
As a junior congress person, you have been asked to help promote a bill to allow casino gambling in your state. There is much opposition to this bill. Using distributive bargaining, discuss the pros and cons which might arise toward the passing or defeating of this bill.  

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The initial post should be a 300-word limit. It should be in APA format with references and citations.

I need to reply to the other 2 classmates’ posts with a 200-word limit each. Two classmates’ posts are in the attached document.

Classmate 1:

In reference to allow casino gambling in our state, first in first i would like to state that there are many advantages to the state as well as to the people of the state. As we observe the other 18 states those which have promoted casino gambling, we see alarming increase in their revenues which would boost the state economy. The taxes which are collected from casino’s are huge and that can be used for development of infrastructures and other social activities like investing in education sectors, example New York revenue increased by 3 percent compared to its previous year when introduced in the year 2016. Here we can observe other increase in demand for real estate industry, tourism which helps in pushing local markets where the casinos are located. Secondly people of the state have many advantages as well like as follows:

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Casinos increase the employment opportunities to the locals of the state. If casinos are established, they need workers which they have to get from local areas.

Casinos not only boost the real estate industry like motels it also helps in growth of retail industry. These casinos help in increase the social interaction of people and also helps them in entertainment.

 Some of the disadvantages like anxiety issues and addiction of people to gambling.

The big problem with casinos will be no clear data and it helps some people in money laundering which is not good for economy. Casinos create an unhealthily competition among the hotels and restaurants available in local areas. Establishing casinos results in decrease sales of state lottery. States lose control over casinos proper data of transactions.

Increases local areas population may decrease the employment opportunities for locals.

Infrastructures of the state has to be developed to establish casinos which is huge capital must be invested by state

Classmate 2:

Distributive Bargaining

Distributive bargaining requires a zero-sum system of wealth allocation. Applied to political decisions, allocation deals will determine who is the winner and who was the loser of the rule. The success of one faction will be accounted for by the loss of another. Distributive bargaining is a cooperative negotiating technique in which one faction gains even if the other side sacrifices something. It is used as a bargaining tactic for the distribution of specified resources, such as money, infrastructure, assets, etc., between the parties. Gambling is risking money on an event of an unpredictable outcome, with the key objective of making money.

It’s a huge international business activity. Once gambling is permitted, it comes under the domain of gaming companies, such as the Nevada Gaming controller unit. Social sciences disagree about it, psychologists agree about it, and somebody’s parents are inclined to demand about it. It’s tremendous stress, but this doesn’t have to be that way. Participants like to bet and choose to spend, whether it is legal or not (Weir, Ashcraft, Leuchanka Diessner, McGreavy, & Vogler, 2020).

Pros of Passing the Bill to allow casinos

The standard of work and the minimum salary should be raised. Casinos can attract tourists from all over the world and generate jobs for the local community. Casinos generate well-paid workers in the goal region of $60,000 a year, increasing annual pay rates. Revenue and revenue benefits for the administration. Casino income allows legislators to prevent spending reductions or other tax increases. Casinos contribute to the prosperity of the state. They draw tourists and generate competition for several rival businesses, as well as work openings for state workers. Taxes on casino earnings, as well as workers’ wages, boost the state’s coffers.

Cons Due to Restricting Casinos in the State

There has been a spike in the rate of criminality related among gambling-addicted people. The division of the business was the key factor in the development of casinos. Casinos and casinos have always had a detrimental effect on the republican government. Individuals may become addicted to drugs, forget family and jobs. Alcoholism and debt rates are two growing forms of gambling (Barthelmess, Enzmann, Settelen, & Schärmeli, 2018).

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