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Module 6 – Home

Integration and Reflection

Modular Learning Outcomes

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Upon successful completion of this module, the student will be able to satisfy the following outcomes:

Reflect upon and integrate course concepts.

Participate in a Discussion in which you will reflect on course concepts.

Course Overview

As your study of this course content draws to a close, it is important to step back and reflect on new levels of understanding, skills, and knowledge that you developed as a result of your efforts throughout this course. It is particularly important to reflect on the course outcomes (what you were intended to learn in this course).

Course Outcomes

Differentiate various kinds of data sources and their properties and evaluate their quality and utility (Module 1).
Explore data and variables to describe and visualize important metrics, identify meaningful patterns within data, and draw conclusions from the patterns (Module 2).
Generate effective business intelligence through coordinated assembly, selection, manipulation, and presentation of data (Module 3).
Critique available organizational data and its applicability to deliver insights for given business situation (Module 4).
Create basic data analytics models to predict and prescribe decisions and actions for complex business problems (Module 5).
Reflect upon and integrate course concepts (Module 6).

Module 6 Assignment

Participate in a Discussion in which you will reflect on course concepts.
Prepare and submit a Reflective Essay.

To close out this course, proceed to the Module 6 Discussion forum and then the Reflective Essay.

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Module 6 – Reflective Essay

Integration and Reflection

Your Module 6 Task

Prepare a Reflective Essay in which you address each of the following items:

Discuss what you have learned in this course, and how you may use such tools in your research.
Please describe something you may be interested in testing, and how you would sample for this task, test your hypothesis and do so in a scientific and ethical manner.

This Reflective Essay is a required course component (but not part of your final grade).

Upload the essay when it is completed.

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Table of Contents.html

DOC670 Applied Statistics for Research (WIN2021-1) – Module 6: Integration and Reflection
1. Home

2. Essay

Week 6

· What did you like most about this course and what would you like changed?

· Discuss how this course has helped you in the dissertation process.

After responding to the Reflective Discussion above, please complete an anonymous 

Course Evaluation Survey

. Instructors are not able to view course evaluation reports until after the grade submission period is over. Thank you for your feedback.

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