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Respond to these 3 classmates, saying what you liked and agreed with what they wrote. 65-80 words

1. Heroin in the United States, I always knew it was a problem but a couple of those videos really put into perspective how bad it really is. For starters, the rise of heroin is mainly to blame because of how cheap it is to acquire, the video stated that smoking/injecting heroin is 3x cheaper than alcohol and other drugs, and also heroin is easier / faster to get high off. With all those facts we can conclude why the rise of heroin in American is on the up. As for the problem with why overseas they can’t control the problem is simple. Law enforcement overseas does not have the manpower or gun power to help control the issue. As for the topic, should law enforcement lure outside offenders in order to create drug stings.  My view on this is I’m all for it, If this is the way to get hardcore drugs and weapons off the streets I’m onboard. The only issue I see with this is usually the people they arrest are just some random dude off the streets trying to make a quick buck by selling drugs. Half the time when arrested they will rat and that will lead to the head kingpin but in other instances, they will not. So if we can create a force where we lure the head kingpin I’m all for it. Cocaine in the young demographics is huge, luckily for me, I’ve never had a friend or loved one do cocaine but I’ve heard of people using it. From what I’ve been told about that user is they are very erratically. The reason Miami is the epicenter for all things drugs is because It’s easier to get it in Miami than in other places. Think of all the possible ways drug traffickers can get the drugs in, some ways include speed boats, shipper containers, small flights the list goes on and on.  That’s what makes Miami so attractive to these drugtraffickers. 

2. I believe that law enforcement should be in the business of actually luring outside offenders because it would help lower the number of drugs that are coming in and also decrease the crime. A lot of drug dealers do a lot of there exchange’s in parking lots and a lot of other public places as well. With more law officers on deck the amount of drug dealers wold decrease on the streets which would shut down more drug cartels and drug dealers down because once they see that there people are being caught it will slow down there business and soon when there all caught there whole drug business will be shut down. I had a cousin that was on cocaine when I was a little girl she is now clean and has been clean for years me and my family are super proud of her. As far as someone being on crack I personally don’t know anyone. I feel like Miami is the epicenter of all things drug-related because it is close to other countries so it’s so much easier to just fly drugs over on private planes and also to come on a boat with drugs since the ride over from other countries isn’t that far. For example the Bahamas isn’t that far from Florida so you can literally go on a boat in a day to get drugs from there and come right back to Miami. 

3. After watching the following videos, I learned that heroin is still a very big issue in the United States as well as internationally. I feel like it is a drug substance that is not as talked about as marijuana is even though it is way more harmful and addicting. What I noticed is how cheap heroin is and how fast acting can be. Therefore, many people become addicted because of how accessible it is economically and how fast the effect takes place. The thing that hit me the most from these videos is how much heroin can ruin people’s lives. On the topic, of law enforcement, I think the idea of using outside offenders in order to run drug stings which happen in public places is not a great idea. The law enforcement should learn to control how to act on drug stigs instead of getting outsiders involved, I think outsiders would cause more damage since they don’t care about the community since it is not their community. A lot more violence can come from outside offenders instead of peace.Cocaine is pretty popular in places like Miami, I don’t personally know a lot of people who do cocaine, but I do know how prevalent it is for the Miami nightlife. Miami is the epicenter for drugs because we are a city that is constantly full of tourists. Miami has been known to letting illegal activities happen under their nose to keep the tourist coming, we a service city.

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Discussion 7

Answer both parts PART 1 AND PART 2



Watch the videos and read the articles/pages:

‘Heroin Documentary 2013: A Deadly Dance’  (Links to an external site.)

‘The New Face of Heroin’  (Links to an external site.)

‘Afghanistan’s Billion Dollar Drug War’  (Links to an external site.)

‘A Day in The Life of a Heroin Addict’  (Links to an external site.)

Drug Overdoses Kill 72,000 in 2017 (Links to an external site.)

Overdose Deaths By Year  (Links to an external site.)

Discuss the reasons behind the increased use of heroin in recent years. Explain why you believe the international community is unable to control the desire for and trafficking of heroin from Afghanistan?



First of all, read the short article below and watch the following videos:

Sunrise Police Make Millions (Links to an external site.)

Flashback Miami: Miami Drug Wars (Links to an external site.)

How Drugs Work: Cocaine (Links to an external site.)

Explain your views on whether law enforcement should be in the business of actually luring outside offenders, who otherwise would not be in their communities, into their communities in order to run drug stings which are often conducted in public places (malls, restaurants, etc.).

How prevalent is cocaine use amongst people you know? Do you know anyone who has developed a problem with the drug (this includes ‘crack’)?

Regarding the flashback, ‘Miami Drug Wars’ why do you think Miami seems to be at the epicenter of all things drug-related?

For those with Netflix, I highly suggest viewing ‘

Square Grouper (Links to an external site.)

‘ and the ‘

Cocaine Cowboys (Links to an external site.)

‘ documentaries for a detailed looked at the development of the drug trade in south Florida.

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