
This final exam is an essay type with two questions, 60 points (Part 1 and Part 2, 30 points each)

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Students will complete 2 parts, write your answer for each question. Deposit your exam as a file attachment in Assignment area/Assessment/ Final Exam-Essay by Monday, May 3th, 8.00pm.

Your writing should present your critical reading and thinking, argument identification and evaluation of evidence. The systematic thinking with realistic goals and practical implementation should be presented in your writing. The essay will be graded on: 1) your own position, personal insight/views, 2) statement/discussion of arguments, reasons, proofs and evidence from the factual information, 3) analytical and systematic thinking, 4) conclusion, and 5) mechanics and APA format.

Part 1 – Select 1 out of 2 questions

Question 1

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1.1 What are the primary functional areas of a business/organization


and their activities? How do these functional areas impact on strategy formulation and positional the firm? Explain.
1.2 Comment on this statement and explain the functional areas of enterprise and their roles:
The way to compete on cost, speed, quality, and flexibility might not be sustainable unless the supported operating systems are configured and managed effectively.

Question 2

Referring to handouts posted in Supplement area in Unit 3: Lean Six Sigma and the Environment, answering the following questions.

2.1 What might be the ways that environmental professionals can improve results by leveraging LSS efforts?

2.2 If you have to convince the companies of the value of Lean and environment, what could be suggestions on how to talk to the companies?

2.3 What are some environmental blind spots of Lean? (explain at least 2 blind spots with examples).


Part 2 (Required)

This question asks student to identify new 7-10 trends/issues (or hot topics) that occurred around Lean Six Sigma, technology, industrial and quality management. Students will also provide short description (100-150 words) for each one.

The following papers and handouts should be used in identify trends and/or current issues which have been going on now and/or in the past few years.


· Course materials and handouts from Units 1, 2, 3, and 4

· Your assignments and research term paper, together with supplements that you read/reviewed while completing your assignments

· The classmates’ research term papers and assignment four-workshop/seminar in the Discussion Board, both Word Document and PPT slides.


Example of a current issue and its description

Trend/Current Issue 1 – Green Revolution in Automotive Industry
The industry undergo a “green revolution” resulting in products and processes that generate dramatically less waste and that channel remaining wastes back into production rather than into the environment.  According to the Industry News, Ford is investing more than $11.5 billion in electric vehicles through 2022, introducing zero-emission on Mustang Mach-E, Transit Commercial EV and fully electric F-150. Ford intends to achieve carbon neutrality globally by 2050. GM will invest $27 billion in electric and autonomous vehicle development and launch 30EVsglobally through 2025. GM aims to stop selling gasoline cars by 2035. Industries are acutely aware of the responsibility and opportunity to fight the climate change, planning and working on environment and sustainability.

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