Diversity and Learning Environments Reflective Essay


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s classroom leaders, teachers have many opportunities to encourage everyone to respect people of all backgrounds and abilities, and promote a positive classroom environment that supports learning and decreases disruptive behavior. Teachers should reflect on their own values and beliefs in order to understand any underlying effects these beliefs may have on their instruction and interaction styles with students. Such awareness can help teachers be more objective, have more empathy and understanding of others, and set the tone for a respectful and cooperative learning environment.

Prepare a 750-1,000 word reflective essay on the topic of diversity and learning environments. Within your essay, address the following:

  • Describe personal frames of reference regarding cultural, linguistic, and gender differences.
  • Reflect upon how your personal background and frames of reference can, however unintentionally, create bias in your relationships with students and families, how you design instruction, and the classroom environment you promote.
  • Describe specific ways to decrease potential bias in your classroom, including ways to incorporate your students’ abilities, interests, and cultural and linguistic backgrounds into the learning environment.
  • Review the “Integration of Faith and Work at GCU.” Using this as a guide, discuss how Christian values align with establishing a multicultural classroom that demonstrates and teaches how to respect people of all backgrounds and abilities.

Support your essay with 3-5 scholarly resources, including the “Integration of Faith and Work at GCU” article.


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s a university, we believe that the message of Jesus Christ
bears profound implications, not only for individuals, but
also for society and the ways that we as individuals live
within it. The Lord Jesus instructed His followers to live

as salt and light within society, which implies a call to live out our lives
in ways that contribute to the common good. We are convinced that
this call extends to the workplace and that our respective vocations
represent vital opportunities to glorify God by serving others in ways
that promote human flourishing. Therefore, by God’s grace, we seek to
distinguish ourselves as a university by instilling a sense of vocational
calling and purpose in our students, faculty and staff in accord with
the following principles:

WE BELIEVE that God’s Word speaks authoritatively about creation,
fall and redemption as well as the restoration of all things through
Christ Jesus. Therefore, we are convinced that the Christian
worldview offers hope of restoration, not only for individuals, but
also for families, communities and societies in which individuals live,
work and serve one another.

WE BELIEVE that God the Almighty created the world, placed
human beings within it and blessed them by making them responsible
for cultivating and caring for creation. Therefore, we are assured that
our work within the world matters to God and our neighbors, and
that we honor God by serving others in ways that promote human

WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is both Savior and Lord and that all
who follow Jesus should seek His Kingdom and His righteousness
in relation to all aspects of human experience, including culture
and society. Therefore, we have resolved to carry out our work
within the public arena with compassion, justice and concern for
the common good.

WE BELIEVE that Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection secured
abundant and eternal life for all who believe and that Christ
transforms all that we say and do. Therefore, we are convinced that
Grand Canyon University should positively impact those who study

at, work for and live near the university in ways that accord with the
teachings of Jesus Christ.

WE BELIEVE that mankind was originally created in the image of
God and given responsibility over creation, but that all have failed to
fulfill their God-given purpose and responsibility. We believe that God
redeems and restores men and women in Christ, creating them anew
for the good works He has prepared them to do. Therefore, we are
confident that the work we do is a part of God’s calling on our lives
and a means by which we can glorify God as we meet others’ needs.

WE BELIEVE that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is essential for
salvation and that the work of God’s Spirit in the human heart
invariably results in renewed purpose and the growth of Christ-like
love for neighbors and neighborhoods. Therefore, we are certain that
God is working to restore the broken lives and communities of this
fallen world through the collective gifts, talents, skills and resources of
those who have been transformed by the power of the gospel.

WE BELIEVE that salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone and
involves redemption of the whole person. Therefore, we are convinced
that the Christian life must involve compassion and care, not only for
the spiritual needs of mankind, but also for basic physical needs that
stem from poverty, oppression and injustice.

WE BELIEVE in the spiritual unity of all believers in Christ and that
evangelism and societal engagement are duties of the Christian life.
Therefore, we are devoted to demonstrating the love of Jesus together
as we share the gospel message and shape society according to the
principles of His Kingdom.

WE BELIEVE that the gospel message denounces evil and injustice
while offering hope for reconciliation to Christ and the restoration
of human culture and society through Him. Therefore, we recognize
and embrace the potential of human work for furthering the greater
good and strive to further the good of the culture and the society
through education and the embodiment of biblical principles related
to goodness and justice.

“Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our
hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!” (Psalm 90:17).


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