Discussion Question


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One of the major themes of this course was the aging of the US population. By 2030, all of the baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1965) will have reached the age of 65. The aging population will also present challenges for many industries, especially healthcare. Advances in technology, particularly in medical technology, are likely to provide solutions for those challenges.

  • Based on what you have learned in this course, explain what you would consider some of the most important issues facing older adults between now and the year 2030?
  • Identify some specific areas which are being addressed now, in order to meet the challenges of a larger, older population in the future.
  • Research the use of technology in regards to services for older adults. As consumers, how will older adults benefit from new services and technologies? Identify some specific areas in which new services and technologies would be used.

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