DOC701 MOD 01


(note: Chapter should be 10 – 20 pages)

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(Approximately 10-20 pages for the entire chapter; approximately 1-2 paragraphs for the introduction) [Begin the discussion with a brief overview of the purpose of the research study and provide a brief overview of the chapter. Organize the chapter around the research question(s). Review the APA Manual and published, peer-reviewed, empirical research articles for examples of how to report results of various research designs.]

Note: If changes are made to instruments after proposal approval, through an expert review or pilot study, explain the changes made before explaining the results. Ensure the updated version of instruments are provided in the Appendix.

Descriptive Data

[Report the descriptives of the data collected. This may include the number of participants for each source of data collected, number of documents used in secondary data, demographic breakdown of the participants, length of interviews or focus groups, or other descriptive data point that can assist in understanding the population used within the study. Tables and Figures are beneficial to explain the data quickly. Tables and Figures must be explained within the text, as well.]

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[Data analyses – Report results without discussion (interpretation, speculation, etc. appears in the next section):

1. For Qualitative analyses

a. Present results logically and in a way that answers the research question(s) by distillation steps of the discernment process,

b. Present sufficient information so the reader can make an independent judgment about your interpretation,

c. Review published articles that use similar designs for examples of how to present qualitative, thematic findings (including explanation of codes, categories, and/or themes created during the analysis process),

d. Ensure that no potentially indentifying information is published.

Note: Triangulation of data should be explained in this section, if applicable. Tables and figures, where appropriate, are necessary and referred to in the text. Ensure compliance with APA format of tables, table titles, figures and figure captions. See APA, 6th ed, Chapter 5 for guidelines on displaying results.]

Example of tables provided:

Table 1
Caption for Table 1




Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.


Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text text text.


Text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.

Note. Briefly describe what the Table represents so that it is understood outside of the chapter.

Example of figures provided:

Figure 1. Case Study Research: A Linear but Iterative Process (Yin, 2018). Briefly describe what the Figure represents so that it is understood outside of the chapter.

Evaluation of Findings

[This section is used to briefly report what your findings mean. The discussion will be expanded in Chapter 5. Interpret results in light of the theory (or theories) and/or the conceptual framework(s) you have identified. Describe whether the results obtained were expected given the literature and provide potential explanations for unexpected or conflicting results. Take care to avoid drawing conclusions beyond what can be interpreted directly from the study results. Ensure to examine any weaknesses of the data that may have altered the findings. The conclusion of this section should state the specific answers to each Research Question posed in the study.]


[Discussion summarizes key points presented in Chapter 4. Provide a transition to Chapter 5.]







[NOTE: no indent on the first paragraph of the abstract]



Trident Un


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Here you may place an optional acknowledgements page.



Background 10
Purpose of the Study 11

Statement of the Problem

Conceptual Framework 18
Research Question 21
Nature of the Study 21
Significance of the Study 22
Definition of Key Terms 2


Summary 24
The Review 28
Theories 29
Target Organization 32
Market Dynamics 34
Technology, Innovation and Creativity 35
Process Innovation 42
Business Process Reengineering 42
Product Innovation 45
Disruptive Innovation 47
Marketing and Distribution Strategies 48
Distribution Channels 51
Implimentation Change 52
Marketing Information System 55
Inference 58
Method and Design Literature 60
Summary 61
Research Methods and Design(s) 63
Population 64
Sample 65
Materials/Instruments 69
Data Collection 74
Data Processing 78
Data Analysis 79
Assumptions 86
Limitations 89
Delimitations 91
Ethical Assurances 92
Summary 95
Results 97
Evaluation of Findings 84
Summary 81
Level 1: Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading 82
Level 2: Flush Left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading 82
Implications 88
Recommendations 88
Conclusions 89
Level 1: Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading 84
Level 2: Flush Left, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading 84


Table 1. Caption for Table 1


Table 2. Caption for Table 2


[Use Word’s Table of Figures feature (using caption style = “table”) to create this section. Note that each table title needs to be created as a caption style format above the table. The List of Tables entries should mirror the APA format of table titles within the body of the paper. Consult the APA manual to ensure that all tables and table titles conform to APA format. See APA 6th, Chapter 5 for guidance and examples.]


Figure 1. Caption for Figure 1.


Figure 2. Caption for Figure 2.


[Use Word’s Table of Figures feature (using caption style = “figure”) to create this section. Note that each figure caption needs to be created as a caption style format below the figure. The List of Figures entries should mirror the APA format of figure captions within the body of the paper. Consult the APA manual to ensure that all tables and table titles, figures and figure captions conform to APA format. See APA 6th, Chapter 5 for guidance and examples.]


The marketing sector within an organization is one of the chief cornerstones of the operations. It factors significantly in driving the success of entities virtually across all industries. The essence is in promotion of the products and services of a given company. The role is to match the products and services of a company to respective customers with the optimal aim of achieving profitability. The whole process revolves around the advertisement, selling of goods and the delivery to consumers (Mix & Brand, 2017). One of the key points in this subject is the integration of marketing mix which include product, price, place, and promotion (Mix & Brand, 2017). The marketing mix is integral in marketing a product or service. The proposal will explore the role of marketing in the beauty and cosmetics industry. It will provide background on state of marketing in the industry and the relevant aspects that factor substantially in influencing the marketing process.


The research topic is based on marketing of beauty and cosmetic products and services. The marketing sector and the industry have made huge leaps in recent years. The competitiveness has gone notches higher just within the last decade. The outcomes have been observed in the substantial growth and rise in valuation across the industry (Łopaciuk & Łoboda, 2013). Numerous organizations have seen their business gain more market share and increase in profitability. Marketing has played a huge role in these developments. It has positively influenced the marketability of cosmetic products and services. Moreover, there is still potential for further growth. Much of the developments have largely depended on the progress in technology and innovation (Łopaciuk & Łoboda, 2013). A wide range of studies have depicted the nature of changes and improvements that have occurred in recent times. They vary from use of artificial intelligence (AI) to e-commerce activities (Vieira, 2020). The discussion of the developments and the part they play in impacting marketing forms the backbone of this study. There are major implications on the direction that the industry is following going forward. The developments should impact all players within the beauty and cosmetics sector as they will inform some of the core aspects of marketing their products and services.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this qualitative case study is to explore how technology and innovation can be applied in promoting the marketing performance of House of Bellezza. It will utilize the study designed to gather information about research. The focus will be on incorporating the input of organization stakeholders, industry experts and secondary sources in the compilation of the study. The qualitative study will seek an in-depth secondary data, questionnaires, interviews to address the technology and innovation concepts to explore maximizing profitability at House of Bellezza. The study also will explore the two aspects with respect to the role of technology and innovation in the beauty and cosmetic industry. The study will also explore how to penetrate more on the international markets.

Statement of the Problem

Marketing activities influence the performance of an organization in the market. They affect the level of success that is attained over the course of time. The problem has been a performance issue as indicated by the lack of success in the profits that a company is making and the market share which puts the company in question against its main competitors. The performance of House of Bellezza has stalled in recent years and the results have been a decline in the growth rate of the entity. This is mainly an organizational and departmental issue. The overall performance of the organization has not been as impressive of late which means that there is need to pay attention on this factor. It is vital for the whole organization to accomplish the desired objectives for growth and development. The problem is also departmental as this facet is where the focus is. The idea is in the connection between the marketing activities and the performance of the company.

There is need for investigation on how various marketing activities can be used to propel the company towards the right direction in terms of growth and progression of its businesses. The company requires the integration of technological and innovative developments to improve the operations within the marketing department (Pantano, Bassano & Priporas, 2018). Otherwise, it is entirely possible that performance may worsen with the competition making aggressive moves all over the industry. Larger organizations such as L’Oréal and Unilever have been continually dominating the market while smaller entities such as French Girl Organics keep making ground (Pantano, Bassano & Priporas, 2018). It will potentially be devastating for House of Bellezza not to put necessary measures and initiatives in place to promote the marketability of its products and services.

Association between research and field of study. The research problem is established on the improvement of the business performance of House of Bellezza across various markets that are involved in the beauty and cosmetics industry. The essence in this case is in ensuring that the organization can grow and develop beyond the circumstances in which it subsists in now. Generally, it has fared relatively well ever since its inception, but the current rate of growth and performance has stalled. The focus of the study is on figuring out how the organization can sustain a steady growth as the years go by. It is about ensuring that House of Bellezza will improve its performance through integrating the proper business and marketing initiatives. Beauty and cosmetics industry have proven to be overly competitive in recent times which means that the market is technically more challenging to penetrate and expand (Pantano, Bassano & Priporas, 2018). The key is devising the appropriate strategies that can propel the development of the company.

The improvement of business performance is one of the main aspects in business administration (Qin, 2018). Generally, the performance relies on various facets and fields within the scope of operation of an entity. In the case of House of Bellezza, there are numerous features that factor in the performance of the organization. Ideally, all features within the company are integral in its overall performance. The various parts of the business combine the different practices and processes to come up with the product and services. The successful realization of these goals is dependent on feasible administration and management of business (Morgan, Feng & Whitler, 2018). Therefore, business administration stands as the field that is virtually most relevant in carrying out the research. The field encompasses all elements that can and should be effective in enhancing the business performance of House of Bellezza. The focus of the field ranges from administration of physical features, financial matters and accounting to sales, research and development, information technology and marketing (Ermakova et al., 2016). Some of the main functions that fall under business administration entail planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling the activities involved in the business (Aydiner et al., 2019). It holistically covers all major aspects of business.

The fact that business administration encompasses all aspects of any given business means that the field of is essential in addressing different problems that may be associated with the functioning of House of Bellezza. Thus, it is quite relevant for application in the research and provides the premier opportunity to answer the research problems. It covers the necessary areas of expertise and operations and provides diverse knowledge that is integral in conducting the research proposal. The connection between the research problem and business administration shows that the proposal falls under the scope of the field.

Association between research and area of concentration. The performance of House of Bellezza has mainly stalled as depicted by lower movement and purchase of its products. The clientele base has for the most part remained the same or shrunk in some cases. This is an indication that the reception of the company’s products does not reflect the initial phase whereby the growth was majorly positive. One of the reasons for this outcome could be a decline in interest of the products of House of Bellezza. The decline may be influenced by increase in competition or quality of products that are in the market (Jones, 2010). As time progresses, the desires or preferences of customers also shift. The role of the proposal is to examine the nature of performance of the company in the global market and determination of the ways to change the narrative as far as recent performances are concerned. The essence is in making the products more desirable and accessible to the customers.

The focus of the research is on making the products more marketable to the consumer base. The aim is to ascertain that the clientele base keeps growing. This point of view brings the focus on the area of concentration which is marketing. Marketing essentially entails the activities and initiatives that House of Bellezza incorporates in its operations to promote the sales of its products and services to its customers and potential consumers (Morgan, Feng & Whitler, 2018). Marketing covers more than just the process of promotion. It covers all the aspects and integrates the delivery of products. At its core, it covers the aspects of marketing mix which include product, price, place, and promotion (Mix & Brand, 2017). Products cover the general attributes which include features, benefits, functions and uses. Price indicates the finances or goods that may be required to acquire certain products while place refers to the product distribution which integrates the physical stores and other distribution channels. It is important to cover all these aspects when considering marketing. The key role of the marketing sector, however, is to attract the attention of audiences through efforts such as advertising, giving endorsements, sponsorships, and incentives (Morgan, Feng & Whitler, 2018). It is imperative to draw in consumers and build a relationship with them.

The success or progression of House of Bellezza requires increased capacity to market the products. The performance is directly tied to how the products reach the market and are accessed by consumers. The impetus is on putting the appropriate practices in place to ensure that they get adequate visibility and can gain the attention of the customers. Different aspects of marketing can go into improving the marketability of the company. Considerations may be based on the nature of products, pricing, place, and promotion (Mix & Brand, 2017). There are also different types of marketing that can be applied to improve the situation. Some of the main strategies entail influencer marketing which incorporates the efforts of well-known personalities and relationship marketing which revolves around the establishment of strategies for building loyalty through segmentation of consumer base (Qiutong & Rahman, 2019). Overall, marketing serves a central role in addressing the issue that House of Bellezza faces.

Association between research and point of interest. The proposal takes on a broad perspective which seeks to ensure that House of Bellezza is in a premier position to perform effectively in the beauty and cosmetics industry. The point of emphasis is on ascertaining that the products are of optimum standards and are marketed through the most appropriate channels. The focus is on improving both the products and marketing practices to make significant gains across all areas of need. As such, the study will look to devise various means that can positively influence the growth and development of the firm. This is a testament to the availability of variety of strategies that are applicable in addressing the central research problem. The most preferred area of focus provides the basis for pursuing the possible solutions.

The area of interest is based on the contributions of technology and innovation to the beauty and cosmetics industry. There are a lot of innovative and technological developments that have taken place to date. These developments have been instrumental in the strides that the industry has been able to make in recent times. Digital developments have especially transformed it leading to the drastic rise in different organizations. For instance, e-commerce has been a cornerstone of successful businesses (Tolušić, 2020). House of Bellezza has benefitted from some of the developments that have taken place including the integration of the online platform. Yet, despite the massive developments that have taken place, technology and innovation still offer huge potential for the growth (Jones, 2010). This is an area of interest as it offers the path to addressing the research problem.

There are a lot of possibilities that are on offer. A significant number of the innovations such as 3D printing and augmented reality (AR) have been utilized in different beauty and cosmetics settings (Vieira, 2020) but have not been integrated in House of Bellezza. These are just two examples among many. The opportunities that the organization has in investing in technology and innovation are of immense magnitude (Pantano, Bassano & Priporas, 2018). The future also holds the key to more transformations and developments, and it is crucial that House of Bellezza be at the forefront of the changes. Technology and innovation are integral to the fortunes of the company as they can lead to enhancement of its products and operations. More innovative and technologically advanced products and services should impact the marketing of the organization in a positive way (Pantano, Bassano & Priporas, 2018). The potential of technology and innovation make it interesting to explore.

The other point of interest involves the application of marketing information systems in business affairs. The essence of the system is in the collection, analysis, interpretation and use of marketing information (Martell, 2018). It is important to gauge the changes that are instituted or the developments that take place. This is integral in determining whether the initiatives that are put in place in House of Bellezza bring about the desired outcomes. The use of marketing information system is a way of ensuring that the changes are effective in propelling the business forward. As such, it promotes efficient decision making with respect to integration of technological and innovative aspects into the business. To achieve the feat the system provides relevant information to the appropriate personnel who can make the right decisions in relation to marketing operations. The decisions cover aspects such packaging, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution. The marketing information system incorporates various sources across both internal and external marketing research to come up with the required information about the market and products (Martell, 2018). The main components are internal records, marketing research, marketing decision support system and marketing intelligence system (Martell, 2018). Ideally, the application of the system helps in making the decisions that are made foolproof.

Scientific continuum. This research is at the intermediate level of the continuum. This factor is depicted by different aspects that define the continuum and show relation to the research. First and foremost, this proposal is established on material drawn from other sources with the purpose of coming with new strategies for improving marketing in the company under focus. The study is a qualitative data which a core feature of research on the intermediate continuum (Edmondson & McManus, 2007). The two forms of data are used to underscore the provisional theoretical model that can be discerned through the research. The model is established on the integration of different bodies of work. In addition, this research is mainly exploratory work which is testing constructs that are new to the firm of interest (Edmondson & McManus, 2007).

The study leans heavily to qualitative research as it is preferred for research in the continuum. As such qualitative methods expands the level of understanding and data collection in the process of research (Walton et al., 2020). The data is important part of the research as it makes it more comprehensive. There is a lot flexibility involved in using this method. This allows the adjustments or correction during research. The flexibility is vital in exploratory studies. However, for the sake of this study it is suitable because the research is on an intermediate continuum (Edmondson & McManus, 2007). There is reliance on information from several sources and the utilization of different methods of data collection. As depicted by Edmondson & McManus (2007) interviews, questionnaires and gathering material from the field form the basis of data collection process.

Conceptual Framework

Contextual literature. One of the theories of the conceptual framework for this qualitative case study is the Ricardian model of international trade that clarifies the variation in reasonable benefits of technology and innovation from different nations. The technological and innovational differences is fundamentally what is needed between two or more nations involved in international trade (Krugman & Obstfield 2006). Krugman & Obstfield (2006) states that, the Ricardian model of trade, the nation that is demanding the product or services has a convenience of shaping the trade arrangements and advantages from trade, when trade opens. The Ricardian model is established well under the following assumptions: the two nations have trade activities, labor is the only factor of production, there is a seamless rivalry on the market and products that are produced from different nations are homogenous.

The other theory of the conceptual framework for this case study is the Uppsala Model of the theory of Internalization. The model provides an economic advantage for the establishment of multi-national corporations (MNCs) (Johanson & Vahlne, 1977). MNCs do business with other companies across national borders by exporting the products or producing the product at a company facility in other country as a foreign market (Rugman, 1997). The assumptions for the model are an established pattern of multinational activity, a healthy pattern of foreign direct investment and a perfect diversification of the market.

The environment in which the research is carried out it is critical in the whole research process. Łopaciuk & Łoboda (2013) provide some perspective on the context of the study. The main form of literature involves company and industry information. The central factor in consideration of research setting is the place or physical location that hosts the study. This is the location where different parts of the process occur or come to fruition. The setting typically influences the design of the study, type of data collected and the resultant interpretation. This proposal is carried out within the premises of House of Bellezza. Studies such as Maria (2017) and Tolušić (2020) show that companies form the main part of the research setting in cases where interaction with respondents takes place face to face. The study of respondents in the natural setting is very essential.

The research setting in this proposal also entails the databases that are utilized to accomplish part of the objectives. Different websites are important data collection centers especially in an industry such as beauty and cosmetics. Extensive online presence means that there is substantial data that can be gathered from the databases as can be observed in Pakšiová, R., & Lovciová, (2018). Databases such as EBSCOhost and Google Scholar provide peer-reviewed literature that informs on various aspects involved in the research such as industry data. Part of the contextual literature may also involve newspapers that feature details on technological developments and marketing in the beauty and cosmetics industry (The Guardian, 2020).

Recent literature. Recent literature has been more relevant in developing the proposal. The literatures cover the current developments that have been taking place. The research by Regazzo (2019) provides an account of the success that organizations in Italy have had with emphasis on technology and innovation. This source is quite relevant as House of Bellezza happens to have roots in the country thus the research forms a great basis for a study on beauty and cosmetics industry. Vieira (2020) focuses on a rather limited scope by looking at the role of artificial intelligence in the beauty industry. This technology is one of the prominent developments in recent times which makes the source a vital addition. Tolušić (2020) integrates the aspect of digital transformation in the industry. The dissertation provides in-depth regard of how digital developments such as social media and e-commerce have promoted the businesses in the industry. There are details on the overall impact of technological developments on the industry and the continued association between technology and beauty industry.

Qiutong & Rahman (2019) provide more knowledge on the significance of digital transformations. The journal displays the essence of social media in improving brand loyalty. The study on the college students provides a good indication that the success of beauty companies majorly hinges on their online presence and activities. Qiutong & Rahman (2019) also incorporate discussion on e-commerce and its impact. Lukmandono, Hidayat & Sari (2018) form another great addition to the literature. The focus of the research is on digital marketing strategies that promote the competitiveness of a company. It encompasses various aspects associated with digital marketing including brand awareness. It is quite informative and is integral to the research. The information is further reinforced by Maria (2017) whose study is based on Russia. The country holds a major market base for the cosmetics industry which makes it a great case study. The details on digital marketing solutions are comprehensive and quite relevant to the subject of the proposal.

Research Questions

The problem that is known has been indicated by the performance of House of Bellezza, which has stalled globally in recent years, and the results have been a decline in the growth rate of the entity. The purpose of this study is to explore how technology and innovation can be applied in promoting the marketing performance of House of Bellezza. RQ1- how can technology strategies be implemented to improve the marketing performance of House of Bellezza? RQ2- how can innovation strategies be implemented to improve the marketing performance of House of Bellezza?

Nature of the Study

The nature of the research that was used is a qualitative study method. Qualitative research depends on the collection of information that is narrative, and case study in nature. The case study design to gathers information about research (Yin, 2018). The focus will be on incorporating the input of organization stakeholders, industry experts, secondary sources, questionnaires, and interview in the compilation of the study. The case study design’s purpose is to address the concepts and ideas that have already been explored in relation to the subject. It also looks to cover the areas that have not attracted much attention with respect to the role of technology and innovation in the beauty and cosmetic industry.

Yin (2018) views a case study design to be valuable for collecting of participant’s perceptions and understandings by the way of open-ended questions. The design also fosters an environment for conducting in-depth interviews, questionnaires, and an observational secondar data that evaluates House of Bellezza’s effective commercial tactics in global marketing. Therefore, the designs that were not appropriate for the research included but not limited to quantitative, mixed methods, ethnography, and phenomenology.

Significance of the Study

The company’s executives have admittedly verbalized the struggles on the market to compete and later alone penetrate a market that is dominated by retail giants like L’Oréal, Unilever, The Estee Lauder Cos, Proctor and Gamble, Shiseido, LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, Johnson and Johnson to mention just a few. This lucrative global beauty industry market today is attracting a $532 billion in business. Currently, the United States of America (USA) is the world’s largest beauty market, sitting large with a 20% share of the pie, trailed by China (13%) and Japan (8%). The European market collectively covers a large portion of the market base. The estimated projected compound-annual-growth-rate should exceed $800 billion by 2025. There is huge potential in global marketing (Danziger, 2019).

The significance of the study is in addressing the utilization of technology and innovation in enhancing the marketing performance and benefit from the above-mentioned market share for House of Bellezza. This study will lay a foundation regarding the gap of improving technology and innovation strategies related to marketing of the beauty and cosmetic industry. It will also set the stage for further research.

Furthermore, there is the issue of marketability against marketing performance as it relates to the impact on the study scope. Marketability is the extent to which a product or service is suitable for commercial sale and the extent to which it can be easily bought and sold (Cambridge University Press, 2021). Whereas, Market Performance refers to the end results of the relationship of selling price to costs, the size of output, the efficiency of production, progressiveness in techniques and products (Liang & Gao, 2020). The impact on the scope of the study will lean towards the market performance as it will address the following on data collection in the framework of technology and innovation: Brand Awareness, Customer Acquisition, Social Platforms Engagement, Customer Retention/Loyalty, Website Traffic, and Repeat Clients and/or Website Visitors.

The need to link

marketing with business performance has become more

urgent as marketers have been forced to defend the value of

their activities

The need to link
marketing with business performance has become more
urgent as marketers have been forced to defend the value of
their activities

Definition of Key Terms

Cosmetics: Substances or products that are utilized in beautification (Regazzo, 2019).

Distribution channel: It is the route a product takes until it reaches the consumer (The Duke Perspective, 2020).

Global marketing: is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and exchanging products of value with others (Kotler, Kotler, & Kotler, 2008).

Innovation: Refers to the development of something new in form of idea, product, or service (Pantano, Bassano & Priporas, 2018).

Marketability: Extent to which a product is suitable for commercial sale and the extent to which it can be easily bought and sold (Cambridge University Press, 2021).

Marketing: The activities that are involved in creating, promotion, distribution, and delivery of products (Mix & Brand, 2017).

Marketing information system: Management system that integrates the flow of information for the marketing process. The system collects, evaluates, and interprets the information which is then used to inform marketing activities (Martell, 2018).

Market performance: refers to the end results of the relationship of selling price to costs, the size of output, the efficiency of production, progressiveness in techniques and products (Liang & Gao, 2020)

Marketing strategy: This is a single comprehensive plan that combines all the company’s marketing goals and objectives (Market Business News, 2021).

Search engine optimization: It’s the practice of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic, as well as exposure the brand (Berman & Katona, 2013).

Technology: Refers to advancements that apply scientific knowledge in coming up with practical outcomes such as creations (Pantano, Bassano & Priporas, 2018). 


The research proposal focuses on marketing and marketing information systems in relation to House of Bellezza. The impetus is on improving the performance of the company and the marketing sector is point of interest. The strategy for improvement is based on the technological developments and innovations that are relevant to the beauty and cosmetics industry. The research problem is based on use of technology and innovation to promote the marketability of the company, as reflected by the research questions. The problem that is known has been indicated by the performance of House of Bellezza, which has stalled in recent years, and the results have been a decline in the growth rate of the entity. The purpose of this study is to explore how technology and innovation can be applied in promoting the marketing performance of House of Bellezza. RQ1- how can technology strategies be implemented to improve the marketing performance of House of Bellezza? RQ2- how can innovation strategies be implemented to improve the marketing performance of House of Bellezza? The chapter includes an overview of literature that is involved in the study, gap in research, assumptions and biases that are associated with the research.

It is essential to have sources that meet the requirements and address the necessary subject of interest. It is also essential to systematically develop the DSP as it contributes towards a more complete and comprehensive research work. This element helps organize ideas in a way that is easier to follow and understand. The mastery of literature will depend on my focus on the literature that I have incorporated in the research. Going forward, I will review the suitability of the literature and the contribution that they bring to the study. I will also look at other sources that can apply appropriately. Further development of chapter 1 will require review of the ideas as they are. This step will help in assessment of the work I have done and should subsequently inform any areas that need further development. It will provide insight on where ideas should be more aligned to make the chapter more complete. In addition, the review will provide more time to consider the application of research design and methods. The alignment between design, methods and research problem will also be a vital point of consideration through the review.


Seminal or landmark literature suggests that there is numerous literature that give detailed account of the history of beauty and cosmetics industry and the developments that have made it grow substantially. Jones (2010) covered extended history of the industry which spans decades. The literature expresses how following generations of entrepreneurs fashioned the perceptions of beauty. It also provides information on the imagination and creativity that has characterized cosmetics sector and provides perspective on the pioneers who came up with transformative ideas. Łopaciuk & Łoboda (2013) gave an overview of the developments that have taken place in the current century. There is regard for the elements that drive the beauty industry and changes that are taking center stage. The literature is integral in understanding the state of the industry. Kumar (2005) on the other hand provided deeper insight on technology and innovation. The author addressed the trends and major entities that were involved.

Other important literature that focus on the topic include Goddard & Gruber (1999) and Balsam & Sagarin (1972). The former is a key addition as it gives perspective on one of the initial times where technology was integrated into product development. There is significant information on cosmetic science and technology, and it covers broad spectrum that includes biochemistry, physics, consumer, and analytical evaluations among others. It covers both the historical reviews and the then status of the industry. Balsam & Sagarin (1972) provide an even earlier account of the events that would set the stage for the developments that can be observed now. The authors address major aspects of science and technology that were transcendent while also covering the potential of the future of the beauty industry.

One key point in the running of organizations is to thrive and remain sustainable across a vast span of time. The success of the organizations is the main factor in establishing a business. Hence, there is great expectation in setting up any business and the focus on each key business practice provides an avenue for improvement and development. Technology and innovation have long since taken center stage in the process of seeking success and sustainability. Innovation covers any new organizational methods that touch on the business’ practices of organizations. This fact issue is a process that leads to the development and adoption of alternative means of production and management models that cover both tangible and intangible resources. It encompasses the ideas, services, processes, and strategies involved in the process (Tidd, 2006).

The essence of technology surpasses all aforementioned factors especially in consideration of recent history. Innovation and technology tend to go hand in hand in most circumstances (Tidd, 2006). The technology addresses the application of science and knowledge in finding practical solutions to problems. These are aspects that have enabled the progression of businesses across the world. Technology and innovation, thus, form the cornerstone of this study as it factors in addressing the research purpose. The main aspects of the research revolve around marketing and marketing information systems. The aim of the research is to show how these aspects are essential in promoting the business practices within the cosmetics industry. The focus of the research is one of the entities that operate within the beauty industry. The specific objective is to examine how marketing and marketing information systems can influence the business operations of a beauty company. The discussion follows the aspects that have potential to impact the marketing process or outcomes associated with the products and services of the company. Technology plays a central role in improving and transforming marketing process within an organization. Marketing information systems are significantly dependent on technological developments. It is thus essential to examine how technology and innovation help impact the marketing process of a given beauty company (Liu, Zhang & Qin, 2016).

There are various factors that influence marketing in one way or another. Technology and innovation provide a wide scope in which different aspects can impact marketing. It is thus vital to look at how different subjects under technology and innovation can improve the marketability of an organization. Different aspects such as product innovation, process innovation, and some disruptive innovations influence marketing as the outcome places an organization in a better position to market itself. Better products or improved marketing process should make it easier for entities to market their products and services (Davenport, Guha, Grewal, & Bressgott, 2019). The paper incorporates discussion of the aspects associated with technology and innovation and shows how they play a role in influencing marketing. There is also coverage on case scenarios that feature the examples of how the discussed aspects have impacted the beauty industry. The details provide understanding that should be integral in fostering the marketing of products and services.

The Review

This paper applied systematic type of literature review. The methodology provides the means to synthesize the results of research in a systematic and transparent manner. The essence of using systematic reviews is in the identification and examination of relevant research and subsequently the collection and analysis of data from the research (Ward-Smith, 2016). It was essential in the identification of evidence which appropriately fits the criteria for inclusion with respect to the research problem. This method provided the advantage of minimizing biasness and enhancing the conclusions and recommendations from the outcomes.

One of the key steps in the search for literature entailed development of research question based on the problem under focus. The subject area was marketing and marketing information systems. Emphasis was on the role of technology and innovation in enhancing the marketing process in an organization in the beauty industry. The key words include marketing, marketing information systems, technology, innovation, and beauty/cosmetic industry. Majority of the literature searched were published or released within the last decade. The study, however, also included literature from as far back as 1992. Such literature provided important background information for the study.


This study will utilize a theoretical foundation of the Ricardian model of international trade and the Uppsala Model of the theory of Internalization. Krugman & Obstfield (2006) states that, the Ricardian model of the International Trade; the nation that is demanding the product or services has a convenience of shaping the trade arrangements and advantages from the trade. Trade and investments in nations take place because of the International trade theories. Waud et al. (1992) acknowledges that it is advantageous for any given country to trade with another. All economies are somehow connected to one another in the way the trade flows and financial networks which are all over the world. The theory stresses the importance of concentration and specialization. The world market is ready to consume more than what is produced. The theory of international trade has been influential in creating persuasively the benefits that are shown through the trade (Krugman & Obstfield 2006). The key aspects involved in international trade entail the exchange of goods and services across countries. Consumers in different countries get the opportunity to purchase goods and services which may not be available in their own nations.

Ricardian model of international trade. Ricardo expressed the principle of comparative advantage: that nations concentrate in the events in which they are moderately more creative. The skills and technological differences are a product of the productivity differences. The factors of transaction patterns are trade between nations reduces with distance, the country’s size is important for trade, all nations import more from larger countries, there is a vast variation of prices between nations, trade/specialization is based on technological differences from across nations, and trade is not equalized across nation (Krugman & Obstfield 2006).

The global economy is quite essential for businesses in various industries. This fact applies significantly in the different industries whereby a substantial portion of the businesses rely on imports and exports. Numerous entities have thrived due to their entry into international trade. The international base provides a major opportunity for companies to expand their market reach. The expansion is a key role of marketing efforts. International trade marketing is an integral part of expanding the reach of goods and products across foreign borders. This connection between international trade and marketing reflects the essence of the theory to the research problem. A study on marketing on international scale incorporates one of the main features of the international trade theory. Business or organizations that operate or provide their products and services across varied countries integrate international trade marketing and relevant concepts in achieving their objectives. Therefore, international trade theory addresses the issue of marketing of cosmetic products and services internationally (Krugman & Obstfield 2006).

Uppsala model of the theory of internalization. The other theory is the Uppsala Model of the theory of Internalization: it provides an economic advantage and reasoning for the establishment of multi-national corporations (MNCs) that in turn depend on the notion of business interaction with international entities. MNCs do business with other companies across national borders by exporting the products or producing the product at a company facility in other country as a foreign market. The company’s decision mainly rests on the costs and benefits while considering economic factors like the nature of the product, the location, political climate, and the decision-making ability to internalize (Rugman 1997).

According to Johanson and Wiedersheim-Paul (1975), the Uppsala model outlines the process of entering an international market into different phases, where the succeeding phases represent higher degrees of international involvement and market commitment. The degrees of involvement flow as follows. No regular export activities (sporadic exports), Export via independent representatives (export modes), Establishment of a foreign sales subsidiary and Foreign production/manufacturing units. The steps indicate business activities depending on the market experience gained by the company during their process of development and expansion.

As aforementioned, the research problem touches on the expansion of business operations internationally. The problem that is known has been indicated by the performance of House of Bellezza, which has stalled globally in recent years, and the results have been a decline in the growth rate of the entity. The successful global expansion requires comprehensive marketing schemes and techniques. The theory posits that an organization can rely on internal sourcing in the process of market expansion. As such, it relies on internal sources to fund core obligations like marketing activities. The impact of marketing and marketing information systems on a business operating internationally depends on the investment that is put towards the process. The probable solutions to the research problem will require implementation. The theory factors in the study significantly as it informs on direction that an organization will take in the implementation process. The concept of internalization will require a business to focus on reinvestment of assets instead of seeking outside sources. The solutions to marketing problem will require consideration of the financing process which then integrates the elements of the theory. It will be essential for the organization under focus to incorporate the theory in the process of realizing the marketing objectives. The discussion on global marketing should consider the strategy for implementing the marketing needs. The strategy in this case is based on internalization of the activities associated with marketing (Rugman 1997).

The purpose of improving or transforming the marketing sector is to enhance the performance of a given company. Internal sourcing rather outsourcing will provide the best opportunity for realization of marketing goals. Internalization is essential as it will make the outcomes of the research more feasible for application. It is be vital to protect an organization’s assets from the impact of other related companies. The maintenance of the uniqueness or status of an entity’s products and services is a major factor in making the entity more marketable to consumers (Pellicelli, 2018).

Target Organization

The targeted organization in the research on the qualitative study of Effective Commercial Tactics in Global Marketing is House of Bellezza (HOB). It is a high-end beauty supplier with headquarters in the United Kingdom (UK). HOB retails high end fragrances, beauty aids, and related services. The flagship of the company is the bee venom (Beenom) technology which provides the same if not safer alternative to Botox. Botox is a drug or injection that is formulated from botulismotoxin, that is used therapeutically to treat muscular conditions and cosmetically removing wrinkles by provisionally paralyzing facial muscles. The other signature product that HOB has, is the line of fragrances that uses the Southern Italy essential oil found in the rind of the bergamot orange. Bergamot is the top note ingredient in the structure of the fougère and the chyrpré fragrance families. These perfumes use other notes like lavender, geranium, vetiver, bergamot, oakmoss and coumarin. 

The company was formulated in the country where the headquarters, warehouse, and the distribution center are located, i.e. the UK. From UK, the company has spread to metropolitan areas of the United States, Italy, and South Korea. The global company was founded by a couple who are the directors of the company. There are approximately 300 employees in the 4 countries in the 3 continents.

According to the statement that one of the directors verbalized to the researcher, it has been indicated that the growth of the company has somewhat stalled in recent times. This company is registered and licensed as a limited company that is involved in wholesale of perfumes, cosmetics, and retail sale of cosmetics and toilet articles in specialized stores. He further articulated that the major problem in the company has been penetrating the other international markets. It has trouble launching its products across all continents in the process of establishing a global brand. Most certainly, House of Bellezza has greatly benefitted from innovation and technological development that have impacted the world as a whole and more importantly the cosmetics industry. The company has over time incorporated some developments across different facets. The developments have majorly helped in the success that it has managed to achieve over the years. House of Bellezza has put in place steps and strategies to promote the success of the business, and technology, innovation and creativity have been at the center of much of the developments. Different parts of the company have fared relatively well with remarkable outcomes. The level of success can be evaluated by examining varied parameters that depict business outcomes (Tidd, 2006).

At the same time, the parameters can show the areas where there is a need for improvement to ensure the continued success of the company. The sights, in this case, are set on the improvement of marketing and effective use of marketing information systems in fostering business progression. The process of change and improvement in the company is established on integration of all key aspects in change initiation and development. In the process, there is incorporation of all relevant factors that will aid in the realization of the objectives. Technology and innovation will go a long way in enhancing the performance of the organization internationally (Tidd, 2006).

Market Dynamics

The global market provides dynamics that impact the beauty industry. Some of the observations have helped discern the role that demographics play in relation to cosmetic products. The aging population is among the main users of beauty products. The older individuals are the core driver for the market. However, the younger population is also becoming more avid users of cosmetics. The millennials have increasingly resorted to the use of beauty products. As such, an analysis of the global market base provides clear insight on how age plays a role (Know, 2019).

Packaging and design are instrumental factors in marketing. They dictate means of gaining competitive advantage over other players in the industry (Know, 2019). Packaging is the foundation for marketers as it helps them comprehend the response of consumers to packages. Beauty products need to be appealing to the eye to attract consumers. The sales of beauty products hugely depend on the ability to capture the imagination of users. The key aspects that go into consideration include color testing and psychological manipulation. The focus on color schemes is about how consumers react emotionally to specific colors, schemes, and shades (Know, 2019). Practical designs of packages and cosmetic containers draw in consumers. It is the aesthetics of products that make the first impression to users before they get to the stage of judging by the quality. The aesthetics make the products stand out as they can convey the beauty associated with a given product (Kefi, Indra & Abdessalem, 2016). The packaging should also be relatable to consumers. The labels communicate messages in a way that encourages customers to purchase the products. The design and packaging make companies such as L’Oréal Group, Avon Products and Beiersdorf AG stand out over competition.

The European, Asian, and American markets have formed the larger portion of market share associated with beauty industry. The regions have been conducive for the growth and expansion of cosmetic product distribution. In the recent times, the Middle East and African regions have seen growth in the cosmetic products market, making them viable market bases for beauty companies (Know, 2019). These details are quite important for an entity that is looking to expand such as House of Bellezza. Gaining a larger share of the market base is one of the main roles of marketing process.

Technology, Innovation, and Creativity

The initial steps in promoting the marketability of House of Bellezza should integrate these three elements: technology, innovation, and creativity. Van Woensel et al. (2015) did a splendid job in presenting their ideas. The article provided great perspective on the significance of technology, innovation, and creativity in the beauty industry. There are great potential and unlimited scope in the range of issues that can be addressed when regarding the contributions or solutions that can originate from technology, innovation, and creativity. To this end, there are several new technological developments that should be incorporated within the company to further its business objectives. These developments provide the means for improving the products and services of the organization with the goal of increasing its performance in the market (Van Woensel et al., 2015). Van Woensel et al. (2015), provide insight into some crucial developments that form the most recent developments in the cosmetic industry. They include artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, use of wearables, and 3D printing (Kissflow, 2017). Kissflow provided comprehensive coverage on these developments and showed how they are important in the cosmetic industry. This resource fails, though, in providing examples of the application of the different technologies in specific beauty companies.

Digitization has led to transformations in the world of skincare. L’Oréal, arguably the most successful company in the beauty industry, has been at the forefront of digitization (Brucculieri, 2018). The company has put efforts towards digitization in several ways. It has specifically utilized digitization to foster customer retention and attract other potential consumers. It adopted the e-commerce platform which led to generation of revenue from the new channel. Other examples of digital innovation the company has been involved in include ‘My UV Patch’ and ‘Makeup Genius’ (Kell, 2016). These are applications that have been instrumental in delivery of products and services to customers. The delivery of service is a key role in the marketing process. The innovation has been profound in the progression of the organization. It provides an important case scenario of the role of innovation in the beauty industry. The positive impacts of the developments at L’Oréal are clear but the discussion is majorly one-sided as there is no insight on negative implications of the new products and services.

Sephora’s Executive Vice President of omni retail, Mary Beth Laughton unveiled the Augmented Reality (AR) technology for their customers to “try” the makeup before they purchase it. Sephora worked with ModiFace to develop the AR technology instrument that foster an environment for customers to try as many shades of lipstick, eyeshadow, false lashes, and other cosmetics products sold at Sephora. The technology also comes with beauty tutorials for the users on their own face digitally to achieve certain looks they desire before purchases. Customer can now find the right color shade for their skin tone from a facial photo uploaded to a feature called Color Match. The Virtual Artist in the Sephora app selects the skin tone ranges from Fair Neutral Undertone to Deep/Very Deep Neutral Golden Undertone. Sephora also partnered with Pantone to develop a shade-matching technology called Color IQ, that delivers a read of each customer’s skin tone. Tech developer, Inhalió partnered with the company for an olfactory technology called InstaScent. The Sephora’s Fragrance IQ allows the clients to test 18 different scents using a dry air delivery system after filling out an online scent profile (Rayome, 2018).

Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the way brands operate and helped them become more successful (Nacu & Avasilcai, 2015). In the same way, House of Bellezza should utilize AI in a variety of ways such as in developing personalized solutions and in the enhancement of product development. There is still a lot of potential to gain business progression from the application of AI in cosmetic technology to achieve core business objectives (Camison & Villar-Lopez, 2014). Camison & Villar-Lopez (2014) provide insight on this technology but they don’t cover AI examples in companies. Proven which is a leading beauty brand is involved in creation of personalized products for skincare (Brucculieri, 2018). The aim is to apply AI in positively influencing the lives of women and it achieves the feat through use of machine learning. The process enables the learning of connections between various categories of products, ingredients, and the reviews. The information enables the organization to provide product recommendations for customers. Another beauty company, Curology, applies machine learning in the analysis of skin goals, types, and medical history (Brucculieri, 2018). The details help match consumers with professionals who advise on the skincare needs of individuals. AI is also utilized in customizing shampoos and conditioners and is applied in monitoring the consumers and staff interactions for better engagement (Brucculieri, 2018). There are various ways that AI is essential to the beauty industry and the examples help define its benefits. As much as the incorporated sources provide understanding on the role of AI, it is vital that they should also feature detailed regard of how the entities were able to realize their goals of utilizing the technology in the processes.

Virtual and augmented realities follow in the same line of digitization in the beauty industry. Virtual reality (VR) should provide a more engaging and personalized experience for customers. Customers in these circumstances will be able to virtually try a variety of products on offer, assess packaging, retailer relations, and even future concepts such as store design (Nacu & Avasilcai, 2015). Augmented reality (AR) should transform online retail experience through the effective use of applications and websites. More customers of House of Bellezza should be able to try out services and products at the comfort of their homes before deciding on probable purchases. A great contribution of virtual and augmented realities to the company will involve digital marketing. VR marketing immerses users into an environment that is a computer generated while AR adds digital overlays to the environment. These tools make digital marketing more realizable as consumers get to see more engaging and interactive advertising content. House of Bellezza should be fully invested in type of cutting-edge future (Camison & Villar-Lopez, 2014).

House of Bellezza stands to benefit from the virtual and augmented reality. Cosmia Makeup is a premier example of successful integration of these aspects in matters to do with beauty (Cosmia, 2020). The brand has an application that is driven by face recognition engine. The app allows users to try on products and get a perspective of how they look. Consumers are likely to be confident in the choices they make and can experiment further. This is a very effective way of building a relationship with customers and providing the conditions that are likely to draw in more consumers to the fold. There are opportunities that will benefit House of Bellezza soon. Augmented and virtual reality will be applied in assessment of contours, skin types and complexion to tailor products according to complexion. Consumers will have the capacity to effectively emulate style of makeup or product used. The technological features will provide new and creative ways to pitch to continue pitching products and services to consumers.

The internet covers quite a wide scope in terms of the areas that it influences. A good number of facets within House of Bellezza rely on the internet to perform some of its key roles. The use of the internet should continue to be instrumental in the company’s business, as Barel, Paye, & Maibach, (2014) would indicate. This a great tool for marketing that can be further harnessed to improve company performance. The online platform has increasingly provided the business with a feasible marketing tool (Kissflow, 2017). It has enabled communication and business transactions between the company and customers through a medium that is flexible and interactive. House of Bellezza has taken advantage of the internet to a great point. The benefits of the internet generally exceed the imaginations of individuals which makes it essential in the current age in business and beyond (Camison & Villar-Lopez, 2014). The essence of the internet is made clearer as much of the developments rely on it. E-commerce is a major platform that relies on internet and online presence. Barel et al., (2014) and Camison & Villar-Lopez (2014) need to provide more insightful details on the rise of internet and its contributions to the industry. The information provided is not as comprehensive, but it covers the main ideas.

3D printing is another technology that should enhance the market outlook of House of Bellezza. The technology is applied in the personalization of cosmetic and skincare products. 3D printing has been integrated into production in many cases. This is a way through which consumers can seek personalization in different aspects of their lives. Consumers can take part in self-care initiatives which may entail fitness, personal care, and mental health. Customers are increasingly looking for new products and services that build on their routines (Nacu & Avasilcai, 2015). Personalization is a major determinant of how businesses can draw in clients as the self-care process allows them to access items that fit their needs and desires (Camison & Villar-Lopez, 2014). Nacu & Avasilcai (2015) played a major role in defining 3D printing technology. The authors provided a holistic perspective on the technology as they addressed both the general and specific elements associated with it.

House of Bellezza should continually place itself in a position to benefit from developments in 3D technology. 3D printing has been applied in developing a portable printer which allows users to pick among range of makeup and have their choices printed on a paper sheet (Griffiths, 2019). Within seconds, individuals have a mix of printed makeup in custom creation. Some products that have been incorporated in this technology are blush and eye shadow. 3D printing has been used with mascara brush by Chanel (Griffiths, 2019). The entity is immersed in printing micro cavities into bristles while providing smooth and even application. The development has been termed as Le Volume Revolution. Another function of 3D printing entails advanced skincare. Neutrogena came up with 3D printed facial cosmetics mask sheet product known as MaskiD that  uses a smartphone 3D camera, by providing a snap selfie to generate an accurate, multi-dimensional map of an exact face measurement, shape of the nose, space between the eyes, lips, and other exceptional physical characteristics (Griffiths, 2019). The masks are built to fit the faces of users and it is crafted with ingredients that suit skin concerns. The technology works with smartphones that have the MaskiD application. The app uses attached Skin360 device which examines the size of skin pores and moisture levels. The information is used to provide recommendations and masks are printed according to the unique features and needs of consumers. These details show that Chanel is one of the most advanced organizations in the cosmetics business (Griffiths, 2019).

Wearable technologies have also crept into the industry with L’Oréal leading the way with the development of the UV monitoring patch (Banerjee et al., 2017). The cosmetic industry has in the recent past started incorporating wearable technologies and House of Bellezza needs to be on heels of such developments. These technologies have begun a major conversation on wearable cosmetic products. For instance, the UV patch by L’Oréal is designed to gauge various health aspects such as blood pressure, pulse, and blood sugar (Banerjee et al., 2017). The patch has photosensitive dyes which change color when they are exposed to UV rays. It takes into consideration the skin tone and it can be utilized underneath sunscreen. Such efforts have redefined how wearables enable the integration of the user and technological devices. House of Bellezza is sure to reap benefits from 3D printing and wearables. There is a need for more detailed information on the application of technology in House of Bellezza. The essence of this data is to make more informed analysis on the developments that have been incorporated and those that should be incorporated to ensure the entity fulfills its needs and objectives (Nacu & Avasilcai, 2015). There are diverse cosmetic technologies in play, and it is vital to understand their role and impact on the organization (Nacu & Avasilcai, 2015). In the case of wearable technology, there is not much information on the strides that other companies apart from L’Oréal have made.

Essentially, the evaluation of the current situation in House of Bellezza points out to the areas that require more attention and the areas where there is potential for improvement. These are the areas where technology, innovation and creativity will make the most significant impact on and where the company should direct more resources towards. The factors impact the delivery of products and services to consumers (Kim & Kim, 2016). Technology and innovation make an organization more attractive. The endpoint is increased marketability and performance of the entity (Camison & Villar-Lopez, 2014).

Process Innovation

The main factors in process innovation are increasing production levels and decreasing costs of operation. Harmon (2010) helps in understanding the essence of the business management process regarding process innovation. The scope and evolution of this source display how the process has grown to become very critical in organizations. The role that process innovation plays in organizations can be well understood through the evaluation of a prominent entity. The innovation touches on many aspects across the functionality of organizations. Organizations have many business processes that range from customer service, packaging engineering, testing compliance and technical support. Product development covers design and artwork services. All these areas can be influenced by process innovation depending on the specific needs of an organization. There are various ways through which House of Bellezza can benefit from the implementation of process innovation across various facets of the organization. Business process engineering provides the key to revamping the business strategy of the company (Galliers & Baker, 1995).

Business Process Reengineering

The basis of the discussion on process reengineering is to enhance the understanding of the concept and its application in business. It is usually a challenge for organizations to accomplish the objectives of business process reengineering (BPR) thus there is not much information in terms of specific case scenarios that resulted successful implementation of the process. The details in this section are thus majorly general and are not quite specific to the beauty industry or companies. The objective is to shade light on the guidelines that could be a difference maker in a cosmetic company if the process is well developed and implemented. BPR has the potential to transform the businesses of House of Bellezza if successful. BPR can be utilized to recreate one or more among the business processes in the organization to improve product quality and services (Galliers & Baker, 1995). The central factor in BPR is in the radical redesign of the core business processes. Through this process, the company can achieve dramatic improvements in quality and productivity due to the nature of BPR. This will require that the stakeholders of House of Bellezza adopt a new value system that puts more emphasis on the needs of customers. The process may involve reduction in organizational layers and elimination of activities that are rightfully deemed as unproductive (Galliers & Baker, 1995).

The main aspects that take place in the reengineering process first involve a functional redesign of organizations into cross-functional teams followed by improvement in data dissemination and decision making. BPR can be used to transform the marketing process of House of Bellezza as there is a need to improve the marketing process and reach more customers. Market disruptions tend to take place at some point across the existence of companies. Whether the disruptions happen or not, there is always a need for radical changes in marketing departments in organizations for the purpose of attaining continuity in business operations (SweetProcess, 2017).

Disruptive trends and technologies have greatly impacted the cosmetics industry. House of Bellezza has integrated a few such technologies especially the use of internet. The point here is that BPR provides the basis of redesigning the marketing sector with regard to the developments that are taking place across the cosmetic industry and the changes that House of Bellezza should incorporate in order to continue the success it has achieved since its inception (Galliers & Baker, 1995; SweetProcess, 2017). Galliers & Baker (1995) adequately depict the role that BPR can play in changing how businesses operate. They display the expansive relevance of the application of BPR in businesses and help show the role it will play in House of Bellezza. They provide knowledge based on the earlier perspective of the reengineering process which is then compared to more recent information for a more well-versed understanding (Doumeingts & Browne, 2016). The comparison of past and present is important as it provides a perspective on how reengineering came about and applied effectively in business. The earlier perspective shows how House of Bellezza fared or would have fared on during the initial points in the development of BPR. The more recent coverage displays how the company can benefit now as the BPR has come a long way (SweetProcess, 2017).

Moreover, BPR has influenced the success of entities over the years and it is vital to have an informed idea on the contributions that it has enabled. The history of BPR shows how marketing has developed across the timespan and how House of Bellezza has benefitted. It also shows how the company should benefit from the reengineering going forward. Comprehension of the principles of BPR use is a simple but effective application is more complex as evidenced by outcomes in various cases (SweetProcess, 2017). This is an aspect that requires more research. It is imperative to have a clear insight into how House of Bellezza can implement BPR within its marketing process with relatively high chances of success. This is important because the odds of failure of the BPR application overwhelm the success rates historically. Galliers & Baker (1995) make this point quite clear in their presentation; BPR implementation tends to meet problems such as resistance that ultimately lead to possible failure in the process. Research should focus on finding ways to make BPR use more effective when it is applied in House of Bellezza.

Product Innovation

The cosmetic industry has long played a leading role in product development and it has proven to be a highly innovative and science-driven sector. Product innovation is one of the main factors that promote the marketing potential of an organization. According to (Davcik, Cardinali, Sharma, & Cedrola, 2021), product innovation allows entities to develop new market segments and at the same time expand product portfolios. House of Bellezza has in the past delved into markets that it previously did not have a presence in. It has diversified its products over time since the original establishment of the company. There are more products and services on offer compared to previous times. It has substantially expanded on its original segment. However, there is still more grounds and potential to benefit from with pursuit of product innovation. Product innovation basically requires that stakeholders in the company be more aggressive in devising new ways of solving problems especially as relates to the marketability of the entity and its products and services (Im, Montoya, & Workman, 2012).

House of Bellezza should greatly benefit from the proper integration of product innovation initiatives. There have been major product innovations across the globe, and these provide ideas on how to approach matters of product development. They essentially provide perspectives or mindsets that stakeholders in House of Bellezza can apply to develop more innovative products. It is important to note that the rate of developments that the world as a whole experience currently is quite advantageous in that every other day there are new ideas, end products, and services coming up (Im et al., 2012). These elements provide the means through which the company can effectively develop innovative products. The impetus is in having the appropriate structure in place to enable the innovation process (Im et al., 2012).

Technology and innovation are global which means that virtually all aspects that affect humanity influenced by what defines these two terms. Different industries have experienced technological and innovation processes at different rates depending on the make-up of the specific industries (Im et al., 2012). Ideas from a different industry could set the foundation of change in the cosmetic industry and more so in House of Bellezza. For instance, some of the technologies that major corporations and competitors have utilized in their business processes could be the starting point of a solid innovation in relation to the company. Apple Inc. is a leader in technological developments and the associated innovations range widely (Dohrmehl, 2017). The product innovations, in this case, should provide an idea that should benefit House of Bellezza if well developed and implemented. Case in point, virtual reality and augmented reality can work well for House of Bellezza customers who are iPhone users (Dohrmehl, 2017; Im et al., 2012).

The cosmetics industry is very competitive, and the ever-changing market requires that the company consistently align technological development with changing needs and preferences of customers. Industry leaders set the bar quite high and it is up to other organizations to keep up. This is where product innovation becomes critical to the prosperity of a business. House of Bellezza needs to consistently keep up with or stay ahead of the developments that take place. Lee and Yazdanifard (2015) give details on consumer behavior and how this relate to product innovation and marketing. House of Bellezza has a huge responsibility for fully comprehending the attitudes and behaviors of its customers and potential clients. It further should sufficiently use this information to influence positive outcomes in its product development and marketing sector.

(Davcik, Cardinali, Sharma, & Cedrola, 2021) present some interesting gaps that could play critical roles in optimizing the relationship between product innovation and marketing. There are different theories that utilize the different perspectives in evaluating the association between product innovation and marketing by looking at the brand equity and expenditure. House of Bellezza can make strides by developing minimum viable products. The important factor here is in ensuring the products and services get apt demonstration and they are proven as ideal prospects in the market (Im et al., 2012). The development of a minimum viable product takes into effect the nature of the market, the ecosystem between innovators, customers, and marketers. Cultivation of an innovation culture places House of Bellezza in a position to give customers the best possible service, products, and experiences. There are these elements that can make a difference in improving the marketing capability of House of Bellezza and these aspects make up a substantial portion of the opportunities available.

Disruptive Innovation

Key examples of disruptive innovations have been mentioned earlier. They include the internet and e-commerce. Both innovations have had profound effect on marketing. These innovations completely changed the way business used to operate (Bruse, Böhmer & Lindemann, 2016). Nowadays, a lot of activities depend on internet use and consumers rely on the internet to accomplish much of their needs associated with beauty products. The entry of e-commerce into the picture transformed the process of buying and selling of goods and customer experience. In a few international markets such as the US, online sales are much more compared to sales from the traditional brick and mortar stores (Bruse, Böhmer & Lindemann, 2016). This section helps in understanding the role of disruptive innovations. Apart from the internet and e-commerce, there is not much coverage on other forms of disruptive innovations that have impacted the beauty industry. The resources in this section define the innovations but they do not feature extensive review of other examples of disruptive innovations that have taken place in the industry.

Disruptive technology defines technological developments that change the way that industries, businesses, and consumers operate (Kim & Mauborgne, 2019). The technology that is instituted tends to challenge pre-existing systems and habits that comprise the old way of operating. The new ways are very distinct from the previous situation. The essence of disruptive innovation is in the superior attributes that make the developments obvious to all concerned stakeholders (King & Baatartogtokh, 2015). Upstarts are usually the source of disruptive technologies in most cases. House of Bellezza is not an upstart but it can be at the center of innovations that take place depending on the suitability of the developments to the company.

Nagy et al., (2015) show how to ‘Define and identify disruption innovation.’ There are numerous disruptive innovations in the current age with more expected to come to fruition soon. These innovations have impacted diverse industries and more importantly the cosmetic industry. The disruption process incorporates market segments that are overlooked and put entities in place to gain more industry presence (King & Baatartogtokh, 2015). An established company like House of Bellezza may lack flexibility in adapting to new threats and this provides an opportune moment for the disruptors to move ahead and cannibalize wide customer segments. It is thus important that House of Bellezza establishes the necessary infrastructure to enable the organization to move in the appropriate direction and thrive within an increasingly disruptive market in the cosmetic industry (Kim & Mauborgne, 2019).

Marketing and Distribution Strategies

There are many factors that have been affecting international marketing strategies such as the structure of distribution channels, pricing, and advertising among others. The concept of marketing mix has been one of the biggest influences in global marketing. International marketers grapple with the issues of trade restrictions and barriers, multiple currencies, distribution channels which are longer, among other issues (Akgün, Keskin & Ayar, 2014). Such issues have affected how international marketers have made decisions over their pricing strategies. Pricing decision-making process has been largely influenced by costs, competition, price elasticity of demand, nature of the products, systems of distribution, the environment in foreign markets, government policies and regulations in global markets, etc. (Akgün, Keskin & Ayar, 2014).

One such issues concerning distribution channels which is part of the 4Ps of the marketing mix is heavily attached to the basic function of the distribution channels in global marketing as it offer a means of delivery of products to the intended end-user or the targeted consumer within the right time and place at the required quantity and the lowest cost (Mackenzie, 2000). However, House of Bellezza has been facing different constraints which affect the distribution channel and as a result adversely affect the effectiveness of global marketing. Some of the challenges include middlemen, characteristics of products, consumer dispersion, among others (Mintz & Currim, 2013). However, even with the prevalence of the constraints, global marketers have continued to give greater attention to those factors that have an influence on the channel structures and the available strategies in such as the features of the global distribution system, characteristics of products, features of the markets or consumer characteristics, competition in the market, factors within organizations, and regulations by governments (Mintz & Currim, 2013). The study discusses the distribution channel issues that affect effectiveness of commercial tactics in global marketing. Literature concerning the factors affecting global marketing and specifically distribution channels will be discussed as being a major factor. The strategies available and the trends in the global marketing will also be elaborated.

The channels of distribution are very critical in moving products from House of Bellezza to the markets targeted. It is, therefore, very important that a competent distribution channel is required. The components of the distribution channels include all the institutions that carry out the activities that ensure the products are moved from the point of manufacture to the consumer market. It is distribution channels that act as a link between the global marketers and their customers in the global stage (Rajput, 2016). It is, therefore, critical that distribution channels are nurtured, and adequate resources and time devoted towards the same. Decisions made concerning distribution channels determine the success or failure of the international marketers and their products (Wijnberg, van den Ende, & de Wit, 2002). This is the same case with decisions towards the pricing strategies and the characteristics of involved products. For the expansion of the global market and ensuring effective tactics, distribution channels need well-thought strategies (Marmullaku & Ahmeti, 2015). A consideration of the factors that have an influence on the distribution channel structures need to be done and the possible strategies.

The characteristics of the global distribution systems constitute one of the factors influencing the structure of distribution channels. The features available play a very key role or have a lot of influence on decisions made concerning the channel. Some of the characteristics include the availability of middlemen, the quality of service provided by the middlemen and their ethics and attitudes of work. Global marketers have directly distributed their products to their customers or end users directly with the use of overseas subsidiaries (Rajput, 2016). However, House of Bellezza will also engage the online distribution has become a major channel of distribution in the recent past and involves less activities as there is less physical inspection.

Distribution Channels

The sale of cosmetics occurs via numerous channels which are diverse. They provide the consumer products with specific importance which is associated with the assistance involved. The final stage after products become marketable is the distribution process. The different channels factor in the quality of cosmetics. The impact is not on the make-up of the products but on the usage. Different channels offer different assistance and significance to the product. For example, the level of assistance is minimal in large supermarkets while in selective stores the assistance is higher (Wang, Li & Cheng, 2016). In the former, it is the consumers who make their own decisions while the selective stores feature opportunities to ask about specific products. It is the role of manufacturing companies, in this case House of Bellezza, to determine the channels for distribution. The distribution can be divided between generic and selective facets (Wang, Li & Cheng, 2016).

In one of the international markets (Italy), generic distribution accounts for 40%. The figure is divided between supermarkets and generic goods outlets (20% each) (Migliuolo & Ruggeri, 2002). The channels have been increasingly integral in selling products, especially those belonging to brands that are less dominant. The growth of the industry has resulted in increased distribution of different types of cosmetic products. The large-scale distribution is essential for consumers who look for products that are not expensive. The selective or professional outlets account for 60% of the distribution. Perfume shops (34%), pharmacies (13%), beauty parlors (10%) and direct selling (3%) are the main categories. The categories mainly provide products from brands with high prestige and images fit for national and international markets. The selective outlets feature personnel that are very professional and specialized to the specific purpose of offering great assistance to consumers (Migliuolo & Ruggeri, 2002).

There exist some differences between the performance of products based on the channel of distribution. There is a functional attitude whereby low-cost products are consumed majorly by whole families and they prefer the general stores. In the sales of make-up products, consumers look to make purchases that are high quality regardless of the costs thus the specialized shops come into play. Perfumes, facial care products and make-up products are mainly sold through selective outlets while hair care and body care products are mainly distributed through the generic outlets. This nature is generally a reflection of the global market especially in the major market bases (Łopaciuk & Łoboda, 2013).

The main issues in channel distribution revolve around the management of inventory. There is need for efficiency in the operations associated with warehouse management systems. The organization of local and international shipments is essential in ensuring their proper transportation and management at customs. Control of inventory at various distribution channels also forms an important part of the discussion. The challenges arise in the global supply as disruptions tend to occur due to aspects such poor infrastructure and political instability in some regions (Łopaciuk & Łoboda, 2013). Warehousing and order become a problem when there are no clear differences between international and domestic distribution processes. The trends in the industry also become a challenge as they lead to creation of demand. The problem is being able to meet the demand aptly (Łopaciuk & Łoboda, 2013).

Implementation of Change

House of Bellezza has performed relatively well over the years. There are a lot of positives that can be drawn from the progress that the company has made since it was established. However, there are lofty goals to be achieved as the organization has objectives that are yet to be achieved. This brings into focus the essence of technology and innovation across the main business processes. The integration of technology and innovation into the discussion has pointed out the various ways and avenues that can be used to improve the marketability of the company and its products. The impetus then is on effectively incorporating the necessary changes. All steps within the change process are important but the implementation process bears a significant weight (May, 2013).

The marketing of the products and services of House of Bellezza will require that there are several improvements across all facets that need or will benefit from changes or developments that take place. This makes it essential that there is an elaborate strategy of implementation of change (Pellissier, 2014). The outright benefit is that the organization will reap from the developments. Other considerations involve the avoidance of potential risks and barriers that may prevent the effective implementation of initiatives (Pellissier, 2014). The change process should take place smoothly or at worst with minor interruptions or complications (May, 2013).

House of Bellezza can utilize some informed steps to make the change process effective. It will be vital that the management of the company holistically supports the developments that they set forth. This should put all other stakeholders in tune as they follow the example set by the leadership. The technological developments and innovations provide the case for a change with an emphasis on improving the marketing of the company’s products and services. Data enabled the identification and justification of the need for improvement in marketing which is an important point to note in the implementation process (May, 2013).

The integration of the changes should involve employees of the company as they should be including in change efforts at given points. Employees provide an experience that is integral in enabling effective change planning and implementation. One vital factor is that communication is imperative across all aspects of the implementation process. Effective communication is privy to a structured and systematic change process. Proactivity in communication is helpful in limiting barriers and resistance that may affect the implementation of the desired changes. The company should be keen on following up on the implementation process. The key stakeholders will need to assess the developments that have been established with the sole purpose of evaluating the success or lack thereof of the implementation process (May, 2013).

As House of Bellezza strives to put in place developments that will aid the improvement of its marketability, the wellness of employees should always be within the scope of their interests. The wellness programs are important as they optimize the performance of workers across all levels. The programs entail activities that are designed to support or better the health of workers. They improve the health outcomes within work environments (Mujtaba & Cavico, 2013). The implementation of the change process within House of Bellezza should consider the wellness of workers. The success of changing the marketability of the company will hinge on the engagement and buy-in of employees thus their well-being will influence how the developments turn out. Therefore, as the entity puts in place the necessary changes to realize its objectives, the welfare programs of employees also matter accordingly and be rightfully developed (Mujtaba & Cavico, 2013).

Cultural Influence

In the recent years, culture has played a vital role and influence in technology and innovation. Culture has been recognized as a critical factor in international management and organizational development given its significance and involvement to professionalism and commercial growth (Verspagen, 2006; Rohlfer & Zhang, 2016). There is literature that has been published by researchers on the association between culture along with technology and innovation in marketing (Parveen et al., 2015). Subsequently, the countries or enterprises that have ideographically embraced the cultural milieu have the robust technology and innovation capability.

Granted that this proliferation of studies on cultural differences can suggestively advance the comprehension of the roles of culture in technology and innovation in global marketing, there are limitations in the contemporary research. Fundamentally, theorizing and research in cultural influence in technology and innovation has fallen behind (Anderson, Potočnik, & Zhou, 2014). Primarily, even though the available studies have explored the effects of culture on technology and innovation from theoretical insights, extant studies are disjointed and detached from the reality on ground. Consequently, it is vital to work through a methodical literature review and recognize key research themes and progressive patterns. The second part is preceding literature tend to take an absolute position in handling the influence of culture on technology and innovation. It is imperative to make the conceptual developments and assorted observational findings of the relationship with culture on technology and innovation.

The female Asian culture and society have endured the concept of men portraying women and adjudicating their value based on physical characteristics. The “male gaze” encompasses objectifying women as erotic images. It is within this background that the communities criticize the presence of beauty pageants and any substance or products that are utilized in beautification altogether: while also strengthening gender roles and male supremacy. For that reason, the cosmetics users have been using Artificial Augmentation (Intelligence Augmentation), or IA, which is another conceptualization of artificial intelligence. Its emphasis is on enhancing human intelligence instead of replacing it. By using the augmentation software and apps, the human intelligence aids in improving human decision-making functions in the confines of the client’s homes as they also place orders and purchases online.

Marketing Information System

The features of the literature review reflect on the aspects that will positively impact the marketing of the products and services of House of Bellezza. They represent the ways that the entity can become more appealing and sufficiently serve a wider customer base. It is important that the organization utilize marketing information systems (MKIS) to determine the feasibility of different decisions that are made. MKIS, not to be confused with Management Information System (MIS) which is an information system used for administrative, organization, control, breaking down, and conception of data in an organization (Boaden & Lockett, 1991).

The tool should be used to gather, analyze, and interpret market information. The data should help streamline marketing activities by generating useful information. In the process, House of Bellezza will be able to make better marketing decisions and influence better performance across the company.

Marketing information system, just like the management information system (MIS) seeks to design and support marketing decision making. Jobber (2007) states that it’s an arrangement in which the promotion of a product or service is collected, kept, investigated, and disseminated to the decision-makers in concert with their informational requirements on a consistent basis. Furthermore, a complete Marketing Information System can be defined as a set structure of events and procedures for the systematic, strategic assortment, investigation, and demonstration of data for use in creating promotion decisions (Kotler, et al, 2006).

One of the most important benefits of IT-based MKIS is the capability to measure a company’s market atmosphere more efficiently, precisely regarding client relations, to support managers and salespeople in accomplishing their marketing objectives. In most cases, the MKIS interprets the buyer’s purchasing conduct thereby allowing the company not only to understand their present desires but it can forecast their future needs more clearly (Speier and Venkatesh, 2002). Quinn and Rohrbaugh (1983), promotes four main reasons, in considering the notion of organizational effectiveness as it relates to MKIS as a concurrent validator: 1. stability 2. employee centricity (internal process dimensions), then 3. flexibility and 4. organizational efficiency as (open system dimensions). The grade of efficiency prevails on the principal standards of the organization’s condition and its significances. However, it is difficult for any company to simultaneously excel under all the above-mentioned attributes. During the execution of IT-based MKIS, they can radically transform the role of the marketing purpose and fosters the degree of customer positioning while enhancing the measures, customer service, and, eventually, the capacity to revolutionize. Executing these MKIS strategies necessitates that the administration holds on to the control of the organizational re-engineering that is brought about and synchronously encouraging frankness and inspiring personnel to take ingenuity by encouraging decentralized decision making (Nakata & Zhu, 2006).

The study of organizational theory literature has focused on understanding the concept of organizational marketing effectiveness. Quinn and Rohrbaugh (1983) have increased the broadest acceptance primarily because the organizational marketing effectiveness originates from the following three factors: the organization’s principal emphasis, its framework and the goals it follows. Rendering to this prototype, the three factors, when combined, generate four “scopes”: a. the human relations scope, b. the internal process scope, c. the open system scope, d. the rational-goal scope. Quinn and Rohrbaugh (1983) differentiate the first two from the latter as the better pair.


The global cosmetic industry is only getting bigger and more lucrative. The growth necessitates expansion in cosmetic marketing. The emphasis on the expansion is on using digitization and digital channels. The constraints that House of Bellezza has faced are majorly based on the quality of products and strategy for expansion. The expansion process makes it essential to consider the theory of international trade as it focuses on business operations across foreign regions. The theory of internalization also factors in the study as it governs the financing of the elements associated with the research problem. The literature shows that there is a lot of opportunities that the company can utilize to ensure that it is able to enhance its marketability. The core of the problem is associated with the stature of organization in that small and mid-level organizations are more likely to face challenges in effectively marketing products and services to consumers (Krugman & Obstfield 2006).

The main concepts in the review are established on enhancing the marketing of beauty products with respect to product and process improvement. From the discussions, it is evident that numerous factors play a role in the process of marketing cosmetic products. The nature of the product is instrumental in attracting consumers. This feature affects the ability to market the products. Digital developments have proven to be the backbone of the progression of the company and beauty industry. The impetus is on assessment of all possible technological and innovative developments that can positively impact product development and subsequently the marketing process. Product development is important in ensuring high product quality which translates to higher capacity to market the products. The diverse resources applied in the research provide varied insights that can utilized to inform on the study (Krugman & Obstfield 2006).

The distribution channels are critical to the success of House of Bellezza. The different channels offer specific advantages to the organization’s businesses as they are distinctive in nature. The use of selective outlets is more beneficial and suitable for this company. Nonetheless, the use of multi-channel distribution for beauty products should serve as the main factor regarding product distribution. Consumers respond to variety of channels at different points. In addition, the lack of products at specific points where consumers are likely to make purchases can result in substitution of the company’s products with another. This is a significant point as consumers tend to pick convenience over brands in many cases. The use of multi-channels is also beneficial as consumers who shop across various channels are likely to spend much more compared to customers who shop through a single channel. The traditional retail chains are still the main form of distribution of cosmetic products thus they should factor substantially in the business operations of House of Bellezza. All these factors provide knowledge base and perspectives that should play fundamental roles in addressing the research problem, which is that; House of Bellezza, has stalled globally in recent years, and the results have been a decline in the growth rate of the entity (Wang, Li & Cheng, 2016).

The constructivist or interpretive paradigm was most appropriate for the review. The essence was in the fact that there was no solution to the research problem but rather the reality was based on the interpretation of various aspects that are relevant to the problem. The paradigm provided the best outcome as it allowed the investigation with basis on the knowledge and experiences to have a better understanding of the situation. The research on marketing covers a wide scope which features variety of ways to go about solving problems. It thus can’t be limited to a single reality. There is dependence on background research and the perceptions of individuals to address the problem at hand. Qualitative method was important in the process as it fostered collection and analysis of information on the subject. Pragmatic paradigm also had significant implications on the study. It was able to factor substantially as it focuses on what works. The point of benefit in this case was the research on aspects that are relevant to the problem. It enabled collection of information on ideas and options that are effective in finding feasible solutions to the research problem. The weakest paradigm was positivism. The basis of this paradigm was non-essential to the review as it is ideally established on a single point of view basis which limits the possible solutions to the research problem.

Method and Design Literature

To highlight the methods and designs used by researchers, Moon (2017) conducted a study that involved a publicly available secondary data set and quantitative method. The research was a reflective descriptive observational study using quantitative methods to analyze secondary data. The instruments used in the research included a subset of items, such as the medical records section, to identify, monitor, and track developing trends related to health communication, health information technology, and information exchange. The main instrument was a survey.

Michaeli (2013) utilized questionnaires and surveys in his non-experimental design study. The non-experimental research is a descriptive or correlational study. The researcher described the relationship between two or more variables, and they did this without interfering with the data. The two instruments; the questionnaires and the surveys were used after the informed consent forms were understood and signed.


The theoretical foundations are International Trade and the theory of Internalization. Clearly, this research has its own limitations. One cannot deliberate that they lessen its influence meaningfully, however, future research can straightforwardly confront the issues. The complexity of cosmetics must be explored with delicacy. Explicitly, two issues are of concern. The first area of focus is the expanse of the study on the cosmetics industry. Although the choice to do so replicates the extensive implementation and application of Information Technology (IT) at the end of this research, it restricts the simplification of the discoveries to other sectors. Hence, the first direction for further research is to examine the structure and the properties of the proposed measuring instrument in the Effective Commercial Tactics in Global Marketing.

This research has explored an independent evaluation of MKIS usefulness. While the literature is a general indication for a solid correlation between the impartial and individual valuation of effectiveness, it would be prudent to reproduce the research in other industry sectors and national backgrounds, to have a strong conclusion principally in the structure of the assessment of MKIS effectiveness measurement tools. The tools are essential for the measurement of the research as indicated in the next chapter. Lastly, the empirical studies literature was reviewed to explain what methods, designs, and instruments were used in prior research.


Marketing activities influence the performance of an organization in the market. They affect the level of success that is attained over the course of time. The success is reflected by the profits that a company is making and the market share which pits the company in question against its main competitors. The performance of House of Bellezza has stalled in recent years and the results have been a decline in the growth rate of the entity. This is mainly an organizational and departmental issue. The overall performance of the organization has not been as impressive of late which means that there is need to pay attention on this factor. It is vital for the whole organization to accomplish the desired objectives for growth and development. The problem is also departmental as this facet is where the focus is. The idea is in the connection between the marketing activities and the performance of the company.

There is need for investigation on how various marketing activities can be used to propel the company towards the right direction in terms of growth and progression of its businesses. The company requires the integration of technological and innovative developments to improve the operations within the marketing department. Otherwise, it is entirely possible that performance may worsen with the competition making aggressive moves all over the industry. Larger organizations such as L’Oréal and Unilever have been continually dominating the market while smaller entities such as French Girl Organics keep making ground. It will potentially be devastating for House of Bellezza not to put necessary measures and initiatives in place to promote the marketability of its products and services.

The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore how technology and innovation can be applied in promoting the marketing performance of House of Bellezza. It will utilize the case study design to gather information about research. The focus will be on incorporating the input of organization stakeholders, industry experts and secondary sources in the compilation of the study. The research aims to address the concepts and ideas that have already been explored in relation to the subject. It also looks to cover the areas that have not attracted much attention with respect to the role of technology and innovation in the beauty and cosmetic industry.

This chapter establishes the methodology that is applied in conducting the research. It provides insight into the research design and the relevant methods used to achieve the objectives of the study. It covers the population involved in the study, the sample and sampling procedures, and the instruments of data collection that factored in the process. It also includes the assumptions, delimitations and ethical assurances involved, and touches on methods for data collection and analysis.

Research Methods and Design(s)

The methodological features of this study are secondary data, questionnaires, and interviews. The secondary data will be retrieved from the company literature and online footprints. For the methods used, the questions that are formulated for this case questionnaires and interviews are reviewed by an expert panel for validity. A qualitative method is the superlative approach for this study, to obtain an in-depth data collection from multiple sources (Creswell, 2018). A panel of marketeers at Deloitte was used to do a validity the designed questionnaire and the interview questions. The response applies effectively as it helps examine different cases that are relevant to the objective of the study. The questionnaire and interview become the cases that are integral in effectively addressing the research problem (Harrison et al., 2017).

For this research, a case study design was used instead of a sweeping statistical survey has been used to study the particular research problem: lack of success as reflected by little profits that a company is making and the market share which puts the company in question against its main competitors. According to Yin (2018), “the process has been given careful attention [;] the potential result is the production of a high-quality case study” (p. 199). The design is often employed so that it narrows down a what is normally wide-ranging field of research into straightforwardly researchable examples. The design is also convenient for challenging whether an explicitly the theory and or model will work in the real market. When much is not known so much, the design allows for an environment that explores more on the phenomenon. A variety of methodologies can be applied and rely on a multiple sources of data collection to examine the research problems. The design can strengthen the previously known researches while exploring new territories (Yin, 2018).

The focus of the problem is on assessing the potentiality of improving the marketing aspect associated with House of Bellezza and the beauty and cosmetics industry. The marketing sector integrates a myriad of factors or elements that influence its development and progression. The main problem been the lack of success as reflected by little profits that a company is making and the market share which puts the company in question against its main competitors fosters the research to base its findings on enhancing the marketability of the company’s products and services. As such, the utilization of the questionnaire in this research enables the incorporation of various perspectives that can positively influence the marketing facet of the company through targeted questions (Harrison et al., 2017). It allows the use of various sources and methods of collecting data (Yin, 2018).


The research mainly focuses on the information that different stakeholders of the company provide in addition to the relevant details collected from external but reputable sources. The respondents are drawn from the stakeholder groups. The research incorporates the owners or management, different employee groups and the shareholders. The employee groups are based on those from the marketing department and those from other sectors that are directly involved with the sales and distribution. The management should provide the general details on the performance of the company. This includes secondary data of the organization and a comparison with the main competitors within the industry (Hair Jr et al., 2019).

Part of the population will entail some members of House of Bellezza leadership. It will be essential that a member or members of the board and the management of marketing sector take part in the study. The shareholders will provide an outsider’s opinion regarding the improvement of marketing and the use of marketing information system (Hair Jr et al., 2019). This factor will promote the feasibility of the research. They will have an important role in helping realize the research needs and in provision of general information that should aid in developing the study. Other participant population will be drawn from the employees that work in the marketing or marketing related departments of the organization. The significance of these respondents is in the fact that they work in focus and are therefore well informed on the nature of operations and possible ways of improving the department’s performance. The employees will form a huge part of the population due to their relevance. The key characteristics among the population is that they are closely associated with the organization and are well-versed with the issues and progress that have been observed and achieved over time. Their input is vital in fully understanding the nature of the organization and where the improvements can be made. They ideally provide an analysis of the status of the organization. Moreover, they help establish the premise for the research. They will provide insight on the issues that marketing is facing.

The other part of the population will include industry professionals with vast experience and knowledge on marketing of cosmetic products. External sources of about five experts should be effective in informing on the steps that the organization, or other beauty companies for that matter, can take in enhancing their business practices related to marketing. The main characteristic is that they have the know-how and probable ideas that should serve well in sufficiently reaching the outcomes of the project. It was moderately challenging to get all groups of stakeholders to participate in the research. However, it was more challenging to get the time of individuals in leadership positions. The schedules were quite tight thus the time for taking part in the study could be very limited.


The sample size is established on gathering information that is representative of the general population under research. The population in this case is made up of the stakeholders of House of Bellezza. The initial step in the plan is to define the sample that will be utilized. The research will mainly center on the unit of interest which is marketing section. However, it will also include participants from other units or groups. The study does not require the involvement of the whole population. The total sample size for the study will be 20 participants. These will come from the four groups mentioned, which includes employees, managers, owners, and shareholders of the organization. All participants will complete the questionnaire. Out of these participants, five will participate in a follow-up interview to expand on their original answers, if they volunteer to conduct the follow-up collection. The knowledge of the complete population of the organization is integral as it ensures there is no sample frame error in the research process (Cruz & Tantia, 2017).

The sample size is mainly based on the cost of research. Large sample sizes are more accurate but also more expensive (Taherdoost, 2016). The size provides a relatively high level of significance as it is focused on feedback from stakeholders associated with the same organization. This situation makes it more likely to collect accurate information from the group of individuals as they virtually will be addressing the same area of focus. The margin of error is low. The sampling methods will entail a combination of two non-probability methods. Convenience sampling will be key as the schedules of the stakeholders may interfere with the interview plans (Taherdoost, 2016). As such, the availability of members from the sampling groups will determine the final participants from the groups. Additionally, purposive sampling will be applied regarding the choice of participants (Ames, Glenton, & Lewin, 2019). This is because some of the choices will rely on the judgment of the researcher. The role of using both methods is to maximize in choice of participants while also minding the convenience of their participation (Taherdoost, 2016).

The company has approximately 300 employees globally. The sample participants of 20 individuals forms a conducive proportion which is just about 10% of the whole. The follow-up interview will consist of at least five participants and no to exceed 10. A proper sample population should not be much more or less that this fraction of the whole (Cruz & Tantia, 2017). The sample is not too small which is a crucial factor in avoiding the inclusion of disproportionate number of respondents who form part of the anomaly. The essence in this case is in getting a fair image of the whole population and organization (Cruz & Tantia, 2017). The sample is also not too big as this would make the study quite complex and will virtually hinder the completion of the project. It would otherwise be too expensive and time-consuming. Such big samples are integral in ensuring there is high degree of accuracy, but they are not appropriate for the project because of the said reasons (Cruz & Tantia, 2017).

Given that the focus is especially on the marketing sector of the company, the sample population is more representative. The project does not necessarily require the contribution of persons working in other departments. Their input may be valid but it’s not certainly requisite because of the scope of the study. The target population is relatively small as a result it is essential that the sample size is relatively big. The participants will receive an email that invites them to the study and explain what’s the purpose of the study, the inclusion, and the informed consent form.

Participant recruitment and interaction. The recruitment process is solely based on persons associated with House of Bellezza. The criterion is quite general as it entails consideration of one’s position within the company. The participants should fall into one of the four groups of participants/stakeholders earlier established. The participants possess the characteristics required in the target groups. The objectives of project have a narrow focus thus the requirements for participants are also narrow. The recruitment process will be straightforward as a wide range of members across the organization is fit to actively participate in the study (Ghauri, Grønhaug & Strange, 2020).

The process of recruitment will take place in conjunction with the management. The

leadership will send memos to stakeholders which will notify them of the impending research.

The initial contact with the leadership and subsequent agreement to carry out the study within

their premises will serve as part of recruitment. The availability of the representatives for the

management will be gauged at this point. Specific members of the stakeholder groups will be

requested to participate through e-mails or phone contacts. The interaction will take place

through online platforms or through various means of communication through

electronic devices.


The study will majorly rely on data that will be collected from the secondary data, questionnaires, and interviews. The information will chiefly come from the employees and leaders of the company. The instruments in place measures the behavior and the noteworthy judgment on the part of the participants or a rater. Inter-rater re-liability is the extent to which the participants are steady in their verdicts. The different research protocols, methods, procedures, and instruments are utilized. The sources will be accessed through various databases. The main databases are the Trident University Library, Google Scholar and EBSCOhost. The search for relevant material entailed use of appropriate key words to match the right sources. It would be essential that the publication of the materials be within the last ten years. The significance of the sources will be in the informing the objectives of the study. The purpose will be to access data that will help answer the research questions. The reliability and validity of these sources are virtually assured. The databases feature quality material that meet the required standards. The articles and research work are peer-reviewed and are collectively published by legitimate entities or organizations. The data is relevant to current times and is directly associated with the elements defined in this study.

Secondary data. This first instrument to be used will be secondary data. From the onset of approval to collect data by the IRB, secondary data will be collected at the same time the recruitment email would be sent for questionnaires and interviews. The data that will be collected for observation and analysis would come from the website, company printed materials, and industry experts. The data that would be provided for access by the Director will include official distribution, marketing, and archived research data. The general trend that the Director verbalized to the researcher on a telephone call was a downward trend since 2018, granted that most companies suffered the pinch of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic thereafter. The marketing and distribution data would establish the improvement or lack thereof of the use of technology and innovation. Lastly, the archived research data would help in the development of codes and themes in the analysis of data. The data would be from previous populations and samples that could not be accessed firsthand. The prevailing datasets would be collected from already collected sources such as follows.

Books. Books provides the bases of the technology and innovation that has been researched the beauty and cosmetics industry. When books are judiciously selected, they form a reliable source of trustworthy data that can be valuable in formulating expertise themes and literature review.

Published Sources. The published data that is available from peer-reviewed research on technology and innovation will aid in the genuineness of the data generated for analysis. The already available expert data shows the trend of technology and innovation. The published data is expected to be retrieved and collected from printed or electronic i.e. the company’s website and social accounts, with accommodations from the Director as permitted.

Unpublished Personal Sources. This data is not readily available as compared to the published data. The source only become accessible with permission from the Director. The permission was granted through the Letter of Intent (see APPENDIX A). The product management team of House of Bellezza has been conducting customer feedback to evaluate customer behavior when they did a product launch. That data helps in the codes and themes during analysis. This data will be collected from the customer service department, which has collected the primarily data to improve client experience.

Websites. The data on the company websites is normally used for marketing and promoting the organization, the data is mostly biased. The biased data from websites is not always validated but can be cross referenced against other sources for accuracy for better analysis. Information will be used to compare with the competitors that are advanced in technology and innovation. The website is also used as a platform to collect secondary data about technology and innovation. Such data like the innovative products that has been invented so far, the type of technology in use for distribution and any other outliers on creativity.

Government Records. Government records has very significant and reliable secondary data. They information contained in the sources is useful in marketing, management, and research purposes.

Questionnaires. The other method the questionnaire. A 25-question instrument that are targeted to collect data to explore how technology and innovation can be applied in promoting the marketing performance of House of Bellezza. The questions would take an average 2 minutes to answer and the questionnaire would take a cumulative one hour. The whole process would be required to be completed within two weeks from the time of signing the Informed Consent Forms. There are a good number of ideas that could factor well in improving marketing, and the use of the same said questionnaire approach allows the incorporation of the ideas and initiatives that are applicable with respect to House of Bellezza. The design helps in examining the complexities associated with a given questions and, in the process, provides insight on how possible solutions or developments can be applied in the respective organization (Harrison et al., 2017). The understanding of the accounts that offer solutions to the problem is privy to developing a complete research on the subject. In conjunction with the questionnaire, the study is appropriate as it helps adequately address the research problem and the objectives (Li & Liu, 2020). Particularly, the research uses literature review as it is instrumental in including various cases studies which jointly help in understanding and problem at hand and possible solutions (Yin, 2018).

Before a participant can provide the data, they must be fully informed and are aware of the research study. The participation is without coercion and the participant can pull out of the program anytime they feel uncomfortable or wish to without any fear of bad consequences. This aspect is a major part of the essence of using cases found in literature review approach as it enables the use of various methods in accomplishing study objectives (Yin, 2018). The questionnaires will give respondents opportunity to respond to relevant questions in advance of the application of second method or option, which is interviews (Maxwell, 2016). Questionnaires will be a relatively quick way of collecting information especially because there is no need for direct contact with the researcher. The questionnaire will be emailed to the participants who would have signed the informed consent forms. They are effective in gauging the opinions, attitudes, and perceptions of the participants (Maxwell, 2016). The questions in this research will have open-ended, to foster an in-depth collection. The participants can also volunteer for an interview after the questionnaire.

Questionnaires will form an important part of the study. The focus of the instrument will be on gaining deeper perspective from the respondents. The key step in its development is to determine the information that the questionnaire should collect (Opie, 2019). The research questions provided the basis for the questionnaire. They provided the focal point for developing other questions that were integrated into the questionnaire. The type of questions formed an important consideration. For the study it is essential to use different styles thus the questionnaire integrated both open-ended questions and dichotomous type questions. Another essential consideration in the development of questions for the questionnaire is the order. The order ensures that there is logical flow of questions (Opie, 2019). The questionnaire first provides an introduction and explanation of purpose of questionnaire. It then provides details on use of the data, the incentives, and an estimate of timeframe (Opie, 2019).

Interviews. This method is essential as it provides direct access to the interviewees and the feedback they provide. The information provided through the interviews and the outcomes are generally credible and reliable due to the direct contact with sources. Interviews thus forms an integral form of collecting data. They are especially important in gaining some perspective on the background of the company and the area of focus which is marketing and marketing systems (Li & Liu, 2020). The research interviews in this case will be conducted over phone or through internet conference calls like Zoom or Skype for convenience.

The third methodology will involve collection of information from texts. The texts will provide substantial data on cases that feature responses directed towards addressing the marketing aspect in House of Bellezza and the beauty and cosmetics industry. The texts, both primary and secondary sources, will provide details on the possible solutions for the research problem (Maxwell, 2016). They will provide insight on the most suitable direction to follow in dealing with marketing and marketing information systems in the company under focus.

The interview questions were developed with emphasis on the research objectives and questions. The questions were tailored on aspects that were relevant to House of Bellezza, the beauty and cosmetics industry and technology and innovation. The questions are mainly open-ended, and they were designed from the questionnaire. The approach to develop the questions was rather focused on broad picture but just enough to allow gaining perspective on the beliefs, opinions, and knowledge of the participants (Castillo-Montoya, 2016). The procedure for carrying out the interview included introduction of researcher, the purpose and subject of interviews. The next step will entail terms of confidentiality and interview format (Castillo-Montoya, 2016). Time factor will also an important consideration. The process was recorded using a tape recorder in conjunction with notes. Interviews will be majorly applied in the process of collecting information from the participants. Different types of interviews will be utilized. Structured interviews will involve administration of questionnaires verbally. This is an essential method as it efficient but may lack depth. Semi-structured interviews will help increase the depth by covering key questions that address the scope of the study (Castillo-Montoya, 2016). This will provide more wiggle room for the research and will allow the collection of more data.

Expert panel review. For reliability of the instruments, the researcher reached out to four experts at Deloitte Marketing Division. All experts have a minimum of MBA, with two of them holding a doctorate in Business Administration. The two with DBA have published and reviewed some marketing materials. They also are part time lecturers at local Universities. They suggested and helped in the structuring of the questionnaires and advised to use the same said questions for the interview. The questions were constructed to be open-ended for a better in-depth collection. The other panelist suggested to get secondary data, which will serve as a reference for the research questions. The panelist also advised not to ask leading questions as this will tannish the data. The advice, suggestion, and recommendations were followed.

Data Collection

According to Bhandari (2021), the ways for collecting the data using the three explorative methods would be as follows:

Secondary data. The data would be accessed through exploration of the relevant sources. The sources provided the information that answers the research questions i.e. RQ1- how can technology strategies be implemented to improve the marketing performance of House of Bellezza? RQ2- how can innovation strategies be implemented to improve the marketing performance of House of Bellezza?

The initial step in data collection involves examination of organization data from the companies printed materials, website, and social media platforms which serves as the basis of assessing the use of technology and innovation in the organization. To ensure ease of access, the data is collected with the help of the Director, Customer Services Manager, Project Manager, and the product management team. The data to be collected lays a background and benchmark needed for the formation of codes and themes. The website and online presence will be revealed by the practice of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic, as well as exposure of the brand. The data online would initially measure search engine optimization (SEO) and how it may improve the search engine’s ranking quality and thus the satisfaction of web visitors (Berman & Katona, 2013). The data collected from online would include but not limited to; how relevant is the content, how regular is the content updated, and online descriptive and keyword metadata. Furthermore, the researcher will look at the title metadata, which is responsible for the page titles shown at the top of a browser window and as the headline within search engine results.  Data will also be collected from the company’s social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. The company has printed marketing brochures and product launch promotion pamphlets that is also sources of secondary data. Information collected through this method provide knowledge on the status of the company. The data collected carries information that will be pertinent to gather with the questionnaires and interviews in the triangulation process later. The information that the researcher will be looking for includes the policies, technology/innovation procedures, creativity trends and cosmetic trends from the competition. Online footprint and printed materials currently have flagship products i.e. luxury perfumes, House of Bellezza signature bee venom cosmetics line Benom™. The data is relevant to the direction that can be taken to address technology and innovation as they address the problem of lack of success as reflected by the financial downward trend the company is making, and the market share which puts the company in question against its main competitors. This data collected is mainly be qualitative. The order of sequency is gathering the information on all provided printed material, then going on the company’s website, and social media.

For future data analysis, the collection and evaluation tool to be used in secondary data is the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of the company. SWOT analysis gives perception into a company’s activities beyond what the secondary data to be collected shows.

Strengths will include the flagship of the company such as the proprietary Beenom and the high-end luxury perfumes. The data will expose loyal customers and the potency of its products permits the company to charge more than its competitors.

Weaknesses will expose how limited the distribution network of HOB is. The other data the researcher will collect is evaluating the exclusivity of sales to high end market and the limitation of technology and innovation within the company.

Opportunity. That market gap is an opportunity for HOB. While new product lines are a great opportunity, the rising demand of cosmetics requires an efficient distribution network expansion. The researcher will be able to ascertain what type of opportunities is HOB taking advantage of.

Threats includes the aggressively growing pool of competition and rising use of technology and innovation by the rivalry. The researcher will also investigate the two conceptual frameworks as it relates to the use of the international trade and MNC rising labor costs.

Questionnaire. The purpose of this questionnaire is to explore Effective Commercial Tactics in Global Marketing at House of Bellezza (HOB). The participation of this collection would be voluntary. No personally identifiable information will be collected. Submission of this questionnaire is a follow up to the informed consent. This method will start by the recruitment process which involves emailing the recruitment email to all employees (see Appendix B). After the participants will be recruited to at least 30, then they will be educated individually about the informed consent. Then the informed consent forms, (Appendix C) will be signed in preparation of the questionnaires. The informed consent for the questionnaire will solicit for volunteers to do a follow-up interview. The participants will be given a two weeks’ timeline to compete a 5-part open-ended 25-questions questionnaire (Appendix D). When the initial invitation doesn’t attract the desires 30 participants, there will be a contingency plan put in place. The plan is to repeat the recruitment for another 2 weeks. Once the at least 30 recruit participants are received, then the collection period closes or when second timeframe ends then the recruitment process ends. After which an email will be sent with the questionnaire attached. When the questionnaires are filled and answered, they will be e-mailed for processing.

Interview. Human participation is initiated by an invitation through the recruitment email. To capture the data using the interview method, the participants will sign the informed consent forms first. After that, telephone, Zoom, and Skype interviews would be conducted. There’s no physical contact with the participants in observance of the Letter of Intent (APPENDIX A) from the Director, which stipulates strict COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and also local government directives aimed at preventing/reducing the contamination and spreading of COVID-19. To fulfill the interview protocols the following requirement are to be met. For the volunteers that would have volunteered for the interview process, the interviews would be scheduled for the Phone/Zoom/Skype with a portion of the Informed Consent that concur to audio/video recording. There is interview protocol that are set in place to ask the questions (see Appendix E). The participants would be reminded at least 24hrs before the interview. The interviews would take about an hour, recorded, and transcribe in real time for accuracy and effective collaboration in Voice Meeting Notes an iPhone App. is an artificial intelligence (AI) program designed to record the voices, extract the notes, and transcribe the audio in real time. It uses speech-to-text dictation, that allows the generating of transcripts of audio and video recordings. Otter voice notes allows the synchronization of the notes into the Zoom Cloud recorded meetings. After the questioning process comes the conclusion of interview/follow-up questions of participants. Finally, the transcription and recording will be stored for accuracy and further analysis.
Data Processing.

After the collection of the data, the same needs to be stored well without chances of leakage and exposure of the information. All three methods; secondary data, questionnaires, and interview would produce data that would be safeguarded and uploaded to Dedoose to prepare for triangulation analysis. This examining of the data that would be collected from the questionnaires and interviews done to distinguish any errors and or omissions to prepare for the readiness of the following procedures like tabulation. In this stage the editing would be done to check for accuracy, consistency, uniformity, completion (or the data is at least usable) and acceptability for tabulation and organized for smooth coding.

This stage is essential for a better foundation for efficient analysis. Coding decisions were taken at the designing stage of the questionnaires and interviews. The coding process/operation allows the data/response to be organized into classes/categories according to the class in which they fall. Classification or categorization is the grouping of characteristics of data that appears similar. The classification is done for comparative purposes, and the data would be arranged for analysis and generalization. Dedoose software is to be employed to summarize the data for a proper foundation for analysis.

Processing would describe the setting, subjects, and themes in a bid to reorganize the information to build more sense for interpretation purposes. It will involve searching for interconnections and patterns. The final step will be to build a thematic network to enhance the understanding of the concepts or issues involved (EvaSys, 2018). The key themes revolved around the current state of the company and industry and the direction that should be followed. The three instruments; secondary, questionnaires and interviews would be processed to set up the scrutiny and analysis of the data

Data Analysis

Braun and Clarke (2006) states that there are six stages to the thematic examination for data analysis. Getting acquainted with the collected data is the first stage in the data process. The following stage would be the one where preliminary codes are formed in the Dedoose software. Then comes the exploring of the themes. The process includes but not limited to rearrangement, and organizing codes based on the participant’s answers and feedback. From there, patterns are formed. After which, the data is reviewed from the answers in the established themes. Then comes the identification and defining of the themes. By then, most of the themes would have formed a relationship. Then comes the final stage which is reporting the data results. Since the data is analyzed from three different methods; secondary data, questionnaires, and interviews: for reinforced research finding, the data goes through triangulation.

For the analysis of the data, in assessment, qualitative research deals directly at getting answers to questions like “hows” and the “whys”; that gives the important in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. In qualitative analysis, the initial action will be data management and will include familiarization with data, software, and functions such as logging in, screening and cleaning data. The process will then involve examination of different data types after which it will be essential to run descriptive statistics (Russell, 2014). The step will be used to summarize features of data sets through application of various measures (Russell, 2014). The running of inferential statistics will follow. This will be based on the capacity to draw conclusions appropriately beyond the immediate information. It will be critical to ascertain that the right statistical sets are utilized. The last step will entail looking for statistical significance from the outcomes (Russell, 2014).

The first step in analyzing qualitative data will be the documentation process which will entail going back across all original data from various sources, comparing the information and recording the observations. It will be vital to streamline the data after completion of the research. This will involve separation into categories and themes (EvaSys, 2018).

The data will help understand the current state of the marketing efforts of House of Bellezza and the impact on the performance of the organization through the secondary data. The questionnaires would be analyzed to interpret the outcomes of the research. Finally, the interviews that would have been recorded would be reviewed during the data analysis phase. Collectively, the information points out to the need for improvement and will further determine the best course of action for the organization in terms of improving or transforming its marketing capacity.

Secondary data. Once this data is stored and ready for a qualitative data analysis, the data transcripts are read several times to recognize and categorize themes that appears from the secured data. That type of coding is called emergent coding (Ma, Hyman, Lindsay, Phillips, & Seamans, 2014). The secondary data carries themes that would be pertinent to the research. Using the Braun and Clarke’s process steps on the secondary sources, the following are the steps to be taken to analyze the data.

First would be to familiarize with the secondary data. During this stage the researcher would examine the policies data, procedures, trend data, and marketing data probing for patterns of meaning. The analysis will begin as the researcher starts to search for these patterns. The patterns are picked during the process of collection of the data. Transcripts will be prepared in a similar format to the other two methods to create an environment of uniformity for analysis. As the familiarization of the data takes place, the researcher will be getting acquainted with overlapping words, interludes, appearances of repeating words then recording reflective notes.

The second stage would be to generate initial codes that are picked from the website, social media, and company printed literature. The Codes are “the building blocks of analysis: If your analysis is a brick-built house with a tile roof, your themes are the walls and roof and your codes are the individual bricks and tiles” (Braun & Clarke, 2012, p. 61). The secondary data will be systematized into meaningful groups. The codes will be organized using a ‘theory-driven’ system manually and/or by means of Dedoose software.

The third stage will be the searching for themes to collate the individual codes and sifting through the data. The collated data extracts would allow for the construction of themes to provide clarity. The arrangement of the codes helps to develop a thoughtful meaning of the themes. At that point in time the researcher will document the themes.

Then comes the reviewing of themes stage in which there will be a build up to the into final themes. In this fourth step, there will be the restructuring of some coded data extracts. The preliminary thematic plan will be polished throughout this phase. So, generating the themes so that the codes would start to form patterns would be the next stage. The themes started pointing out solutions to the research questions. Then that would help in comparing the datasets to find consistency in the data. The themes helped in the triangulation, write up and the reporting.

Questionnaire. After the information has been stored about each questionnaire, the process that seeks to highlight recurring themes and words that were then collated together for analysis begins. Immediately after, the codes that were created started to form patterns to create themes. The themes started pointing out solutions to the research questions. Then the themes are reviewed and ready for triangulation. The analysis of the questionnaires will follow the steps of Braun and Clarke as follows.

The 25-question questionnaires data will be compiled to get familiar with the data and searching for patterns from the participants. The questionnaire is divided into five different categorize. As the answers of the questionnaires are tabulated, the notes are transcribed for accuracy and emergent codes are developed. The transcription would help in the generation of the codes phase.

The phase of generating initial codes will be next by taking the repeating phrases from the entire questionnaires then prearranged into meaningful clusters. The coding framework is fed in the Dedoose Software. Using the software, a report would be documented for the codes were generated. This will lead the researcher to the next phase.

The searching for themes emanating from the individual codes that have been collated from the questionnaire initiates this phase. The themes will not arise inertly because the researcher will actively interpret and reporting them. There will be a deliberate consistency and transparency from the data of the questionnaires that will be submitted. about the choices made.

Then comes the reviewing of the themes that will build the final themes. The step will comprise of the reorganization of the coded data extracts to create a preliminary thematic map. The process will include going through the data again to narrow down the key phrases. As the process is repeated, the researcher will place related keywords together and form into ranked well-organized themes. From there, the themes would be ready for the compilation with the other two methods: secondary data and interviews for triangulation.

Interview. The interview process will be carried out as the last method. Like the other methods, the data will be analyzed the same way, as far as highlight recurring themes and words that were then collated together for analysis.

Having familiarized with the data from the questionnaires, part of the participants on the interview would have taken part in both methods. The first assignment after collection and processing comes the reading through of the whole data set and deliberately involve with the data to search for patterns of meaning. The process of the interviews would see the researcher taking transcripts connecting statements of the interviewee to other data. The transcripts will be prepared in the same specific format through the Dedoose software. Braun & Clarke (2012) states that, the transcripts that are generated for the thematic analysis are not required to contain as much details of the conversations but the major points to generate codes and themes.

The next phase is to generate the initial codes by going through the interview’s transcriptions and producing codes that stands out. Any words that stick out and are relevant in the framework of the research questions will be selected. The whole dataset from the interview will be prearranged into expressive groups. After manually taking notes on the codes, the next assignment within this phase will be entries by the way of the Dedoose software

Within the software comes the searching for the within the individual codes that would have been collated. During the beginning of this phase the researcher will re-reading along the collated data quotations as the themes and sub-themes are constructed. The researcher will intentionally pull out emergent themes and sub-themes to lay a foundation for interpreting and reporting them.

In this phase of the analysis the reviewing of the themes will check for the data that is in the interviews to bind them together expressively. The exercise will intentionally have the themes and sub-themes to correctly characterize the data set. The themes help in the triangulation process.

Triangulation. The last step of finalizing the collected, processed and analyzed data helped in the answering the research questions (Braun and Clarke, 2006). Triangulation is a process by which multiple methods are used to collect data on a single identical subject matter for the purpose of analysis (Flick, 2018). Data that is coming from multiple sources yields effective results when triangulated than compared to one data source. This multiple source triangulation methodological system is viable for data analysis (Yin, 2018). The validity of the research is assured since the data is cross referenced from different collection procedures. The methods to be used in the triangulation for this qualitative research study are secondary data, questionnaires, and interviews.

During this fifth phase of Braun and Clarke, the researcher will define and name the themes and specify the essence of each theme as it relates to technology and innovation to the effectiveness of global marketing. The themes will be relevant to the research questions of technology and innovation. By redefining the data, the researcher will fit the themes into the ‘overall story’ they will be telling about the data to be concise about it. That will ‘immediately give the reader a sense of what the theme is about’ (Braun & Clarke 2006: p. 93; 2013: p. 258). The themes will be confirmed during the process of renaming for an acceptable outcome. The researcher will seek the assistance of an external expert to fully develop and capture all pertinent data. There will be strong exertions invested in quality time to the theme development.

The last phase will be producing the report as part of dedicating the work to a write up. The researcher will be careful from the first phase through the sixth. During the entire development of data breakdown and thematic analysis, the researcher will be focused on the data extract to ultimately produce the report. According to Braun & Clarke (2006: p. 93), ”extracts need to be embedded within an analytic narrative that compellingly illustrates the story you are telling about your data, and your analytic narrative needs to go beyond description of the data, and make an argument in relation to your research questions.” The researcher will deliver a coherent and designed data set retaining the essence of the data that was collected.

Analysis bias mitigation. The very nature of qualitative data is nearly impossible, for the participant or the researcher to detached themselves from the data. To remain and maintain impartiality thus avoiding bias in a qualitative data analysis the following will be in place; 1). The researcher will analyze the data a multiple time to get an accurate interpretation. 2). After the research is done the participants will have a chance to review the results. 3). The use of more data sources (triangulation) instils more confidence and legitimacy. 4). Checking for alternative clarifications rule out bias and the interpretations will be stronger. 5). Reviewing the findings with experts as they may identify gaps in the argument that need to be addressed.


The main assumption about the population is that the representative sample will be suitable for the successful completion of the project. The sample will sufficiently cover the areas incorporated into the study. The essence is in the projected sample population in comparison with the total population of individuals working for the organization. The expected sample of 20 (All will be eye marked for questionnaire and then from that pool 5 would do interviews) respondents will meet the 10% mark which is appropriate for a research project. The number also surpasses sample of at least 15 which is recommended for a qualitative study (Hair Jr et al., 2019). Therefore, the population should fit the research purpose.

The participants will be open to participating and will provide accurate and reliable data for the research. They will be forthcoming and responsive to the needs of the research process. The study will provide some insight on how they can promote the business operations of their company. This factor should be a point of motivation. The participation will require consent thus willingness will factor into their decision to take part or not (Opie, 2019). They will also have the option to terminate their participation at any point while conducting the research. The questions for the interviews will be relevant and reasonable which should foster the honesty and responsiveness factors (Opie, 2019). Moreover, the information from the interviews will be confidential. The management of the relation will be instrumental in promoting trust and subsequently honesty (Opie, 2019). The relationship between researcher and the informants is instrumental in the quality of information.

The first step in the management will be identification of the appropriate group of

participants and securing their agreement. The process will enhance trust among all persons

involved so as sustain the working relationship over the course of the study (Stevens, 2013). The

application of codes of conduct and documented consent forms will help build honesty and

respect between parties. An informal interaction should help promote the association. So, should

assurances of confidentiality and anonymity regarding the involvement of participants (Yip et

al., 2016). A negotiation between the researcher and participants in the early going should enable

an understanding of what should be delivered within the capacity of the organization. The roles

of the parties will be more of a partnership. As the interaction will progress, the nature of

association may evolve from the question–answer format to where there is active sharing of

information back and forth (Yip et al., 2016).

It is expected that the study will minimize the inconvenience brought to the participants. The response by participants will require taking some time out of their normal schedules or duties therefore it is imperative that the disruption is not significant as to affect the working process. The research will be tailored to take a relatively short time. Participants will not take as much time compared to higher sample populations. The interactions between researcher and respondents will also be scheduled according to the availability of the participants or when it suits them most. The interviews will be carried out during one to two weeks. The period will provide ample time for planning and scheduling meeting times for convenience purposes.

The application of the study design will serve suitably in addressing research problem. It has the properties that will help gather in-depth information that will in turn provide the basis for answering the research questions (Yip et al., 2016). It will allow collection of information from various sources which are integral in the completing the research process. Case study enables the integration of both interviews and secondary data which are the two key sources fort this research proposal (Yip et al., 2016). The design will be effective majorly because interviews are quite conducive for collecting information from individuals with good knowledge of the facts associated with the subject of study (Maxwell, 2016). Secondary sources on the other hand also provide detailed information. Collectively the methods will allow extensive exploration into subject matter for further insight which leads to finding appropriate solutions for research problem.

A major key assumption is that technology and innovation form the best pathway for improvement of the marketing process in House of Bellezza. There are other possible ways for positively impacting the performance of the company. However, the first option that is effective is technology and innovation. It is possible that this may or may not be the most convenient means of influencing growth. Nonetheless, the proposal is solely based on technology and innovation because of the assumption that this line of thought is most suitable for the situation under study.

Furthermore, another assumption associated with the above is that the integration of technology and innovation into the processes of House of Bellezza will lead to positive outcomes. The mindset is established on the benefits of employing the services of different technological developments and making the necessary changes. There is, however, no consideration of possible failure or negative outcomes associated with incorporation of the changes. It is entirely possible that some technology or innovations may lead to losses or may not work, but the assumption is that they will work just fine.

There is also the assumption that the incorporation of technological and innovative elements covered in the literature is within the financial capability of House of Bellezza. Some of the advances require huge capital and the appropriate infrastructure which means that they might be options for companies with major financial fortitude. In this proposal, all options are put under consideration regardless of the financial needs or potential of House of Bellezza.

There are some biases in relation to the literature incorporated in the proposal. The recent literature generally emphasized digitization as the means for improving the marketing performance of House of Bellezza. Digital marketing has been widely across the sources. Many of the discussions are based on this feature leaving out other innovative ways that could apply in improving marketing. Digital marketing is arguably the preferred route regarding integration of technology and innovation within the operations and practices of a business.

The seminal and contextual literature cover general industry developments over the years with respect to technology and innovation. Rather than focusing on one aspect of technology, they mostly incorporated all major developments that have taken place over the last few decades. There is some bias here regarding the choice of material in contrast to the previous paragraph which featured the opposite outcome.

The impact of marketing information systems forms another key assumption. The description and functioning of the systems are well documented. The assumption is that they should be effective in determining how changes affect an organization. The perception follows that the systems should be able to accurately measure the way a change or development will affect the marketing performance of House of Bellezza. This point factors across all possible solutions to the research problem.


It will be essential to stick to the schedules as much as possible as any major delays could put the research in jeopardy. It will be important that all individuals involved in the study to be very cooperative in the planning and implementation process to ensure the process goes on without any hitches.

There is also the aspect of quality of information, participant also could not be honest. This is tied to the recruitment of participants. The project requires the input of personnel from different capacities. It is possible that the research could miss the right mix of participant groups. This could lead to potential inadequacies in the information provided or some important data may lack (Bern, 2015). There is a cause for concern regarding the validity of the measures that will be applied in the research. The measures provide the means of determining the associated financial information but there is room for potentially misrepresenting the variable that should be measured (Bern, 2015). It is also possible that some of the measures may not have significant value on the project. This means that the relevance to the research may be challenged depending on which perspectives are emphasized. The availability of initial data was a major challenge in carrying out the requirements of the project.

The background of the study required in-depth information on financial and marketing performance. Numerous resources provided little to no data at all in relation to the subject. A similar issue was also experienced about data on competitors. Some of the information is just hard to come by making effective analysis a problem. The number of resources with significant details was relatively abysmal. This leads to a possible concern about the accuracy of some of the information that will be used in the search process. Inaccurate data can potentially lead to depiction of the wrong picture from the research outcomes (Hair, Page & Brunsveld, 2019).

Early preparation and recruitment should help get people to accept to participate. The willingness in their participation will factor in the accuracy of the data that will be collected from them. The incentives such as application of code of ethics, confidentiality and use of relevant information should be key contributing factors (Roth & Von Unger, 2018). These elements will influence the quality of information and consequently the interpretation that follows. Accurate interpretation and valid findings require that there is accurate data in place. The code of ethics will assure the respondents of the high standards of the research and will certainly make them more comfortable to take part in it. The aspect of confidentiality will help build confidence and trust between the researcher and participants (Roth & Von Unger, 2018). All these conditions provide a conducive environment for participants to provide quality and trustworthy information which will ensure that the study is valid (Roth & Von Unger, 2018).

The study will integrate the contributions from our different groups of respondents. Stakeholders from different groups including the leadership and employees of House of Bellezza will participate in the study. The different groups of participants will provide wide array of information which will be comparable. The inclusion of the groups will make the sample more representative of the whole population. The scope of the study will cover aspects that are impactful across the whole industry. As such, the research outcomes will effectively apply to situation at hand which is House of Bellezza. The outcomes can also be applicable in other entities within the industry thus they will be generalizable.


The focus of the study is in marketing and marketing information systems. There are many factors which play a role in the marketing and marketing information systems functions. It was essential to narrow the focus to technology and innovation. This feature informed the development of the study. Technology and innovation offer the best pathway for the organization to improve the marketing of its products and services. There is high potential for success following this line of thought. Furthermore, the success has been evident in the industry. The result was that the key objectives were established on the impact of technology and innovation on marketing.

It was vital to limit the population of the study mainly to the marketing sector. Employees from other will provide valuable information for the research. However, it is the employees in the marketing sector who will provide the most appropriate basis for the sample. They work directly in the department therefore their input should be more reliable overall. This was also an important step as it helped limit the number of participants to more manageable levels. This factor helped make the sample more representative according to the needs and requirements of the study.

The use of case study presents some potential limitations in that the participants may not necessarily be representative of the whole population (Harrison et al., 2017). This could mean that it could be challenging to establish cause and effect in some cases. Case study design also presents challenges in generalization of outcomes. There is potential for the results not to be generalizable which will affect the validity of the research (Harrison et al., 2017). The outcomes may not be applicable to the rest of the population. The design may be biased with respect to the role that the observer plays in the research process.

Ethical Assurances

Research ethics protect the dignity of participants and publication of research data.

Ethical guidelines impact much of the research process (Resnik, 2015). The use of questionnaires and interview questions are established on well written queries that avoid biasness and are not misleading in any way. The participants will have the full right to leave any aspects unaddressed or withdraw from the study if they wish so. The participation will be voluntary, and no harm of any kind will come to the participants. It will be important that all the information be gathered anonymously, and confidentiality be upheld through and through. Confidentiality will be enhanced through protection of the records, documents, and other files. Once the data is collected it will be stored securely through password protected means whereby the researcher will be the only one with access (Roth & Von Unger, 2018). After the study is completed, the material will be destroyed. The interaction with participants will also only feature the areas relevant to the project (Resnik, 2015).

Trident Institutional Review Board (IRB) process. The data collection will abide by the core requirements of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) review process. The design of the study will follow the guidelines that have been established by the IRB board. The aspects of the research will essentially be based on satisfying the main requirements. The main points will be ensuring there are minimal risks to the subjects, there is protection of their privacy and the informed consent should meet the regulations that have been established by the review board (Jackman & Kanerva, 2016). The process of establishing informed consent will entail the provision of written document to participants. The document should contain all relevant information on the research work. Their signature will be the approval for participation (Roth & Von Unger, 2018).

The goals for the IRB process are to protect human participants in research and to support

the methodology applied through review and approval of submissions. An IRB application was filed to make sure the participants were protected and they information was protected as well. (see Appendix F). The staff gets to review the submissions and determine the level of completeness and appropriateness based on type of review (Jackman & Kanerva, 2016). A comprehensive IRB review type can be applied for the research with the integration of the expedited review process. The expedited review will be done instead of full board review. The emphasis of the review process is on the qualification of

research. The process follows specific factors that determine where the project should be

classified for review (Barchi et al., 2014).

The IRB is that administrative body that seeks to protect the subjects that are recruited for research purposes. The IRB is responsible for going over, preceding to its beginning, because all research involves human participants. The IRB protects the well-being, human rights, and confidentiality of the same said human subjects (Jackman & Kanerva, 2016). 

To formally protect the human subjects, there are documentations that and entities that are in place so as not to abuse the subjects. The letter of intent (LOI) is one such document that introduces the researcher, their intention, to include but not limited to the problem they want to solve and generally seeking the institution’s support for the research. The IRB protects both the researcher and the human subjects. The informed consent is the procedure in which a research participant is communicated to and agrees to willingly participate in a research study. The chief component of the process is to have an ethical conduct on human subjects. Participant confidentiality relates to the way the subject’s information is handled. The information is expected not be disclosed to individuals without authorization. At the time of the process of the informed consent, the research subject must be informed about the steps taken to safeguard their confidentiality. The data protection is some form of guaranteeing of an individual’s right to privacy (Kaiser, 2009).

There are various decisions that the review can make based on the quality of the project. The dissertation may be approved as submitted in cases where changes will not be requested. In this case the research will proceed upon reception of the approval letter. In case there are changes that are needed, the project will be classified with reference to the levels of revisions required. This may be major or minor. The project can also be approved but with specific stipulations that should be met going forward. Other options include deferment of the research, suspension or termination and outright disapproval. The board can also return it without review. All these options are undertaken with reference to the requirements of the review.

The approval period is established according to the time of the review and approval by the IRB committee. The main elements under consideration will revolve around the risks to subjects, criteria for selection of the subjects and the application of informed consent. Other considerations will be safety and protection of subjects, and the issue of conflict of interest (Roth & Von Unger, 2018). The project will have to meet all criteria to qualify for approval. The requirements are integral in ensuring there is optimal ethical standards of practice.


The chapter provides a detailed account of the methodology for the research and all features that are involved in the process. The design utilized in the research is case study. The design is suitable for several reasons including the ability to be apply qualitative research, and the use of multiple research methods. The study was essential in amassing significant amount of information on the subject and in the process highlighted the key aspects that are help answer the research questions. The project uses three different forms of data sources and instruments of data collection. Secondary sources are fundamental in informing the use of the studies, qualitative and methods in research. Interviews and questionnaires are integral in collection of information from the participants. The use of the multiple methods is essential in achieving study objectives.

The information on the population of the participants is quite useful. In this regard, different groups of participants among the stakeholders are depicted. Employees, the leadership, and shareholders from the key groups of participants. The recruited population for the research will be approximately 30 respondents that will represent the organization’s total population of about 300 workers. The study will use two non-probability sampling methods which are convenience and purposive sampling. They provide the suitable basis for sampling in this research. The process of recruitment, interaction, and management of relationships with the participants is an instrumental part of the chapter.

The questionnaires and interview instruments are key sections under methodology. There is details on the use and development of different sources and instruments which are the secondary sources, questionnaires, and interviews. These elements are essential in effective data collection which then allows processing and analysis. Qualitative analysis is incorporated in the assessment of data. A step by step was provided on the qualitative methods. The analyzed data then went for the final stage of triangulation. Triangulation provided a three-source data analysis for a more reliable report. The chapter covers the assumptions associated with the research. It ends with discussion of the limitations, delimitations and ethical assurances which factor in the development of the study.


(note section should be 10 – 20 pages)

[Begin the discussion with a brief overview of the purpose of the research study and provide a brief overview of the chapter. Organize the chapter around the research question(s). Review the APA manual and published, peer-reviewed, empirical research articles for examples of how to report results of various research designs.]

Note: If changes are made to instruments after proposal approval, through an expert review or pilot study, explain the changes made before explaining the results. Ensure the updated version of instruments are provided in the Appendix.

The purpose of this qualitative case study has been to explore how technology and innovation can be applied in promoting effective strategic global marketing performance in the cosmetics industry. Utilized in the study are designs to gather information about the global research. The focus has been on incorporating the input of organization stakeholders, industry experts and secondary sources in the compilation of the study. The research addressed the utilization of technology and innovation in enhancing the marketing performance and benefit in the market share of the global cosmetic industry. This study has layed a foundation regarding the gap of improving technology and innovation strategies related to marketing of the beauty and cosmetic industry. It will also set the stage for further research.


[Data analyses – Report results without discussion (interpretation, speculation, etc. appears in the next section):

The results are from a total of twenty participants who have direct participation with the marketing, sales, and distribution in the House of Bellezza (HOB) organization. The contribution of the research consisted of two directors who are the founding enterprenuers, members of management from the four countries as part of the multinational cooperation (MNC), and the employees from the organization.

1. For Quantitative analyses,

a. Give appropriate descriptive information,

b. Present the results in a logical fashion, answering the research question(s)/hypotheses as stated and appropriate to the type of data collected,

c. Identify assumptions of statistical tests and address any violation of assumptions,

d. Make decisions based on the results of the statistical analysis (for example: Are the results statistically significant?). Include relevant test statistic and p values.

e. See the APA manual regarding how to present results in text, tables, and figures,

f. Present sufficient information so the reader can make an independent judgment regarding interpretation.

2. For Qualitative analyses

a. Present results logically and in a way that answers the research question(s) by distillation steps of the discernment process,

b. Present sufficient information so the reader can make an independent judgment about your interpretation,

c. Review published articles that use similar designs for examples of how to present qualitative, thematic findings,

d. Ensure that no potentially identifying information is published.

3. Mixed Method include all the above.

Note: Triangulation of data should be explained in this section, if applicable. Tables and figures, where appropriate, are necessary and referred to in the text. Ensure compliance with APA format of tables, table titles, figures, and figure captions. See APA, 6th ed, Chapter 5 for guidelines on displaying results.]

Evaluation of Findings

[This section is used to briefly report what your findings mean. The discussion will be expanded in Chapter 5. Interpret results considering the theory (or theories) and/or the conceptual framework(s) you have identified. Describe whether the results obtained were expected given the literature and provide potential explanations for unexpected or conflicting results. Take care to avoid drawing conclusions beyond what can be interpreted directly from the study results.]


[Discussion summarizes key points presented in Chapter 4.]


(note: section should be 10 – 20 pages)

[Begin the discussion with a brief review of the problem statement, purpose, method, limitations, and ethical dimensions, and conclude the introduction with a brief overview of the chapter.]


[Discuss each research question and draw logical conclusions. Note: support all conclusions with the research findings and avoid drawing conclusions that are beyond the scope of the study results. Discuss how any potential limitations may have affected the interpretation of the results. Place the results back into context by describing how the results respond to the study problem, fit with the purpose, demonstrate significance, and contribute to the existing literature described in Chapter 2.]


[Present all recommendations for practical applications of the study. Note: support all recommendations with the research findings.

Present recommendations for future research.]


[In this section, summarize all key points in Chapter 5.]

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