Diversity and Culture


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In this assignment, you are the game show host for the Diversity game (attached PowerPoint).

Gather two or three friends or family members as contestants. If you have more, divide them into two groups. Use a piece of paper to keep score and print the second page of the presentation to mark which questions were incorrectly answered. 

1. Open the PowerPoint Diversity game. Start the Slideshow to begin.

Read these instructions to the teams:

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  • One person (or team) will randomly be selected to choose the first question category and level. Once a question is read aloud, all person (or team) will debate the answer. One team will raise a hand or use his or her assigned team noisemaker when the team is ready to answer.
  • I will call on the first team to respond. If they answer correctly, they will receive the number of points indicated, and they will choose the next question category and level. If their answer is incorrect, I will call upon the second team and so on.
  • In the event that no team answers the question correctly, I will give the correct response. The team that chose last still has control of the board and should choose the next question.
  • Scores will be recorded and the winner announced at the end of the round. There will be one round of 25 questions (or two rounds of 25 questions each if you also play Double Diversity).

2. Once you have the “board” displayed, and the first team has selected their question, click one of the cells to reveal a question.

3. To return to the main board, click on the “Diversity” icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

4. If the game is close, use the Double Diversity board.  To advance to the Double Diversity board, click the logo in the top-right (above “The Amazing Race”) of the main game board. This will take you to the Double Diversity! board (Board 2). 

After playing the game, discuss with the contestants why they believe they missed some of the questions.

Write a 500-word essay that evaluates the game play, your thoughts on why questions were correctly and incorrectly answered, and what you learned from the game. 

Assignment – Part 2:

Select three of the following five prompts.  Write a response of at least 300 words for each of the three prompts:

  • What was one of your earliest experiences concerning race? Describe the experience, how you felt, and how the experience was handled. If you could rewrite that experience, how would you change it and/ or how it was handled?
  • Explain the concept of “best practice” and what it means in the context of diversity strategy. What are the challenges of developing and implementing best practices? What are the potential benefits?
  • What are some of the ways that Pitney Bowes has aligned its goals for diversity with a market-driven approach to meeting its customers’ needs? Be specific.
  • What is/are the common theme(s) between the Bowman exercise and the Miner article?
  • Review the author’s list of 46 examples of white privilege. Critically evaluate which of these indicate white privilege and which might be artifacts of other forces (market forces, personal choice, etc.). 

 Submit both Assignments in the same document.

Assignment Expectations:

  • Length:

    1400-1750 words (5-7 pages); answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner

























The Amazing

JUDAISM: #2 links to slide 14 rather than question slide 13; #5 links to slide 22 instead of slide 21.
CULTURAL SYMBOLS: #2 links to slide 36 instead of slide 35; #4 links to slide 40 instead of slide 39.
THE AMAZING RACE: #2 links to slide 46 instead of slide 45; #4 links to slide 49 instead of slide 50; #5 links to slide 52 instead of slide 51.

This was the first state in the U.S. to recognize the marriage of two people of the same gender.




This term refers to the fear and hatred expressed toward people identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.




This symbol from WWII was used by the Nazis in concentration camps to identify gay males.


Pink Triangle


This 1968 riot in New York City’s Greenwich Village marked the beginning of the lesbian and gay rights movement in the United States.


Stonewall Riots


This terms refers to a person who identifies and lives as a member of the opposite gender.




The majority of Christians worship in a church and many Muslims worship in a mosque. Followers of the Jewish faith worship in this edifice.


Synagogue or Temple


Not mixing milk and meat because it is forbidden by Jewish law is an example of this type of Jewish meal preparation.




Observant Jews may leave the office early on Friday afternoons to celebrate this holy observance.


Shabbat or Sabbath


This holiday is considered to be the Jewish New Year.


Rosh Hashanah


The mystical teachings of Judaism, made popular by Madonna and Britney Spears and symbolized by a red string bracelet, are known collectively as this.




This is the second most common language in the United States.




This world organization has six official languages for business: English, French, Spanish, Arabic,
Russian, and Chinese.


United Nations


Between 1000 and 1500 languages
are spoken on this continent.




While English is used to conduct all federal government proceedings, this country has never designated English as its official language.


The United States


This language surpasses English
as the most widely spoken
language in the world.


Mandarin Chinese


This symbol of gay pride was created in 1978 by artist Gilbert Baker. It is generally flown in lesbian and gay pride marches worldwide.


Rainbow Flag


This symbol, used by the Nazis, was actually used for more than 3000
years by cultures across the globe
to represent sun, power, strength
and good luck.




While the color white is used in weddings in many cultures, it is also used in this ritual in many Asian countries.


Funerals (mourning)


This textile, originally from Ghana, has come to represent pride in
one’s heritage in the African American community.


Kente Cloth


This Hindu symbol is applied to a woman’s forehead and is said to strengthen concentration and protect the spirit of the wearer.




Their history of slavery has made
the road to full equality a
laborious journey.


African Americans


This Civil Rights icon prompted the Montgomery, Alabama Bus Boycott when she refused to give up her seat on the bus.


Rosa Parks


Created in the pan-Latin melting pot of New York City in the late 1960s and early 1970s, this musical genre is based on rock, jazz, and Latin American musical traditions.




This American city boasts the
largest percentage, about 66%, of Asian Americans.


Honolulu, Hawaii


According to the Human Genome Project, human beings of all “races” are genetically alike by this percentage.






























Here Comes
the Judge
Cane & Able
Women In
U.S. Culture

HERE COMES THE JUDGE: #10 links to slide 64 instead of slide 63.
ISLAM: #4 links to slide 76 instead of slide 77; #10 links to slide 82 instead of slide 83.
WOMEN IN THE WORKFORCE: #6 links to slide 88 instead of slide 89; #8 links to slide 90 instead of 89.

This law protects women from losing their jobs after taking maternity leave.


Family and Medical Leave Act


This law makes it illegal for work organizations to discriminate against anyone born in another country or with a different ancestral heritage.


Title VII of the Civil Rights Act


Policies against sexual harassment, as a form of discrimination, have been developed in work organizations as a result of this law.


Civil Rights Act of 1964


This is one form of discrimination
not covered by the
U.S. Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission.


Sexual Orientation, Weight, Height or Social Class


This man, who later became a Supreme Court Justice, presented the legal argument in the historic 1954 case of Brown vs. the Board of Higher Education, which ruled that racial segregation in schools is unconstitutional.


Thurgood Marshall


This piece of legislation enacted in 1990 provides equal access for people with disabilities.


Americans with Disabilities Act


Discrimination based on an individual’s or group’s perceived socio-economic status is referred to as ….




This condition affects a person’s ability to read letters and numbers, often distorting the image making it difficult to read.




This non-verbal language has just
as many cultural variations as
spoken English.


American Sign Language


This breed of primate has been trained to assist quadriplegics with day-to-day living.


Capuchin Monkey


This holy text of Islam is believed to
be the word of Allah given
to Muhammad.


Koran or Quran


According to religious teachings, Muslims are required to pray this number of times per day.




This city is said to be the ancient birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad and is the most revered city for Muslims.




A yarmulke is to the Jewish religion as this headgear is to Islam.




The five pillars of Islam are Salat (prayer), Zakat (almsgiving), Ramadan (fasting), Kalima (creed), and this, which translated into English means Pilgrimage.




This term refers to prejudice or discrimination based on gender.




In 1981, this woman, appointed by President Reagan, became the first female Supreme Court Justice.


Sandra Day O’Connor


In 2009, women comprised this percentage of the United States workforce.




According to the U.S. Department
of Labor, men comprised 8%
of the workforce in this traditional female occupation in 2009.




In what year were men first outpaced by women in the number of baccalaureate degrees they earned?




This religious group in the United States is known for their horse-drawn buggies and rejection of electricity.




This term is used by the U.S. government to classify people who come from a Spanish or Spanish-speaking background. It should not be confused with the terms Latino and Latina which refer to people from Latin America.




These Americans hold the view that people should live in harmony with the natural world.


Native Americans
(American Indians)


Evidence indicates that these workers tend to be more involved in their jobs, have higher morale, and are less likely to leave their organizations.


Older Workers


This major cultural group, comprised of many subgroups, has experienced rapid population growth in the U.S de to high birthrates .


Hispanic Americans


JUDAISM: #2 links to slide 14 rather than question slide 13; #5 links to slide 22 instead of slide 21.
CULTURAL SYMBOLS: #2 links to slide 36 instead of slide 35; #4 links to slide 40 instead of slide 39.
THE AMAZING RACE: #2 links to slide 46 instead of slide 45; #4 links to slide 49 instead of slide 50; #5 links to slide 52 instead of slide 51.
HERE COMES THE JUDGE: #10 links to slide 64 instead of slide 63.
ISLAM: #4 links to slide 76 instead of slide 77; #10 links to slide 82 instead of slide 83.
WOMEN IN THE WORKFORCE: #6 links to slide 88 instead of slide 89; #8 links to slide 90 instead of 89.



This exercise is a fun way to learn about diversity with friends and family. It is patterned after the gameshow Jeopardy.

Goals of Diversity!

· To enable people to test their knowledge of some aspects

of diversity in an engaging way

· To learn about diversity and its wide-ranging subject matter

Time Required

A single round (board) of Diversity! can be completed in a 50-minute class session, while a 60- or 75-minute session will accommodate more discussion or two rounds (both boards) of the game.


The Diversity PowerPoint game attached to your class.

Pre-game Preparation

Open the PowerPoint and select Slideshow>>Start from Beginning. Practice moving back and forth between the questions, the main board, and the Double Diversity board.

1. Once you are ready to play, have the “board” displayed and click one of the cells to reveal a question.

For best results, do not click directly on top of the point designator. Click again and the answer is revealed.

2. To return to the main board, click on the icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

3. To advance to the second board click the small DIVERSITY logo in the top-right of the screen. This should take you to the Extreme Diversity! board (Board 2).

4. You will likely want to familiarize yourself with all of the questions and answers that appear in the Appendix at the end of these instructions.


You may wish to hand out low monetary value prizes, like candy or pencils, to

Your contestants either as they answer or at the conclusion of the game. (Your commitment to diversity may be established by providing “diverse” prizes such as chopsticks, or Turkish delight). Prizes of any sort add to the spirit of fun in the classroom.

Game Play:

Read these instructions to the players:

· One team will randomly be selected to choose the first question category and level. Once a question is read aloud, all teams will debate the answer. One team will raise a hand or use his or her assigned team noisemaker when the team is ready to answer.

· I will call on the first team to respond. If they answer correctly, they will receive the number of points indicated, and they will choose the next question category and level. If their answer is incorrect, I will call upon the second quickest team that responded, and so on.

· In the event that no team answers the question correctly, I will give the correct response. The team that chose last still has control of the board and should choose the next question.

· Scores will be recorded and the winner announced at the end of the round. There will be one round of 25 questions (or two rounds of 25 questions each).

· Randomly select a team to choose the first category and level. Display and read

the question they select and call on the first team indicating readiness. You are the judge of whether they answer correctly. If they are correct, have them choose another category and level.

· If no team answers correctly, you should give the correct response and allow the last team that chose to select the next question. For longer classes, move on to the second screen of questions once they have completed the first. The game can be stopped at any point.


If the game is close, use the Double Diversity board. To advance to the Double Diversity board, click the logo in the top-right (above “The Amazing Race”) of the main game board. This will take you to the Double Diversity! board (Board 2).

After playing the game, award prizes and discuss with the contestants why they believe they missed some of the questions.

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