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The purpose of this forum is to research and write a 600–750-word rough draft for the Thematic Integration of Faith and Learning Paper, which will be submitted in Module 6/Week 6. Review the Thematic Integration of Faith and Learning Paper Instructions. You must relate course concepts to specific biblical examples of coaching in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Cite sources, including the course texts and scholarly sources, and include a reference list in current APA format.


  • Hunt & Weintraub: chs. 1–2
  • Underhill et al.: chs. 1–2



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Organizational Concepts

Kathy Greggs

Liberty University


Organization refers to a dynamic process which involves identifying and grouping the tasks to be undertaken, elaborating and delegating the authority and responsibility, and initiating viable relationships for the sake of cohesion among the workers in order to work more effectively in achieving certain goals and objectives (Palčič et al, 2020). There are varieties of key concepts relevant to better understanding of organization operations methods. The organizational structures follow certain concepts which help to study and analyze the key roles of an organization. To promote efficiency within an organization a number of concepts should be incorporated. Some of the important organizational concepts include chains of command, delegation, work specification, span of control and decentralization versus centralization (Luppa et al, 2016). This paper seeks to delve on major organization concepts, their descriptions, significance, and the problem solved by implementing the concept.

Work specification

Work specification concept in an organization is relies on the basic principle which states that efficiency among the employees is improved when the employees are allowed to specialize. It is also referred to as the division of labour (Lalic et al, 2017). Therefore, work specification refers to extend to which tasks in an organization are diversified into separate jobs. Work specification is significant since it improves the efficiency and effectiveness within an organization. This is because of the extensive nature of work specification such that employees major in a single task. Therefore, the job appears to be small and workers perform it more effectively. Nevertheless, many organizations tend avoid this concept because too much specialization makes the employees be isolated and perform narrow, small, and boring tasks. Plus, in case a specialized worker leaves the company his specialized knowledge is lost.

Chain of command

The chain of command refers to specified line of authority that connects all persons in an organization and defines the channel and hierarchy of communication and reporting. This chain relies on two main principles which are scalar principle and unity of command (Luppa et al, 2016). Unity of command principle states that each employee is directly responsible one supervisor. Therefore, no employee is allowed to report to two or more persons, otherwise the employee may be subjected to conflicting demands by receiving instructions from several supervisors. Scalar principle refers to a precisely defined authority channel that incorporates all employees in an organization (Palčič et al, 2020). Within an organization, there should be a comprehensible and unbroken chain of command that links all people in the organization with high levels of authority.


Delegation is the art of transferring authority downwards, like from a manager to subordinate. Currently, most organizations have adopted this concept in order to maximize flexibility in undertaking organizational tasks (Lalic et al, 2017). Delegation also enhances empowerment since people have the freedom to contribute their opinion and ideas to do their jobs in the best possible ways. Thus, the involvement can enhance individual job satisfaction and improve job performance. Conversely, in absentia of work delegation managers tend to do all the work hence underutilizing their workers (Luppa et al, 2016). Delegation is essential in an organization while solving managerial work overloads.

Span of control

Span of control involves how many workers are channeled to report to one manager. In case of a manager supervising unspecified number of subordinates, the supervising task becomes apparent hence this alienate their attention to often issues such as whether the control span should be enlarged or narrowed (Palčič et al, 2020). However, for a large number of subordinates a wide control span should be incorporated. Whereas, for few numbers of subordinates requires a narrow control span. Nevertheless, the control span of management can be transferred from one department to another within the organization (Lalic et al, 2017). This concept is crucial to the organization since subordinates are allocated to a certain control span which increases efficiency and effectiveness.


For an organization to increase efficiency and effectiveness these major concepts should be put in use. Key organizational concepts such as work specification, control span, chain of command and delegation are crucial in promoting organizational efficiency and effectiveness as well as solving organizational problems.


Palčič, I., Klančnik, S., Ojsteršek, R., Lerher, T., Buchmeister, B., & Ficko, M. (2020, August). The Use of Organizational Innovation Concepts in Manufacturing Companies. In IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (pp. 73-81). Springer, Cham

Lalic, B., Anisic, Z., Medic, N., Tasic, N., & Marjanovic, U. (2017). The impact of organizational innovation concepts on new products and related services. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, (icpr).

Luppa, P. B., Bietenbeck, A., Beaudoin, C., & Giannetti, A. (2016). Clinically relevant analytical techniques, organizational concepts for application and future perspectives of point-of-care testing. Biotechnology Advances, 34(3), 139-160.

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