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Discussion 1

Part 1:

          There are many factors that should be considered while designing the team. First and foremost, the element that managers should consider while building a team is the Commitment of the team members. I strongly believe without commitment no matter how good the skills of the team can be, it will never be a successful team. So, it is the manager’s responsibility to build the team with individuals who are fully committed to the team’s objectives and goals rather than personal goals. The second important factor to consider while building a team is trust. Trust is the willingness of the member to completely rely on another member within the team to complete the assigned tasks as expected even in the absence of monitoring (Thompson, 2014). Trust within the team always leads to high performance. So, I believe these are the two most important elements while building the team. Yes, I would choose the same two elements irrespective of face-to-face and virtual teams. Yes, I don’t have any issue hiring a female from France given that her skills are best suited for the team. Before hiring, I would like to consider few factors before hiring they are Does this person have all the skills required for the team, how much collaboration issues do we have to deal with because of time difference. I absolutely don’t have any preference towards male or female, I just look if the person is best suited for the team.

Part 2:

          Team Identity can be defined as who they want to be and what they want to achieve. I personally feel more attached to friends and family members just because of the commonalities we share. I believe there is strong trust when working with family and friends as you know them personally. I believe each of these teams has a different identity because of passion and commitment. Also, I feel conversations are more formal when dealing with work and class team. Also, the main advantage of working with friends and family is high trust as you know them personally. These are the few differences I observed with different teams.

Thompson, L. L. (2014). Making the Team A Guide for Managers, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

Gray, A. (2018). How to build a great team. Fairfield County Business Journal, 54(35), 10.

Discussion 2

Part 1:

Building an effective team is about more than finding endless individuals with the right blend of master capacities. In order to accomplish the ideal results in the group, the most critical perspective is describing the activities that should be done in the task, this will give a predominant idea, information on what measures are required, and what we can accomplish in the length of the venture. Initially, just recruiting a decent people isn’t all around ok, if you get some data about their drive style, it presumably going to hear a few of the state, “I enlist the best individuals and movements. Regardless, managing a group isn’t absurdly clear. Pioneers need to play more included capacities to guarantee the gathering capacities well together and remain zeroed in on the right needs (Daniel, (2019). Additionally, Create the Team’s Culture, since all families have values, regardless of whether they aren’t discussed explicitly. There are a few practices that are invigorated and debilitated like guidelines of the road, for how everyone will get along and invest their energy. The plan group needs to work alongside the advancement specialists in order to have the alternative to pass on drawings and portrayals in time. Appropriately, it is huge for the plan chief, site chief, and venture manager to likewise fill in as a group. (Daniel, (2019)

Part 2:

Staff ought to participate and work cooperatively to accomplish business objectives. The certainty likewise gives the energy for working alongside their colleagues, prompting difficult work, giving the correct preparation allowing the laborers to share their experience, and giving them the opportunity to settle on the choices that will adjust the group. There are various types of groups around us shaped for various reasons. I believe I’m more connected to my team, as I invest more energy with them. Each group has their own personality and have their own explanation of the group is fabricated. With the class group, we are more towards chipping away at learning and finishing tasks. For my workgroup, we are more dedicated to our task and association objectives. (Charley, (2017)


Charley, (2017) Team Identity. Journal of Team Management, 76(8)542-906. 


Daniel, (2019) Team Effectiveness. Journal of Team Identity, 66(2)987-995. Retrieved from


Discussion 3

Part 1:

Managers are not only team leaders but also responsible for hiring, creating, and building a team. A team is hired for a purpose and those require individuals of skill and talent. They need to possess technical or functional knowledge to perform their tasks and be of value to the team and organization. This means hiring the right person for the job and ensuring that person has the tools to complete the task. That implies that the individual should be able to manage the task assigned in a timely fashion and to the required specifications. This speaks directly to the interpersonal skills of the individual that reflects in their work. Interpersonal skills such as time management and communication are critical for collaboration and productivity. Other qualities are also contributing to the team such as the ability to accept criticism, being objective, enhance skills through learning. These are crucial factors that a manager should consider while hiring a team. 

Diversity is another element that is crucial and can contribute to creating a robust team. Diversity comes in many forms – informational, social, value diversity. People from different cultures and backgrounds bring their values and ideas. When their education can be different from others in the team they bring in new information on an issue. These differences can be the reason for teams to build stronger relations with each other and be more productive. Hiring a French woman for the team would enhance the diversity of the team. Not only would the team benefit from a different perspective other than the four American males but also, learn to be more accomodating to new and diverse thinking.

Part 2:

Teams are by definition a group of people brought together for a purpose. And by definition, the purpose also makes a huge difference in the behavior of the individual towards the team.In my perspective, my work team is formal and needs me to be professional towards my teammates. Whereas my class team is semi-formal relations and I can be friendly towards them. But my family and friends are an informal relationship and it would be appropriate for me to behave friendly or casual with them. 


M. Teresa Bartual Figueras, & Joaquín Turmo Garuz. (2016). Higher education and employment related skills. The point of view of employers. Revista Complutense de Educación, 27(3), 1211–1228. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_RCED.2016.v27.n3.47645

Hoever, I. J., Zhou, J., & van Knippenberg, D. (2018). Different Strokes for Different Teams: The Contingent Effects of Positive and Negative Feedback on the Creativity of Informationally Homogeneous and Diverse Teams. Academy of Management Journal, 61(6), 2159–2181. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2016.0642

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