Discussion Question 2


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Please respond to the following discussion,

American political history can be understood as a perennial battle between state power and national power. In recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic is perhaps the greatest instance of this conceptual struggle. Refer to the case analysis from the reading material

“Federalism in Action: Case Studies”.

Should more or less power be given to the national government than currently exists? Explain your answer using relevant topics and arguments (for example, debates over gay marriage, gun control, educational standards, environmental protections, COVID-19, etc.).

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Here are some key concepts that are helpful for you to draft your post: dual federalism, cooperative federalism, new federalism, The Tenth Amendment and state power, reserved powers, concurrent powers, enumerated power, Supremacy Clause.

Your initial discussion postings (250-300 words) should demonstrate an understanding and analysis of the assigned readings and videos. It may be helpful to reference the assigned material in your response demonstrating connections between your thoughts and the course resources.

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