIRED., 2020). Besides that, Dropbox also secures data from infringement by sending it blocks that are usually fragmented to make n them almost unrecognizable as they are highly encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption.

Another way of securely sharing data is through barcode media, which embeds images with specific codes that are totally invisible. To be more precise, it will be advisable to use Waspbarcode, which offers security to the files and data sent by sing top notch encryption. Other means of sharing data safely are SHAREit, NFC, and many others (WIRED., 2020).

Are there precautions we can take, technical solutions we can use, e.g., like using the CIA triad, or should we just not share these kinds of data?

Most cautious precautions that should be undertaken when sharing data include frequent updating of encryption mechanisms to ensure that strong passwords are put in place to protect data. It will also be wise for computer and laptop users to ensure that their gadgets are always under protection to keep off intruders. In so doing, their data will be protected and securely maintained. In addition to that, using or setting up firewalls will also play a vital role in safeguarding network paths for incoming and leaving traffic (Waghmare, 2018). It is also good to be smart in dealing with emails and web surfing by avoiding redirecting links and unknown apps that are frequently sent to your email address from unknown parties (LE, 2017).


LE, A. (2017, May 23). The 10 Data Security Measures you must take for your business – Wimi. Retrieved from

Waghmare, C. (2018). Ways to Keep Your Network Engaged. Yammer, 47-69. doi:10.1007/978-1-4842-3796-0_3

WIRED. (2020, September 2). How to Share Files Securely Online: Dropbox, Firefox Send, and More | WIRED. Retrieved from

Zafar, T. (2017). Top 5 most secured ways to share your files and data. Retrieved from

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