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  1. Do you believe incarceration is an appropriate penalty for corporate crime? What about for other types of white-collar crimes? Do you believe reintegrative shaming is an effective response to white collar crime? Why or why not?

I believe that incarceration is an appropriate penalty for the white-collar crimes. People would agree that the nature of these crimes were nonviolent, but these crimes do affect victims financially and psychologically.  The damage caused by white collar crimes has caused a lot of economic damages and these individuals are treated more lightly compared to any robber due to their status, occupation, and knowledge. Depending on the white-collar crimes there should be more forms of punishments for example the falsification of financial statements which involves the accounting scheme of manipulating financial data. Since this type of fraud deceives investors, auditors, and analysts the perpetrator should face a high degree of punishment. These people should be treated like criminals and receive harsh punishments and shaming can be an effective punishment for white collar crimes. People should be aware of those that have committed the crime and learn how it happen that way those can learn how to avoid and prepare in case a similar crime happens in the future.


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