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Part 1: Post a Response

Imagine that, over the weekend, you attended a coworker’s birthday  party. During the birthday celebration, your coworker delivered speech.  Which one of the aspects of the speech most appealed to you?

  • Introduction and conclusion.
  • Use of direct quotes.

Provide a thorough explanation for your choice. The following is your coworker’s speech.

“I would like to first start by thanking my family, friends, and  colleagues who have honored me with their presence today. Over the  years, I have learned that there is no specific formula for a long and  prosperous life. However, I will share a few of the principles I live by  and have found valuable.

  • “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” —Winston S. Churchill (1)
  • “To be gritty is to keep putting one foot in  front of the other. To be gritty is to hold fast to an interesting and  purposeful goal. To be gritty is to invest, day after week after year,  in challenging practice. To be gritty is to fall down seven times, and  rise eight.” —Angela Lee Duckworth (2)
  • “Always be nice to the people you meet on your way up in life as you may meet them again on the way down.” —Jimmy Durante (3)
  • “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” —Yogi Berra (4)

“I hope these words of wisdom help you create lives filled with  peace, love, and joy. Thank you all for coming to celebrate my special  day, and I look forward to our next celebration!”

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Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by at least one of your peers and respond, making sure to  extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or  sharing personal connections. 

Respond to classmates post below


Good afternoon,

The  aspect of the speech that most appeals to me is the use of direct  quotes.  The use of these quotes is in direct relation to what the  coworker finds to be valuable and live their life by.  The quotes show  the importance of continuing to live whether you have success or  failure, the importance of being determined, treating others well, and  the importance of making a decision when you have a choice to make.  I  think that the quotes used are applicable to a large portion of people,  if not everyone at some point in their life.  I believe that using  quotes that are relevant and applicable to the topic is a very good way  of getting the audience’s attention and getting your point across.

Week 9 Discussion

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Part 1: Post a Response

In 2013, imagine that your friend graduated from Better Business University, and the university’s president recently asked her to deliver this year’s commemorative speech. During her meeting with the university’s president, she learned the following information about the graduates:

· 40% of the students have received job offers.

· 35% of the students intend to continue their education.

· 25% of the students are uncertain about their plans after graduation.

Based on this information, which one of the following visual aids do you think she should use to prepare her speech? Select one of the visual aids and provide a thorough explanation for your decision

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